As Witnesses we were Trained to be Obedient - Rather than Show Love

by flipper 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie


    *** w07 6/15 p. 29 par. 15 Jehovah Values Your Obedience ***

    Still, the main reason we obey Jehovah is that we love him. We do not serve God for selfish reasons.

    *** w04 8/1 p. 11 par. 12 Jehovah Reveals His Glory to Humble Ones ***Similarly, we will be blessed if we recognize and obey the prophet greater than Moses, Jesus, as well as "the faithful and discreet slave" appointed by him.

    (1 John 5:3) . . .For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome,

  • flipper

    MINDMELDA- That was awful the lack of support you received after your baby died. To think the elders were so insensitive to tell you to witness about the resurrection to the hospital staff would relieve your pain or cure your grief- is just plain insanity . AND to top THAT off they tell you to NOT receive psychological counseling. Bastards. Nothing but controlling Nazi's in my opinion. I'm glad you got counseling years later professionally. Good for you.

    Don't kick yourself too much for being used as a JW tool. We ALL were. But just be thankful you got out and escaped the cult when you did. I too am glad some elders have come to their senses and bailed on the organization. We have some pretty cool ex-elders on the board here !

    BLONDIE- Exactly. " Love " to Jehovah's Witnesses is obeying the " faithful & discreet slave " and the GB of the WT society. They certainly have a skewed version of what love really is

  • OnTheWayOut

    Did any of the rest of you as witnesses see people emphasize " Being obedient " instead of showing real authentic human " love " ?

    Situations existed all the time where members could help out other members, but pioneers (who genuinely believed in their own hearts that they were the most loving members) would always say they had to "get their time in."

    "Sorry, can't help you move or paint or fix your roof. I gotta get my time in. "
    "Sorry, I cannot get groceries for the elderly ones in the cong. as I gotta get my time in. I cannot give them a ride either, I gotta get my time in."

    Many JW's want to help members in times of disasters. The organization turned it into a mockery because you have to be "approved" to go help. Being "approved" means a member in good standing, regular in recruiting and attendance.

    Don't even get me started on family members who are obedient to the shunning policy.

  • flipper

    OTWO- I remember that as well - Pioneers saying they " had to get their time in " so they couldn't assist others with REAL needs in the congregations. Happened a lot. And just because a person goes out regularly knocking on doors to convert somebody to JWism - how does that make them more qualified to help in disasters than an EMT or paramedic who DOES NOT go regularly in field service ? The WT society has weird priorities to be sure- cult priorities

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Absolutely. Obedience trumps love every time with JW's. It is true of most religions really.

  • flipper

    YADDA YADDA 2 - Very true- obedience trumps all other qualities in members controlled by religions or mind control cults. It seems to be the prime requirement for showing alleigance to the controlling leaders of such religions and cults. It's like : Throw anything else virtuous out the window - it's obedience that counts

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    The JWs have their own definition of "spirituality" and it has nothing to do with the real definition. Spirituality to them is just following the many, many rules and going to all the meetings and doing lots of field service.

  • flipper

    SCARRED FOR LIFE- Exactly. JW"s do have their own definition of what " spirituality " is - like you say it generally involves regular meeting attendance, field service, giving talks, etc. - but NOTHING to do with being truly loving, kind, or decent to fellow human beings . It's all about performing " functions " to them

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