Finish the job the Jehovah's Witnesses started on you!

by Terry 37 Replies latest jw friends

    Terry: BUILD YOUR OWN DAMNED LIFE and do a fine job of it by using your MIND!

    Ah, there's the rub! What concerns many people is not the now, but fear of death. What good is a life well lived if it ends in our demise?

    Religion has offered an escape from death, a way to cheat the hangman. Our mind is capable of performing many tricks in order to achieve comfort and assurance.

    Intellectually honesty through the application of logic, may be nobler in the mind but most humans prefer to avoid the slings and arrows that destroy faith.

    Illusion is generally more comforting than reality and often the preferred choice. Cognitive dissonance is king.

  • Terry

    Intellectually honesty through the application of logic, may be nobler in the mind but most humans prefer to avoid the slings and arrows that destroy faith.

    Illusion is generally more comforting than reality and often the preferred choice. Cognitive dissonance is king.

    Humans can't value life in the here and now if they are distracted by an offer of a better life later.

    The illusion of "choice" and "alternative" are a distraction. An illicit nuisance.

    Men like Tiger Woods who have a billion dollars, a mansion and a perfect little wife are distracted from the good they have----by what?

    The illusion that they can have something "more" or "better".

    There is only one word to describe both FAITH in the hereafter and the urge to cheat on your wife.

    That word is GREED.

    Faith in God is greed.

    Terry: Faith in God is greed.

    I can see how faith could be seen as greed but personally see it more as an attempt at survival.

    Greedy Tiger woods enjoyed something that was real, although illicit for a married man. Sex with beautiful women is real and possible, not an illusion. It always costs, one way or another. He did get what he paid for and it did what it said on the tin, or whatever these women came in! Of course the sex drive is so strong because it is natures way of ensuring the survival of our species.

    I think that people believe in God because they are driven by the same natural instinct - survival or self preservation. Animals do their best to survive but do not ponder the meaning of life or death. Thinking humans suffer from the anxiety that comes with the knowledge that they will die. I have empathy for the plight that we as humans find ourselves in.

    Driven by the need to survive, the thinking mind, thinks up a way of avoiding really dying. If this life is just a shadow of the true reality, then death where is your sting? Religious men and those that have declared certain books Holy, claiming they will lead to everlasting life, make a good living selling this bogus insurance policy.

    Humans are vulnerable to exploitation by anyone who offers a service that satisfies that most basic need - survival.

  • Terry

    I once heard a psychiatrist explain suicide as the ultimate act of self-preservation.

    Counter-intuitive as that sounds, he went on to explain why.

    When all you value in life is threatened you do whatever desperate act that will preserve that value.

    A person who commits suicide stops the process that contains the threat by intervention.

    Sort of like this: "You can't fire me--I quit!" This preserves one's dignity and autonomy in the face of an insuperable event.

    In the book THE ENGLISH PATIENT the burned man takes all of his pain medication at once. It is an elective process that preserves his autonomy over suffering and slow death.

    FAITH is a form of suicide.


    You will yourself into destroying your only access to reality. You KILL your rational mind.

    This leaves you with a superstitious mind. The superstitious mind grants you the ultimate (imagined) value: LIFE without death.

    If you don't believe Faith is rational suicide just try having a rational conversation with a true believer!

    They will twist and turn and tie logic in a knot wiggling away from facing any fact which destroys their fundamental delusion!

    When the rational mind dies the self dies with it.

    SUICIDE is killing your "self."

    How do we know a person of FAITH and BELIEF has killed their "self"?

    They will smile while telling you how they are worthless sinners and corrupt wretches from birth who are willing slaves to faith.

    A SELF without value is no self at all.

    Baptism is burial of the "old self". A ritual that celebrates the suicide of the self is further proof of the delusion.

    Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate and rejoice in HAVING NO MIND OF THEIR OWN. They cannot think for themselves because it is an act of DISLOYALTY. To whom? The substitute "self", the Governing Body which is a parasite replacing their identity.

    The COLLECTIVE "self" can only replace the actual self by suicide in embracing FAITH over rational access to reality.

  • The Finger
    The Finger


    "You have absolutely no problem with a God who came from nothingness?"

    I always thought God had no beginning or end. Am I wrong?

    So he didn't "came" he just was.

  • cyberjesus

    I have been resurected

  • frigginconfused


    Just a thought for you.

    The universe is a constant spiral pattern that weaves in and out of itself. Through the seemingly randomness of things patterns can be found. These patterns reflect things we have always known in our sunconsious. When we are self aware and honest with ourselves we can recognize the rythym of things.

    I see the pattern and it says logic alone is the basis for evil. It has to be pared with love. Love alone is too messy and fizzles out without logic.

    The bible in my opinion was written by God because with all its contradictions and confusing ideas, if you look at the message it is one of pure logic brought forth by love. There is a book bound by space and time that we can all access if we let go of the physical and reach out to the spiritual.

    As far as pre-creation floating around by itself... Have you ever tried medatation to the point where you can float around not having to as-is things? nothing has to be. The perfectness of nothing is not easy to grasp. Not saying you cant grasp it. Just saying I get the idea and Im only human. Try this excersize. Sit at the opposite side of the room and look at the doorknob. How much time could you tolerate between you and the door? Slowly walk to it and touch it. Now that you got that idea... How much time could you really tolerate between you and the door.

    I have read a few of your posts. You are a brilliant man. But I dont see much connection with anything spirituall. Am I wrong? Please dont take this as an attack. You facinate me. I would like to know what made you who you are today.

  • frigginconfused

    my spelling sux

  • cyberjesus

    it does

  • frigginconfused

    cyberjesus thanks for being so agreeable.

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