Cheating in the Congregation

by EXMS 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rockmehardplace

    welcome and sorry to hear about what you went through. i am not surprised at what you experienced. i have heard it happen before a few times i have been around. i do know that it is alot easier to not get in trouble if a sister does see more than one person. if a brother does it, much worse. why? not sure but it does seem that way.

    where i am surprised is that you dated for three years. where i am at, from beginning to end in the courtship/dating process is frowned upon if you go past one year, two years maximum.

  • sd-7

    Wow. That's pretty frakked. Sorry to hear that. I always wonder if I should be watching my back these days. Stuff like this helps me appreciate that I should be. Scary.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    EXMS.....your feelings will only be temporary. Out of HS I was in love with the girl next door. We never actually went all the way and at that young age, I would have probably married her if she cornered me to. Her older previous BF came back to the neighborhood for a visit and the next thing you know, she's telling me that we are breaking up and she's getting back with this guy, who she ends up marrying shortly thereafter. Being young and heatbroken, I cried like a baby. However, later that evening I met a tall gorgeous blonde who came from Florida to spend the summer with her relative in the neighborhood. I nailed her that night in the back of my car and we had a great summer. Cheer up....every dog has his day.

    Think About It

  • petitebrunette

    EXMS: Sorry for your experience. I don't understand how you could be reproved for a relationship you didn't know about. How could they do that, and why? Obviously no one else in the congregation knew about her other relationship, so why the reproving? That's just crazy!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Think About It,

    I know what you mean and that you mean well, but telling someone who is heartbroken over a 3 year long romance to "cheer up it could be worse" is not very helpful.


    Welcome to the board! I'm so sorry about your experience. Good thing you found out now rather than later. Imagine being stuck with a cheater! I hope your heart heals quickly. How in the world would they reprove someone who was one timing and let the two timer get away with it? That's crazy!

  • Lozhasleft

    Hi EXMS...I'm sorry to hear this happened to you...not nice at all...I dont understand why you got reproved either ...that seems totally out of order?? I used to see that the bros and sis used to 'shop' round the congs as if potential partners were commodities....and they would drop ones and pick up seemingly better ones quite a lot...

    Not a good way to encourage young people to find life partners is it?..Pretty sad if you ask me...I wish you well...there will be a lovely girl for you dont fret... and maybe next time you fall in love it can be more naturally than the way the org promotes these matches...

    Loz x

  • AudeSapere

    3 years "dating" in the org is a really long time. Most I was aware of were 6 to 18 months.

    Sorry for your heartache. Better to learn of a deceitful tendency before you get married, though.

    Welcome to JWN.

    -Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)

  • babygirl30

    His EXMS!

    Read your story and that is really sad...that 'pioneer' girl was NO example at all! But I have heard PLENTY of stories of bros/sis who are dating one person, mess around with another - then make the CHOICE between the 2. It's pathetic how OPEN a lot of them are about it too.

  • looloo

    i knew a pioneer girl who was involved with(not physically ) with a lad a couple of years older than her from about 13 and everyone presumed they would get married once they were old enough to court . during her late teens she went off to bethel for a visit and then started courting a bro from there and married not long after , a year later it came out that her husband had abused lots of kids in the congregation and he got sent to prison , made me wonder what the 1st boyfriend made of that as he was considered not good husband material !!!!!!!!!!

  • peaches

    xms---welcoma...know whats worse than a broken heart???? NOTHING.

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