Why do even inactive Jw's play the shunning game?

by AK - Jeff 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donuthole

    I know of out and out DF'd ones that will have nothing to do with one who is classed as an "apostate". You know the ones that go to memorial once a year in the off-chance that Jehovah won't kill them when big A comes.

  • sherah

    Mentally in..physically out syndrome.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    but my assholiness might be off putting...

    Statements like that are why I gotta love ya' man. RFLMAO


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    God - were we all that screwed up when we were inside?

    I guess it fades over time - the memories of how we always needed mother Jehovah's approval.


  • Finally-Free
    I figure they have decided that knowing you doesn't advance their social standing.

    Ultimately that's what it's all about. Most JWs don't give a damn for Jehovah. Everything they do is all about posturing before one another in an effort to gain status in the cult.


  • Scott77

    I liked this thread. I know one Ex-JW dub who was an MS but was disfellowship for a reason I do not know. I used to go in FS with him many times and we were friends too. When he was D'fd, he moved to Texas where I tracked him through facebook. By then, I had successfully DA myself. After adding him on my fb account and exchanged email messeges last month,I gave him several links to apostate websites for him to join. He told me that he wanted to have nothing to do with me, do not communicate with him and he even deleted me too. I was sorry for this guy who was D'fd as opposed to myself who did a DA. I learnt a bitter lesson. Iam now very careful with Ex-JWs who are not active in opposing the WTS.

  • DoubleVision

    @ Scott77 all I can say is WOW!!

    The "brother" that studied with me was Df'd years ago and has no intention on go back to the WTS, so when I faded

    a few years back I contacted him. I left a message on his phone and when he called me back I knew who it was from the

    number and name on my phone I answered with some excitement thinking that we would get to be close friend's like the

    good old day's and he didn't say anything and hung up. Of course I did follow the F*&*ing disfellowshipping rule when

    he was Df'd and shunned him. oh well. The WTS plague strike's again.


  • VoidEater

    I agree with your assessment, Jeff.

    Their minds, running on automatic, Believe.

  • peaches

    don't feel bad about it,,,,,,they lack the basic human quality of love and understanding.........bet you do not find that here...

  • flipper

    AK-JEFF- I have found this with some JW's I have known. I know I was talked about a lot after I stopped attending over 6 years ago. No telling WHAT stories were passed around by my JW ex-wife ! LOL ! But I have some relatives who are inactive and one who was never baptized who avoid me due to fear of what their mom's ( My JW sisters ) would think if they got too close to me. Remember- the JW cult is based on fear and guilt to control it's members. They are made to feel afraid of us and made to feel guilty if they associate with us.

    Even inactive witnesses are still under the cult mind control of the WT society- unless they've educated themselves about what cult mind control is. A person can not go to meetings for years- yet still be under fear of the alleged " Armageddon " because they are still under control. Or- they may feel needless guilt because of having left the cult. Either way- the cult still wins with these people and dominates them. Only way to break free is for them to UNDERSTAND what happened to them when they lost their minds to the cult. Until that happens- they will only break free to a certain point- but no more

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