Why Do Women Like Men With Hard,Tanned (cough, cough) Bodies ...

by snowbird 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • donny

    In all the romance novels, the man has a lean, hard, tanned physique.

    I saw a show discussing this on one of the science channels. A Chinese scientist noticed that whatever culture of humanity he obeserved, he noticed that the "ideal" couple is where the guy is taller in stature and darker in complexion and the woman is shorter and lighter in those areas.

    He said that many years ago he was looking at ads for movies showing in theatres and noticed that in a majority of the cases the men were darker than the women. He had first noticed this in ads featuring Euorpean and Asian actors, but when he noticed it in ads involving African and Indian actors, he figured there had to be more to it.

    In a nutshell his investigation led him to conclude that this is something in the genetic makeup of humans and probably has its origin in that men who were taller and bigger more likely were out hunting and providing for their families more and this resulted in their darker complexions.

    On the other hand, women who were in childbreaing were more likely to be out of the elements and this resulted in their fairer color. Women who could not concieve worked out on the fields like the men and became darker.

    Over time people began to associate these features as positives in the respective sexes and this became the desired traits when it came to attraction. Darker came to represent a better provider in males and lighter equated to a more fertile woman.


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hard? Body?

    "And she kept lusting in the style of concubines belonging to those whose fleshly member is as the fleshly member of male asses and whose genital organ is as the genital organ of male horses."--(Ezekiel wrote it so it must be true)

    Marvin Shilmer

  • snowbird

    Thanks, Donny.

    LOL at Marvin.

    Josie and I discussed that Scripture on the yanked thread.


  • yknot

    Donny pretty much nailed my thoughts........

  • peaches

    i could give a crap what some one looks like.....it is whats on the inside....kindness,,,humor,,,forgiveness,,,,GOD,,,i feel like i am answering at the kingdom hall....but truthfully....i like those qualities quoted,,,,,looks again,,,are the last thing on my list....

    we had this couple in our kingdom hall,,,,used to call them barbie and ken...georgous couple....big time....however,,,,2 of the saddest people you could ever meet....they were perfect in "looks" and style.....it has gotten so bad,,,,that the wife said,,,if she went anyplace alone,,,,and if he was home and not a work,,,,that he would SMELL her breath to see if she had eaten anything....(she at all times had to be thin)...

    she used to talk with me and cry.....they finally got divorced....it was awful to say the least...two "elders kids" that were suppose to have the perfect life and marriage.....give me some one with personality....FUC!! THE LOOKS....

  • snowbird
    he would SMELL her breath to see if she had eaten anything....(she at all times had to be thin)...


  • RubaDub

    It's like the old expression that mothers tell daughters: "A hard man is good to find."

    Rub a Dub

  • Cagefighter

    This thread is simply gratuitous and offends me well okay.. it arouses me and should me locked and removed. <tongue planted firmly in cheek>

  • MsDucky
    That's a cultural observation. Try being pale skinned in some South American countries where light skin is considered preferable. You have to fight them off. I know from experience.
    In fact, your observation is a modern anomaly, to be accurate. Almost universally, lighter skin was considered preferable across many cultures and "races." Darker skin meant you worked out in the fields. Lighter skin meant you were of the leisure classes.

    It's the opposite in places like Germany. My brother said the women just tried to eat him up!

  • snowbird

    Probably never saw a Black man before then!


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