Why do I feel like a Barbie???????

by babygirl30 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl30

    I said that to my therapist yesterday morning...told her that the best way for me to describe my LIFE was to sum it all up and say 'I feel like a Barbie' - cause I do!!!

    EVERY aspect of my life was controlled: what I am supposed to wear, my 'role' as a female in the cong, getting baptized, going in service, how I'm supposed to act and talk, who I'm to associate with (or not), going to meetings, driving 'certain' cars (no 2-doors), how to do my hair, whom to date and marry, blah blah blah.....

    When you add it all up - that is a BARBIE's LIFE!!! Any girl that has played with Barbie's understands that YOU are purely in control of 'her'. You pick out her clothes, you pick her Ken, you pick her car, you pick where she lives, you pick her friends, you CONTROL every aspect of that doll. So here's a shout out to Barbie...thanks for showing me how 'plastic' life can be.

  • JWoods

    Did you have a little pink Corvette?

  • Hadit

    That's a very good analogy! That is exactly how it it for witness women. It's a sick and controlled plastic environment and so far from how life should be. The harm they have done by forcing us to fit into a mold is DISGUSTING. That's why I'd say most women in the congregations are on antidepressants and are constantly sick with arthritis and all sorts of ailments. We are meant to live as INDIVIDUALS not manufactured, plastic, molded barbies with every detail of your life dictated by men - whether it be a husband, an elder or governing body.

    They have NO right to control anyone.

  • snowbird

    Plastic ... good word!


  • Heartbreaker

    WOW! You're hot! Can I play with you??

    Just was trying to say it before any of the other guys could say it first.

    I get ya on the Barbie thing, I truly do.

  • yknot

    ...... Her image is so branded into my brain......

    I feel ya....

    Hurt so bad the other day it crossed my mind to start drinking privately......

  • mrsjones5

    Can't relate. Felt more like an unwanted ragdoll from the island of misfit toys.

  • miseryloveselders

    Wheww, a Black Barbie. Can I be your Kendell ?

    A doll pretty much sums up the JW experience.

  • PSacramento

    How you seen the NEW Barbie movies?

    She kicks ass and takes names !!

    The new Barbie gives my liitle girl a sense of empowerment and teaches her soem very nice life lessons.

    And there is a lesson in THAT too.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I was going to intruduce myself as Ken, but you beat me to it............... I got it... Hey barbie... I'm GI Joe. buy you a drink?

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