Attended our first "worldly" cookout last weekend

by Mad Sweeney 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Just thought I'd share that we attended our first "worldly" cookout last weekend. Everyone got drunk and it turned into a huge orgy. At the end we sacrificed one of the partygoers to Gozer the Destroyer.


    It was hardly different from a Dub gathering except for the fact that there was no gossip about people who weren't there and no annoying "experiences" to have to listen to. Everyone was polite and well-behaved, and we made several new friends.

    Sad to say, I still felt strange being there. It's going to take more than just a few months to get all this borg crap out of my head apparently.

  • undercover
    Sad to say, I still felt strange being there. It's going to take more than just a few months to get all this borg crap out of my head apparently.

    It does get better and more natural. Just give it time and keep going.

    I went to a worldly party/cook-out over the weekend myself. I went to an Easter dinner at another friends house on Easter Sunday. I felt at home at both events, though I was under dressed at the Easter event. Everyone else came from church, I came from sleeping in and having a Bloody Mary. I was in shorts and polo, they were all in suits/dresses. Oh well...lesson learned...

    As I read your experience I thought about the last few "worldly" parties I've been to. I have finally started to fit in with the "real" world.

  • blondie

    Social events were not hard since I grew up in a family with a non-jw father who was quite social. My mother's family were half jws and half not yet we reguarly got together and had picnics, dinners, played sports, cards. So as an adult jw, I socialized with people at work and in the neighborhood. So we didn't have to adjust too much. It is nice not to hear the gossip, worry that you might "stumble" someone, or have a good time and be berated by the elders.

  • Michelle365

    Sounds lovely Mad! I'm sure you'll start to feel more at home soon. I've been trying to get closer to my family that I've been ingoring for most of my life. It's kinda awkward, but I'm hoping to forge some true & lasting relationships!

  • rockmehardplace

    Just thought I'd share that we attended our first "worldly" cookout last weekend. Everyone got drunk and it turned into a huge orgy. At the end we sacrificed one of the partygoers to Gozer the Destroyer.

    well then, if this didnt happen - then you werent doing it right

  • Glittercake

    Yes, I find it funny that some JWs believe that we worldly people are all so amoral. And, when they try so hard to impress us with their good example, it can be hard to keep a straight face

  • nugget

    Good for you I'm sure it will get more comfortable as time goes on but at least you're out there making new friends. Sounds like a great evening even though there was no human sacrifice.

  • cantleave

    I'm still looking for these orgies - where are they?

  • BackRoomBilly

    @cantleave- You might want to try my ex wife's house on any day ending in Y.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub

    what the hell is a cook out?

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