Jehovah Witnesses- True Christians?

by rich5678 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mindmelda

    Oh I get what you're saying. I've run into a few Witness wannabes who will tell you and anyone else that "it's the truth" but they don't want to live that way themselves for some reason, but they might think that recommending the JWs might give them a few brownie points with Jehovah when Armadillo comes.

    Nah, they're kidding themselves. The New System is a gated community for card carrying baptized Witnesses who go out at least 10 hours a month, auxillary pioneer at least once a year, have wet dreams about going to Bethel, never masturbate, only watch G rated entertainment and regularly kiss the elders arses for at least a full 5 minutes after every meeting, which they never miss.

    These guys are doomed as doomed can be, so they might as well just start practicing falling into big cracks in the earth along with the rest of the non-JW scum.

  • yknot

    morals are a big ticket selling point to outsiders or non-associating people (DFd, Inactive, raised/born)

    There was a time when morals were pretty decent in the congregations too (most still good in mine)

    But we are in a different world, a world where double lives are more common place.

    Beyond that is nothing more than nostalgic memories on their part...... and they are simply trying to defend their heritage.

  • moshe
    It was Rosenberg.

    What a fabulous story! Our roots do matter. I did extensisve dna tests and discovered that I have the same Y hapologroup as the Samaritan Jewish priestly class still in Israel, uhh, I also match up with the gypsies in the Balkans and likely some of the Roman soldiers who were manning the forts in Britain, which is where my family seems to have come from- England. My ancestors must had quite a tale to tell- I just haven't figured out where the gypsies are in the picture yet.

  • tec

    The reason the religion/ faith is called Christian is Christians believe Jesus is God.

    Christian means follower of Christ.

    Not everyone embraces the trinity, or even Jesus is God. Some people (like me) are comfortable only in believing what was written. That Jesus is the son of God, the spirit of Christ was with the Father in the beginning, all authority has been given to the Son, and every word and deed of Jesus is the same as if it had been the Father, himself.

    Just because people like me do not embrace things implied by scripture does not mean we cannot be Christian.


    Edited to add: I will concede that people like me are not 'mainstream' Christianity. But I was never concerned about being mainstream anything.

  • mindmelda

    It is interesting to find out that you're not completely white bread, but there's a little rye thrown in there. LOL

    My 3 kids get to claim the interesting mishmash of French, Scots, English, Iroquois, Cherokee, African (my husband), Ashkenazi German Jew, Danish, Welsh, Irish, Scots(me), at least, as far as we know.

    I think we even got all the races represented there...Caucasian, Mongoloid and, quite a feat for two people.

    My very blond blue eyed youngest daughter delights in telling people she's partly American Indian, Black and Jewish just to watch people look amazed. LOL

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    If the JWs were true Christians they would follow Christ. Instead they believe that no one can understand Jesus but the FDS. So following the FDS is just the same as following Christ. Because you can't really follow Christ unless you stop trying and follow the FDS instead. You get it?

  • carla

    Did you mean to say people inside the religion? I don't know anybody outside of the jw's who even think the jw's are Christians. Most don't know what the jw's believe with the possible exception of no holidays, no flag, and no blood. That is what jw's are known for, not for being Christian. Once you explain how jw's operate then people REALLY don't think they are Christians, they are appalled and disgusted by jw's. Yeah, people take offense when an entire group looks forward to their death, go figure!

  • awildflower

    Depends on what your definition of "true Christian" is. IMO, no, they're not "true Christians" in fact they're not even true humans! In a cult your a little robot until further notice.

  • undercover

    {undercover reaches down, picks up his well worn soap box}

    {he walks to center of room, sets it down}

    {he slowly steps up as the crowd looks on}

    {he begins his rant ... it becomes obvious to the onlookers that this is a sore subject with him}

    Per the strictest interpretation of JW doctrine, only the 144,000 are True Christians. Jesus is head of that congregation and the anointed make up the congregation. That's why Jesus is mediator only for them and not the rest. All other JWs are servants of Jehovah and can be followers of Christ but that does not make them part of the True Christian congregation. If you're not in the True Christian congregation, then you're not a Christian.

    The WTS talks out of both sides of it's lying mouth when it comes to this doctrine. They can't have their own cult members truly understand that they aren't Christian. Even they would balk at such an assertion, so they allow them to think they're Christian when in reality they aren't.

    {undercover pauses, thinks about ranting more but instead steps down, picks up his soap box and exits the thread}

  • ProdigalSon

    With over 40,000 denominations that, according to Barron's Encyclopedia, all "hate each other", what REALLY defines a Christian?

    The Bible is full of contradictions, so the Watchtower developed their OWN Bible, and they only follow the parts that fit into their dogma. So I would not call them a Christian religion, it is rather a literalized form of Masonry (derived from Kabbalah), which is what Paul (a Gnostic) meant when he referred to "milk" versus "meat". If the JW's ever got the "meat" all at once, they would have a collective stroke.

    Prodigal Son

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