"Don't Ever Come To My House Again"...says the householder!

by mentallyfree31 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    Since I have woken up from the horrible WT nightmare 5 months ago, I have had a chance to reflect on things that have happened over 25 years. One of the things I keep thinking about is householders in the field that would become furious upon seeing me and say rudely "Get out of here and don't ever come back to my house again!".

    It always struck me as such an awful thing to say. Now I realize how SMART those people really were. I'm actually curious how much they knew about JW, and if they really knew it was a mind control cult. Did they have firsthand knowledge from family members or close friends?

    Comments? Thoughts anybody?

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Your story really struck a chord in me-- A few years back a man gave me the most effective rejection ever: He was digging a posthole at a curbside for a mailbox , I greeted him informally on my walk to the grocery store. He was pleasantly relaxed at first--until I mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses. He grew large and seemed enraged. He stretched out his arm and pointed at me bellowing "GO! GO!"

    Definitely not interested. I wondered even then if this fellow's deep, deep aversion to JWs that was not just doctrinal. This guy, hated JWs. Clearly.

    I get it now.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Yes, I get it. I've only become aware of how much I hate JWs in the past 2 years. I'd kept those feelings bottled up for decades.

  • mentallyfree31

    Thanks for the comments guys. Yes, I have seen people literally shaking and faces blushed with blood when they heard the name Jehovah's Witnesses. It's one of those things I will proably never know, but I sure would like to know their backstory and what they knew exactly.

  • metatron

    I'll try to do one better. After giving up on the Watchtower, I suddenly realized why not celebrating Christmas was the biggest issue.

    It's because it's the practical abandonment of your extended family. When else will you visit or interact with them except on a worldly holiday when everyone has a day off?


  • baltar447

    Some of these people are probably just ignorant bigots. They might also hate jews and black people, who knows? I doubt many of them even were familiar with any of the JW teachings just fear of the unknown. Also, they may be under the impression that JW's don't believe in Jesus or some nonsense.

  • mentallyfree31

    Baltar447 - i suspect you are most likely correct.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I had a recent discussion with a never-JW uncle. We had never discussed anything about JWs before. I never realized how upset he and the rest of my father's family were about my father becoming a JW. They felt like he abandoned his family and they HATED the fact that he did not celebrate Christmas anymore. It is still very upsetting to his surviving family and my father has been dead for 32 years. They HATE JWs.

  • baltar447

    Scarred, it seems that some of other religions DO hate others that leave the faith they are most familiar with. Not unlike JWs.

  • jamiebowers
    Some of these people are probably just ignorant bigots. They might also hate jews and black people, who knows? I doubt many of them even were familiar with any of the JW teachings just fear of the unknown. Also, they may be under the impression that JW's don't believe in Jesus or some nonsense.

    I have to disagree with you there. Most of the people I know who really hate the jws coming to their houses have very good reasons, and among them are:

    df'ing, the blood and neutrality issues child molestation cover ups, etc.

    Scarred, it seems that some of other religions DO hate others that leave the faith they are most familiar with. Not unlike JWs.

    I have to disagree with you again. People get more upset over the loss of the family member than the changing of religion.

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