HOW do you know what you KNOW you know?

by Terry 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Little Girl: "But mummy how do the anointed KNOW they are of the heavenly calling?"

    Mummy: "They just KNOW. In the same way that you KNOW you are a girl, they KNOW they are anointed."

    Little Girl: "Yes but I can pull up my dress and PROVE I am a girl!"


  • Terry

    It never penetrated my head at all (when first associated with JW's) how much mysticism is connected with the FDS doctrine.

    It is a mysterious, mystical experience to be "anointed" which turns out to be a mcguffin. It means nothing to the anointed person other than

    a quiet celebrity. They have no decision making capability. No influence on policy or writing articles and books. They can sip cheap grape juice and eat motzah crackers one day a year---but, that's about it.

    HOW do they KNOW?

    I think we all know. You and I see the increase in numbers of the anointed. The recruitment is scraping the bottom of christendom's barrell.

    The people coming in to the organization have always thought they'd go to heaven anyway---why change now??

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