Malawi Congress Party cards

by Marvin Shilmer 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    I remember reading about the atrocities and being riled up with a biblical zeal to right the wrongs!

    I was in college at the time, and was irked that Banda had at one time attended Wilberforce U - the college my guidance counselor advised me to consider.


  • undercover

    I was a kid, but I remember doing the letter writing campaign and I remember hearing the horror stories of how JWs were treated. And it was used to remind us how steadfast we had to be and that we would suffer similarly.

    I never saw the card either (that I remember).

  • JWoods

    Absolutely, Marvin. Just a real tragedy put upon those Malawi people (who had no way to know any better) by the Brooklyn fat cats.

    The cards had nothing to do with religion any more than a driver's license does.

  • Poztate
    One day I do intend to show images of these cards, along with documented history of how they were distributed and used. Basically the inside is full of blanks left for an individual to either fill-in or leave blank as they decide.

    What's the matter with today ??

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life
    Yes, Beks, the JW command here in the U.S. had practically an orgy of persecution complex over this (after they caused it themselves).

    Yes, that's what I remember also.

    I do recall hearing the horror stories at congregation meetings, and being terrified of how I would react when such persecution inevitably (per the WTS) came to the USA prior to the "imminent" Armageddon.

    I recall that also.

    And it was used to remind us how steadfast we had to be and that we would suffer similarly

    Yes, I remember. And it was terrifying to a child or even a young adolescent.

  • peaches

    the more information you can share about this,,,the better it is...for those of us too young or not in the organization at that time...i remember hearing some things about it,,,but not alot....thank you for the effort...peaches

  • maputo95

    Having lived in Malawi, I saw the cards as a mere formality and it was so unnecessary to allow JWs to suffer . Remember it was after independence and the government wanted to forge unity.

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality


    Please at least post scans of the documents you have, even if you do not have any commentary ready for them yet. There are some here who would find it most useful in exposing this topic. Thanks.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Marvin, i had a look at your blog... you state that you have many malawi party cards.

    Why have you not shared them?

    In an hour on google i find not one single image of a card. A good many of us were part of the letter writing campaign and have quite an interest in this subject.

    please scan and post some....



  • beksbks

    Oddly, I remember (I was very young) being almost..............anxious for an opportunity to prove my faith like the good brothers in Malawi. Maybe I was too young to grasp the horror, and was more impressed by the attitude of pride. Ha! Which was likely the goal! Bastards!

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