JW's just visited us !

by man in black 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • man in black
    man in black

    FYI : my wife and I each sent a DA letter to the org, and our hall one an a half years ago.

    We were done with this religion completely

    This morning at 10:45 a JW appeared at our door, we invited him in and he said the org. had a "loving arrangment" in which persons who left

    would be visited each year. (None of the elders we knew, or spoke to during our transition time could make the effort to stop by, they used a new


    he sat down and asked how we were feeling since leaving the JW religion, and for the next hour my wife and him got in a serious discussion about

    broadening our minds, meaning looking past the WT belief system and "enlarging" our world.

    Well, he told us his experiences, and his deep religious studies, and how he came up to the conclusion that the truth is only taught by JW's everyone else has false doctines.

    He stated how loving the congregation is, and how nice it would be if we returned (excuse me we WROTE a letter and da'ed ourselves, what part of that do you not understand)?

    To make a long story short,,,, he appeared to be a real answer man, he had a personal experience and WT related answer for everything.

    When he left he was wondering if we wanted a return visit, I said no thank you, I'm done.

    Boy am I stressed out, dont these people understand that we left, ?????

  • peaches

    glad it was you and not me....

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That was unusual. Most of us were abandoned and no one ever came back in years. Were you guys liked in that congregation? Could be he really cared and wanted to do it right, unlike the rest of the elders. Could be also that they are going after the men who left because the organization is losing them fast and they don't want to have to use lowly females to carry the microphones.

  • sabastious

    you should of brought out the juicy stuff, the murders, the pedofiles or the insesent meddling in personal affairs. You are DA'ed, you got nothing to lose, i would have brought the biggest guns i had.


  • moshe
    he said the org. had a "loving arrangment" in which persons who left would be visited each year.

    This very unlike the old WT religion that I remember.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    ((HUGS)) I promise as time goes by it will get easier. Hang in there..


    Lady Liberty

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    This morning at 10:45 a JW appeared at our door, we invited him in and he said the org. had a "loving arrangment" in which persons who left would be visited each year.

    Thanks for relating this. I give the guy credit for showing you some interest, although most of us would rather be left alone.

    Think About It

  • garyneal

    I'm wondering if the society is looking for new ways to shore up supporters. This past Tuesday, I went with my wife to her hall where they had a visit from their CO. He spoke of their numbers (FS hours, attendance, etc) and mentioned visiting people who have faded or left the organization. Or maybe my wife mentioned that last part.

    Now I see this post of yours concerning the org's 'loving arrangement' for reaching out to ones who left.

    I suspect something organization wide may be at work.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    He might be among the very few that attempt to practice a bit of the love they preach about.

  • Heaven

    "They don't WANT your money... they NEEEEEEED your money!"

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