I'm going back!!!

by badseed 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • badseed

    Well, kinda. I'll be moving across country in a few weeks and I want to get a different perspective on this religion. So I'm playing the theocratic warfare card, rather than let them know I was once a witness and now disfellowshipped, I'll just pretend to be interested and maybe accept a bible study..LOL. I want to see how it feels like to be love bombed, but also I really want to get the inside info on a few things I'm questionning. I've been away for a long time. I really want to see how much they have changed. I won't last long but it should be fun. I'll just have to stop going once they require I wear a suit and tie. I don't think I could handle that.

    I'll write a full report once I'm done..

  • snowbird

    They're going to sense that you know more than you are letting on to them.

    Just mark my words.


  • badseed

    I can be a pretty good actor when I have to. I'm not worried.

  • SuspiciousMinds

    Hmmm, I'm freshly out and have no desire to step back in the KH any time soon (skipping my first Memorial tonight), but some day this would be a fascinating experiment. See the whole operation from the perspective of an "interested person".

    Like Sylvia says, it'll be easy to give yourself away, so be careful!


  • zzaphod

    Not sure this is something I would do. I think Jehovah`s Witnesses are the same as McDonalds, they are the same wherever you go. I wouldn`t expect too much, and I worry you may be spoiling what would be a fresh start in a new area.

    But what you do is your choice, I hope that the experience is interesting, and you don`t get hurt (or hurt anyone else) in the process.

    All the best

    Paul Uk

  • rockmehardplace

    at some point, there will be something that will trigger and set them off to knowing you may know more than letting on. if that is your plan, i hope it works for you. but be careful, you may get more than you bargained for.

    when i was in full hard core, myself and another brother had this guy we had started a study with. he called the kh one day and said he was interested and had some familiarity with jws. turned out he was df'd from another congregation and was not forthcoming with information. we found out because we got a phone call one day from a brother that was with his former congregation that had caught wind that he had moved to the general area of where we were at. turned out that he had mentioned to a neighbor that he was moving to a new area and when an elder from his old congregation was checking in on him to see about getting him back to the meetings, he found he wasnt there. so he was talking to a neighbor who said that he had moved and mentioned the area that he moved to. so they called the kh of the area that they thought he had moved to seeing if he had turned up there and if we could trace him through the post office - before tracking people on the internet was easily done. when he said the name, bells went off. turned out he was trying to get in with the new congregation for job opportunities and some financial assistance.

  • leavingwt

    The horror.

  • Brocephus

    Are you crazy!

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Good grief........either go or don't go, but grown people playing games with the JW's? If it was the other way around and JW's were being dishonest in representing themselves there would be outrage on this board.

    Think About It

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    TAI - Jw's do it all the time here on this very board. Pretend to be someone they are not. For that matter, people in general play games all the time. Just go into a bar some Friday night. It's not like he is seeking to harm anyone.

    I don't see a problem with it. I can't see myself doing that, but to each his own.


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