Well, my experience isn't anything extraordinary or anything, just interesting. Yesterday, I spent the evening with my brother and his family. My brother is an elder and my nephew is grown and is a MS and pioneer. Anyway, we all agreed that the new song book is horrible. My brother and his wife said most of the congregation openly admits they do not like the new song book and all. He said maybe the Governing Body will admit they made a mistake and come out with a new one with the old songs back. Yeah, right.
Then we got on to the new generation teaching. And my mother mentioned she just doesn't understand it. Which if she is honest, it just doesn't make much sense. Then my nephew, had a friendly argument with a brother about who would be resurrected, such as, Sodom and Gomorrah. My nephew said they would be, his friend said no. I said you're both right, because it changes all the time. lol. Well, he found an article from 2005 that sort of said they wouldn't. ? Then, I brought out how the whole account of Lot and his daughters is quite disturbing, because homosexuals are a big no-no, but incest okay. It got quiet on that remark. I think the wheels were turning there.
We talked about changes back and forth with certain doctrines. And my mother's nervous laughter, this doesn't sound too good.
I think the subject was again changed to lighter things. But,I think my brother's family will stay hardcore for now. And my mother has admitted in the past she was stumbled by some "new" light. Example, 1964, about, that anyone who died during the last days would not be resurrected. That bothered her. But, they changed it to pretty much anyone has a chance for a resurrection. But, she said that the basics of the truth has not changed like the end of the system of things and paradise earth. Well, I just left it at that it effects our whole life so we have to be sure it is the truth.
So, I am gradually preparing her. I think she kind of knows how I feel deep down. But, I have to deal slowly with her. And she is in her late 70's, so I'm not going to burst her bubble too much.
Just one more note, I have another brother who has been inactive for years. Faded before I knew people did that on purpose. Well, he told my mother he doesn't believe in Jesus and is not sure God exists either. Well, she told him she'd love him no matter what he believed. Of course, she has accepted him being out for awhile now. But,again, I find it interesting that a lot of Witnesses have the same feelings, doubts on matters,even my own family. Just thought some would find it interesting.