2010 - Year of the Governing Body?

by lepermessiah 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannabefree

    I agree, it sure seems to be headed this way. A couple months ago an elder in the congregation brought up a point to me and I questioned him of the source, he referred to a KM article of years gone by, I stopped him and said show me in the Bible, he said it was in the KM, don't you trust that, I said sure, if its backed up by scripture, he said it's from the faithful slave, don't you trust what they have to say, I replied, if its backed up by the Bible. I wasn't trying to be confrontational at all, but he didn't like my reply.

  • booby

    Mad Sweenely. I noticed you forgot about the new generation definition. Because their lives overlap all GB are from the same generation.

  • Quirky1


    Hinder the spirits direction...lol

  • lepermessiah

    if I were still going to the Hall, I'd be extremely troubled at how much their promoting the idea that a person's eternal salvation depends not on following Jesus (or even Jehovah), but rather on how 'loyal' they are to the Borg itself and how 'obedient' they are to the "Slave Class"

    Well said, Mary. That was a huge issue for me when I started down this road.

    You could be the biggest A-hole on the planet, but as long as you made your meetings, got your 10 hours in the ministry, you were saved. The biggest Christ-like "worldly person" was still going to become a pile of ashes.

    They are no better than the churches they love to bash. They take Jesus out and dust him off twice a year just like many other groups.

    I am going to dig up that Botchtower article you mentioned.

  • Cadellin

    I think JWoods is absolutely correct: Watch for the GB to suspend publishing the numbers of partakers. It's classic "theocratic strategy" to solidify/maintain power: Simply stop silent on anything that might be construed as negative or failing to conform with supposed prophecy. I suspect that they'll still take the count, but let the R&F know the real numbers? Nope.

    This is what happened with the US KM a year or two ago, when they stopped publishing the full monthly report. Why? B/c, among other things, the pioneers average monthly hours were continually sinking, evidencing that pioneers as a group were floundering badly. Also the number of BS per publisher never moved, never so much as budged, as did the average BS per pio. Weird, huh? When there's all this growth? It's all about information control, people. If the WT doesn't print it, it doesn't exist.

  • straightshooter

    Though the literature emphasizes the need to follow the direction of the GB, they corrupt it by saying that ones need to follow the direction from the elders. I have heard elders override the direction of the GB because the elders state that they are in charge of the congregation. So who does the cong follow, the direction of the GB or the direction of the elders?

  • steve2

    Actually, absolutely nothing's new. All this breathless talk about how much worse the Governing Body's claims are reeks of inflated conspiracy theories.

    For the Watchtower Society, its heyday of blatant elevation of human interpretation over "Holy" Scripture was possibly 70 plus years ago during Rutherford's era. Who can forget the slanderous articles in the Watchtower, naming names of those expelled members who dared question Rutherford's pen? It got scarily personal and vindictive.

    Nowadays, the elevation of a body of men over the Word of God is no where near as draconian - although some would assert it's all the more troublesome because the "guidance" from the "slave" is more insistently lower level and subtle. It sure is different from Ruhterford's era - but it's debatable whether it's worse or will get worse.

  • Lieu

    Any human 'rulership' is Satanic according to the Bible. Even by their own standards the rulership will be in heaven, not on earth.

    Those teaching differently are from Satan.

  • bennyk

    good4nothingB, the GB votes had to be unanimous until the early 1970's, when the process was altered to a 2/3 vote...

  • misocup

    Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but why are very few pictures of the GB available? It seems they are very quiet and secretive about their own lives. If they say they maintain a low profile so as not to become objects of worship, yet they also say they serve members of the FDS who are commonly known amongst the R&F, their reasoning doesn't hold.

    Therefore, if more were made known about the GB as people, documentary style, it would for me at least downgrade their status to human. If for example as much was known about their pasts as say the Pope. Or people were investigating them like they investigate the Pope.

    Where do they live? At Bethel? In private homes? Are they married with children? Do they hold other jobs? Are there people who know them or have known them who have things to say but are being silenced for one reason or another? How do they behave in public? Above it all?

    I would be very interested in finding out.

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