guys, when you were JW's did you feel sorry for the subjugated sisters?

by highdose 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluegirl78

    I don't know how the brothers felt, but that was just one of the factors in helping me to decide that this religion was not for me. Even as a teenager I remember taking a look around and thinking - you want me to subjugate myself to that??? Hahaha, buh-bye now. :) As a "worldly" person I like to think that my husband and I work together as a team. We each have our strengths and weaknesses, but neither of us is inherently "better" than the other. Just my two cents as a former "sister".

  • llbh

    I always felt uncomfortable being viewed as the head of the household, though I did very little to oppose it, now having left, I can see misogyny as part of the control mechanisms exercised by the WTS and many organisations. I loathe all forms of discrimination and oppose and highlight it for what it is.

    The wts says they treat women as equals, yet they plainly do not, it reminds me of that Orwellian remark " all are equal , though some are more equal than others".


  • dgp


  • A.Fenderson

    I remember one night at bookstudy (don't remember the pub we were reading) the concept of the wife submitting to sex whenever the husband wanted it was presented as being good, proper, biblical, etc. I was about 16, and this slightly-younger (15?) girl then raised her hand and added that if sex was forced on the female against her will, even within the confines of marriage, it was still legally considered rape, so be careful not to cross that line, etc. I thought it was quite the valid point to make, and also very gutsy of her--I gained instant respect for her. However, the young woman's own mother then raised her hand and was called on, and took the opportunity to announce to the group that she would later be "correcting" her daughter in private (?!), and that the scenario she had brought up would not be considered rape in God's eyes or somesuch.

    I very randomly ran into that young woman half-way across the state years later, no surprise that she had gotten out of the dubs at roughly the same time I had.

    So, in answer to the question: yes, for those women who resented it; no, for those women who embraced and defended it.

  • guanaco

    In a lot of congregations there are women that could do a better work than some ministerial servants or elders.

    Some cases are stupid: a man is chosen to be a ministerial servant because there are no more men available although there are a lot of women better prepared. This is totally unfair.

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