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by Terry 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mindmelda

    sophia, the feminine aspect of yahweh that got shoved under the carpet when the Hebrews switched to honoring the big warrior sky god rather than nurturing goddesses of the earth.

    Happened when the Neolithic age sort of gradualy melded into the Bronze age and almost all people started swording each other a lot more.

  • Terry

    It has been translated into English, so there is bound to be a degree of poets license. It would appear to be that which believers claim is in all living things and returns to its source at death. In other words a gnostics definition of God. Or as Terry said The I AM.

    Are you becoming a believer Terry?

    I've always thought that the only true god being a MALE FIGURE was an abomination and an affront to motherhood.

    The CREATOR must be female!

    The I AM is motherhood, deity, creator, wisdom and the humble voice of one who serves.

    Yet, this viral preoccupation with manly testicular Deity is the only brand being peddled in Christianity.

    Women are just grunts, secondary citizens and factotums to them.

    That's my view. Your mileage may vary!

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