I had to hurt my kids this weekend... it sucks

by Aussie Oz 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I have been in a world of pain this weekend.

    Some of you know the ongoing battle i have had with my ex wife, an uber dub hypocrite, over seeing my kids more. 3 weeks ago i managed to secure an agreement from her that provided my 13 yr old daughter Friday night to sunday afternoons and for my 16 yr old son to have friday night to sat afternoon with the option to extend it to sunday if he so desires. this is each second weekend.

    First due weekend visit she rearranged the days so that she was technically pre agreement start date. I let it go on that basis but did express my disapointment and anger at their mother deliberatly messing with the new agreement.

    Second due weekend was this one. I need to get this out so if it interests you please read on...

    I pick them up friday night, all good. Saturday morning i start to suss out whether my son is going to go home in the afternoon or wants to extend his stay. He is a bit evasive and i need to find out what is going on. He finally tells me that he will go home because his mum has organized a lunch for him and his sister to be at on sunday! So i go inside and ask my daughter about this... she says, she too would like to go home with him in the afternoon.

    Now i am really frustrated and angry. My horrible ex wife has just gone and sabotaged the agreement again. This is in blatent disregard for what she agreed to. A phone call to my lawyer and she tells me in no uncertain terms am not to allow this. If i do, it is likely that a judge will not rule in my favour if i go to court as i keep on allowing her to do this. Her advice was that i unfortunatly had to guilt my kids into staying. It was time to fight fire with fire, i had to use the ex wifes weapon against her and i did not want to. but i did. And i felt horrid doing it.

    Here is what i did:

    Sat them both down and read them the agreement. I told them that i needed them to help me, to make this work. If they did not stay, then every thing i had done in the last 5 months, the last 12 years in fighting their mother for better time with them was a total waste of time. I may as well tear up the agreement and throw it in the bin. I told them that if they did not stay, and if i took their mother to court, her lawyer would simply state that despite the agreement, the kids just did not really want the extra time. I told my daughter that sadly i was insisting that she stay. I would not be taking her home early. The agreement that SHE offered did not have any 'if, but or maybe' clause. It said she stayed, that was it. No option. I told my son that i could not make him stay. But that it was very important that on this occasion he chose to stay. I told them that their mother had no right to set up an alternative activity for him to have to choose between, and what was this lunch anyway? He told me that is was 'some people from the congregation'. Pushing further i found it was an elder and his wife that they only knew at the hall. I asked what is so special about them that he would choose to go home a day early to have lunch with strangers rather than spend time with his dad?

    Guess what i found out? It is the bloody C/O visit! Although they had dinner on the thursday with the C/O i figured that this was somehow linked. I told them i know how the visit works, lots of boot licking and efforts to impress the C/O. It also meant of course that by setting up this lunch that the kids would be home for the sunday meeting of the C/O.

    I really laid the guilt on i am sorry to say. What about me? why are you so afraid to act on what you want? Out came that he did not want to hurt his mums feelings. So i said, so it's easier to hurt good old easy going dad than mum is it? Yep, dad rolls over all the time doesn't he? I said that mr nice easy going dad is gone. I am upset, i am hurt and i am angry. I need you guys to support what i have done, if you dont you can forget ever staying over longer again, mum wins, thats it, game over. The agreement is trash.

    I said whats so bad about me? I dont get drunk or do drugs, i dont live in sin, i am married, i have a job... what is going on here is that your mum does not want you to be like me. She thinks that if she can keep you away you will turn out 'better' than dad. How come she did not try to keep your sister away? how come she offered her two nights but you only one?

    Their were a lot of tears in this by all 3 of us. My son has had real dificulties dealing with this crap from his mother and i saw the damage that day. I tell you, it tore me up to see my son going into obsesive compulsion disorder mode in front of my eyes. The bitch ex wife set him up for this, as she has done for years. The method? Set him up with guilt to choose her over me, and then when i make efforts to increase the time with him, he gets stressed and bang! Its my fault! I hate her for what she has done to our son.

    Well, at the last minute he decided to stay. Now began another drama. could he just tell her? No. He is like me, hates confrontation so it took half an hour for the text messages to and fro to do it. It was agonizing for him but it highlighted a very important lesson for him to learn... how to handle saying no to loved ones. If he does not learn this, he will follow my mistakes for i did everything not wanting to upset people.

    I am sorry if this seems disjointed, i just typed as i thought. I just needed to unload to people out there who may be interested and see how so called good jehovahs witnesses are prepared to damage children in their misguided quest to save them from the 'devil' other parent.

    we finally had a nice weekend. The first ever where they actually got to stay a full one.

    But i know the battle is not over.


    ps. i will be away for a few days but when i get home at the end of the week i will make any replies needed. Thankyou for taking the time to read this.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Aussie Oz

    I went through the same back in the 80s. It is a very long story without a happy ending that I won't get into here.

    Although I do not post much here, I have followed your story with interest because it so closely parallels mine. I think you did the right thing, and I pray to whatever gods there are that they grant you relief in this difficult issue and grant you the opportunity to be a father to your beautiful children whom you obviously love very much.

    Peace be with you, my Brother.

  • Heaven

    One of the hardest lessons in life is to say 'No' to someone without feeling guilty. It takes practice. I think it's good for your kids to learn this lesson. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

    Your children have the right to say No. We all do. Let them know this. Also, let them know that if they do say No and the other person gets upset, then it's the other person who has the issues and it is up to your kids to stand up for themselves. No one else in life is going to do this for you, especially as an adult. You have to grow a backbone or you'll be walked all over.

    Sorry that your ex is a loser, Aussie Oz, but she is in an organization that specializes in manipulation so you really can't expect anything else. Perhaps a new agreement is in order where she has less than she has now.

  • only me
    only me

    You did the right thing. A very difficult situation but you have to draw the line somewhere. It's obvious the kids love you in spite of their mother.

    My best advice is to stick to the high road- insist on following the agreement to the letter, be loving but firm . Do not attack their mother , you don't have to- she is doing that herself. The kids will see the difference and appreciate it in time.

    It also wouldn't hurt to plan some really good Sunday surprises for them occasionally. Keep it as fun and light hearted as you can manage.

  • DaCheech

    you did not hurt them, so saved them and what you don't do --> WILL make you trash to them

  • Quandry

    I hope you did all this in such a way as to not villify their mom. You won't win that one. She is their mother.....as a mother I can tell you about fierce love.

    These kids are being torn apart. They probably feel like pawns in some chess strategy. Go here....move there.

    Perhaps you could write a letter (a nice one) to your wife telling her you want to cooperate. Ask her not to do this to your weekends. But bear in mind that someday you may have an emergency or an important event and wish for her to bend or change dates.

    Never burn your bridges behind you.

    Hope all works out well for you.

  • Snoozy

    Maybe plan a picnic for them next time or something unusual to do? Kids like to be entertained and kept busy. Some parents think that sitting in front of a TV and watching TV together is being with your kids..it's not.

    Also, not a good idea to bad mouth the mom (or the JW's), kids pick up on this and feel torn in two..just make their time with you as pleasant as possible without the guilt ..it seems they get enough of that from the Mom..right?

    But it sounds like you are really a loving and caring parent, but remember Flipper's advice on talking with kids being raised by a JW parent and try to stay positive in your discussions with the kids..otherwise they will start to shy away from coming over and start making excuses..kids are like that...


  • AwSnap

    Wow! I've followed your story on here....you are doing the right thing!!! I guess there's just never an easy answer when one person involved decides to play dirty (your ex). But I really believe you did the right thing.

  • Gayle

    I was impressed and respectful with you determining and expressing to your children your need and their need for you in your lives and your absolutely deserved time with them and no less.

    You don't want them growing up with no question in their minds how much you wanted them in their youth and how you wanted/needed them and to have a full relationship. I think with you stating that with heartfelt emotion and rationality only brings great security to their heart and soul that will last their lifetime.

    You will win Ossie. Stand your guns. You have more to offer your children than the stifling world of JWs. And, no kids would honestly rather spend their weekend with a circuit overseer anyway in a million years!!

  • mindmelda

    It's amazing to me that judges sometimes don't see through the manipulative behavior of parents to keep their children in this cult.

    She's clearly pushing the limits, probably under some good Witness advice, to try to get total control of your children. Careful deceit is justified to Witnesses because the organization convinces them that they're saving their kids from destruction.

    However, I've seen that backfire. A Witness I know fought her ex, a man who she villifies at every turn because he left off being a Witness and yes, he had an affair with a woman who didn't drive him nuts with her religiousity and constant WHINING. This JW mother is a mess, her life is a mess, but does she take responsibility for that herself? No, not while she has the evil ex, "You ruined my life!" to blame.

    The kids were torn, of course, but the son decided to stay with his father in spite of all the recriminations and bad mouthing by Witness mom, simply because Dad is not a shrew who makes life miserable.

    It's interesting to me that the daughter, who stays with mom out of some sense of misguided loyalty, has all sorts of emotional and physical problems, most of what I suspect are psychosomatic, like her mother's, and has to take medications and see all sorts of doctors for different therapies, but the son, who went went EVIL apostate dad is happy as a clam, but that is twisted by the Witness family that "The poor girl is suffering for Jehovah, like mom but the evil son is enjoying the evil world like his evil father."

    These people will twist and villify everything ordinary to feel righteous. It does backfire too..., only about a third or less of children raised by Witnesses remain in it. The majority aren't impressed and run for the border the first chance they get.

    I remember well how these things are all seen as "what's good for the children" when the children are miserable and would rather be doing normal kid things like tossing around a ball or going skateboarding, whatever, which is evil fun, rather than doing "spiritual things" that are boring and stupid.

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