Please join me in Celebrating...I'm no longer

by onemore 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    oh yeah.... I forgot about the new book...

    oh well, at least you can have fun using it as a fire starter or sumthin...

  • Lozhasleft

    Sounds like you've gotten through a difficult situation and can move on....hope so...

    Loz x

  • nugget

    My husband has never been happier since his resignation. I do feel sorry for the elders it's a hard job, no training and everyone checking that you live up to the responsibility. Your life isn't your own now it is.

  • onemore

    Lozhasleft: Once you learn the truth about the “truth”, it becomes a burden to support the Organization’s policies. At least now I don’t have the pressure to “be an example in field circus”, I don’t have to watch out for what I say from the platform, no extra meetings, I can miss the sales and indoctrination meetings without being reminded that I should always attend because I’m an “elder”, no more JC, no more politics, no more pressure to meet expectations.

    I can now work on my “fade” or switch to a mix between a fader and a lowly “publisher”. I’m in the same position that many of you are in, with family and friends that are held hostage in the WT organization. So getting DA/DF’s are not my best options for now.

  • dissed

    Congrats on joining the "I used to be an Elder Club"!!

    You will be happier, you will have more time with your family, and you WILL live longer having a stress free life.

  • Thor


    It must feel wonderful.

    Good for you!

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    So, less "priviligis"? Must be heart breaking :-)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Good job. I gave up my elder hat a while back as well. The following has become a very sweet sound to my ears during the few meetings we still attend:

    "There will be a BRIEF Elder's meeting following the program."

    ("Brief" Yeah right. HAHAHAHA.)


    I was just giving it time before making the announcement here.

    Very shrewd. I always cringe a bit when someone who wants to fade posts here and says "X was announced at my meeting LAST NIGHT".

    Oh and finally, CONGRATULATIONS!!!


  • cantleave

    Now the fade can begin. My advice - just stop going exit really quick.

  • out4good3

    You wouldn't have happened to have attended the latest Elder's School have you?

    I heard that soon, they are going to be given locally.

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