Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-28-10 WT Study (SATAN RULILNG)

by blondie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-28-10 WT Study (January 15, 2010, pages 24-28)(SATAN RULING)

    Review comments will be in red or headed by COMMENTS
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    SATAN'S WAY OF RULING SURE TO FAIL "It will not turn out well at all with the wicked one.--ECCL. 8:13


    Wherever I say WTS I mean the administration of the non-corporation, non-company part of the jw organization, those

    who make the scriptural policies and doctrines that the rank and file are required to follow.

    Who is really going to be ruling per the WTS: Jesus and anointed Christians when in heaven....why then the emphasis

    on God's rule?


    Q1. Why is the coming judgment of the wicked comforting news?

    SOONER or later the wicked will have to be brought to justice. They will have to answer for what they have done. (Prov.

    5:22; Eccl. 8:12,13) That is comforting news, especially for those who love righteousness and who have suffered

    injustice and mistreatment at the hands of the wicked. Foremost among the wicked who will be brought to justice is the

    father of wickedness, Satan the Devil.--John 8:44.

    COMMENTSWho are the wicked according to the WTS? Who only will not be destroyed?

    Is it comforting news to want all 7 billion non-jws, men, women, and innocent children to be destroyed eternally?

    The WTS teaches that only jws "love right."

    Yet Satan will live 1,000 more years after the destruction of these "wicked."

    QUOTES"Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the

    protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system

    dominated by Satan the Devil." Watchtower 1989 Sep. 1 p.19

    "Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly

    Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it." Watchtower 1983 Feb. 15 p.12

    "Is it presumptuous of Jehovah's Witnesses to point out that they alone have God's backing? Actually, no more so than

    when the Israelites in Egypt claimed to have God's backing in spite of the Egyptians' belief, or when the first-century

    Christians claimed to have God's backing to the exclusion of Jewish religionists." Watchtower 2001 June 1 p.16

    "During the final period of the “ancient world” that perished in the Flood, Noah was a faithful “preacher of

    righteousness.” (2 Peter 2:5) In these last days of the present system of things, Jehovah’s people are making known

    God’s righteous standards and are declaring good news about the possibility of surviving into the new world. (2 Peter

    3:9-13) Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on

    their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah’s universal organization." Watchtower 2006 May 15

    p.22 "Are You Prepared for Survival?" Paragraph 8

    (and many more quotes at this site)

    Q2. Why was time needed to settle the issue raised in Eden?

    Back in Eden, Satan, consumed by feelings
    of self-importance, caused humans to
    reject Jehovah’s way of governing. As a result,
    our first parents joined Satan in challenging
    Jehovah’s rightful authority and became
    sinners in His sight. (Rom. 5:12-14) Of
    course, Jehovah knew how their disrespectful
    and rebellious course would turn out for
    them. However, that inevitable outcome
    had to be made obvious to all intelligent
    creatures. Hence, time was needed to settle
    the issue and to demonstrate convincingly
    that the rebels were utterly wrong.

    COMMENTSSo how does the WTS know what Satan's feelings were and are?
    Did Satan "cause" Adam and Eve to do anything or was it their personal choice?
    Why has it taken 6,000 years (per WTS) and more (considering that Jesus and the angels had lived long before humans) to prove to Jesus, the angels, Satan, his followers, and every human who has ever lived on earth?

    According to the WTS those who died during the flood and at Sodom and Gomorrah have already received judgment and eternal destruction. It did not take 6,000 years for them.

    Q3. What is our position toward human governments?

    3 Since humans rejected Jehovah’s oversight,
    they had to set up their own forms of
    government. The apostle Paul, writing to fellow
    believers in Rome, spoke of such human
    governments as “the superior authorities.”
    In Paul’s day, the superior authorities
    were primarily the government of Rome
    under Emperor Nero, who ruled from 54-
    68 C.E. Paul said that such superior authorities
    “stand placed in their relative positions
    by God.” (Read Romans 13:1, 2.) Does that
    mean that Paul was advocating human rule
    as superior to God’sway of governing? By no
    means. Rather, he was simply saying that as
    long as Jehovah allows human rulership
    to exist, Christians should respect “the arrangement
    of God” and accept such rulers.

    COMMENTSWhy does the WTS jump to the time of 54-68 C.E. rather than right after Adam and Eve were tossed out of Eden?

    What were the human governments then? Doesn't the WTS teach that the first real human government started with

    Nimrod after the flood?

    Christians - only nonjws

    Until 1929 the WTS taught that human governments were the "superior authorities" spoken of in Romans 13:1,2. But

    from 1929 to 1962 the WTS taught that it referred to God and Jesus. Why the flipflop; where was the holy spirit in this?

    Up to 1929Evil as these Gentile governments have been, they were permitted or "ordained of God" for a wise purpose. (Rom. 13:1) Studies In the Scriptures Series I - The Divine Plan of the Ages p.250

    1929 to 1962"The Superior Authorities are the Most High God Jehovah and his exalted Son Jesus Christ." This Means Everlasting Life (1950) p.197

    1962 onward"The Expression "superior authorities" means the political governments or authorities." Life everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (1966) p.189

    Why did the WTS (Rutherford) change the doctrine in 1929?

    From 1929 to 1962 the "superior authorities" became "the Most High God Jehovah and his exalted Son Jesus Christ".

    Rutherford used the 1929 position on higher authorities to justify:

    consuming alcohol during the United States prohibition ("God never authorized a prohibition or any other sumptuary law

    to control the consciences or actions of others." w29 p.121)

    to prevent Bible Students doing civilian military service ("For this reason the Bible Students devoted to the Lord refuse

    to take military service, because they are true followers of Christ and must obey God's law." w29 p.117)

    to ban flag salutes.

    Additional information here:


    Q4. Explain why human rule is bound to fail.

    4 Still, human rule influenced by Satan is
    certain to fail.Why? For one thing, because
    it is not based on divine wisdom. Only Jehovah
    possesses perfect wisdom. Thus, he is
    the only reliable guide as to what constitutes
    successful rulership. (Jer. 8:9; Rom. 16:27)
    Unlike humans, who often learn by trial and
    error, Jehovah always knows the best possible
    way to act. Any governmental arrangement
    that does not follow his guidance is
    bound to be inferior. For that reason alone
    —not to mention the wicked motive involved—
    Satan’s alternative way of governing
    by means of human rule was sure to fail
    from the start.

    COMMENTSHow many nonjws realize that the WTS teaches that all human governments are influenced by Satan?

    I always wondered if God has perfect wisdom, why did he not at least inform Adam and Eve of the possibility of being

    mislead by other "sons of God"? How successful was human rule influenced by God in the case of the nation of

    Israel? How many kings were "faithful" and how faithful were their subjects?

    Q5,6. What apparently led Satan into his course of opposition to Jehovah?

    5 A sensible person generally refrains
    from embarking on an endeavor that is
    doomed to fail. If he insists on going ahead
    with his endeavor, he will be forced to recognize
    his error. History has proved many
    times over that it is useless to stand in
    opposition to the almighty Creator. (Read
    Proverbs 21:30.) Satan, however, blinded
    by feelings of self-importance and pride,
    turned his back on Jehovah. Thus the Devil
    plunged headlong onto a path that could
    end only in disaster.

    COMMENTSDoomed by whom? Has the WTS recognized their errors? Have they gone ahead with similar endeavors? 1874 or 1914, 1914 generation, 1925, 1975....Perhaps their feelings of self-importance and pride led them into paths of disaster....

    "apparently"--the WTS reads things into the bible using such words

    6 Satan’s presumptuous attitude was later
    reflected by a Babylonian ruler who is recorded
    as boasting: “To the heavens I shall
    go up. Above the stars of God I shall lift up
    my throne, and I shall sit down upon the
    mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts
    of the north. I shall go up above the high
    places of the clouds; I shall make myself resemble
    the Most High.” (Isa. 14:13-15) That
    ruler’s senseless undertaking failed, and the
    Babylonian dynasty came to an inglorious
    end. Similarly, Satan and his world will soon
    go down in total defeat.

    COMMENTSWho has proven presumptuous in making their members go through them to have a relationship with God and Jesus?

    SOON--since 1914, the WTS has been saying this, 96 years, even Jeremiah only preached 40 years.

    his (Satan) world--all non-jws, 7 billion men, women, and innocent children.


    Q7,8. What are some benefits from Jehovah's allowing wickedness to exist for some time?

    7 Some may wonder why Jehovah did not
    prevent humans from taking sides with Satan
    and from following an alternative plan
    for governing that was certain to fail. As God
    Almighty, he could surely have done so. (Ex.
    6:3) Nevertheless, he held back. His wisdom
    dictated that temporarily refraining from interfering
    in man’s rebellion would in the
    long run work out for the best. Eventually,
    Jehovah would be vindicated as being a righteous
    and loving Ruler, and faithful humans
    would benefit from God’s decision.

    COMMENTSHow many jws know that for many, many years the WTS taught that it was God's name that was to be vindicated not

    sovereignty? When and why did that doctrine change?

    Temporarily refraining??? Over 6,000 years and counting per their chronology........yet why did God step in at the flood

    and Sodom and Gomorrah and execute eternal judgment?

    8 What misery could have been spared the
    human family if humans had rejected Satan’s
    advances and refused to strike out for
    independence from God’s rule! Still, Jehovah’s
    decision to allow humans to rule
    themselves for a time has had benefits. It has
    deeply impressed on righthearted individuals
    the wisdom of listening to God and of
    trusting in him. Over the centuries, humans
    have experimented with numerous kinds of
    governments, but not one of them has
    proved to be ideal. That fact has served to
    strengthen worshippers of God in their conviction
    that Jehovah’s way of governing is
    indeed best. Granted, Jehovah’s permission
    of Satan’s wicked rulership has resulted in
    hardships for mankind, including for those
    who faithfully worship God. Still, the temporary
    permission of wickedness has also
    resulted in benefits for these faithful worshippers.

    COMMENTS So where did the misery come from....illness and death? Why did Adam and Eve and others before the flood live

    almost 1,000 years but humans afterwards only 120 at the most? Have all humans had input as to how they were

    ruled? What about the human rule with God's backing...the Israelite kingdom...were they ruling themselves, no, God

    supposedly was, yet it failed.

    those who faithfully worship God...faithful worshippers...only jws


    Q9,10. Explain how Satan's rule results in Jehovah's glory.

    9 Allowing humans to be influenced by Satan
    and to rule themselves has in no way discredited
    Jehovah’s way of governing. On
    the contrary! History proves that Jeremiah’s
    statement, uttered under inspiration,
    about the inability of humans to govern
    themselves is correct. (Read Jeremiah 10:23.)
    In addition, Satan’s rebellion has given Jehovah
    an opportunity to demonstrate His
    fine qualities in a more pronounced way.
    How so?

    COMMENTSAllowing humans...were people on earth aware of a spirit creature...did God tell them? Did Adam and Eve know that it

    wasn't a snake talking to them? Did God tell them?

    How did God demonstrate his "fine" qualities? Why was David allowed to live after committing adultery and then

    murder to cover it up although the Law required his execution? What about another man living at that time, was there a

    basis for mercy under the Law for deliberate murder for him?

    10 Against the backdrop of Satan’s disastrous
    rule, Jehovah’s perfect qualities are
    even more obvious than they otherwise
    might have been. In this way, he has been
    magnified in the eyes of those who love
    him. Yes, paradoxical as it may sound, Satan’s
    way of governing has in reality served
    to glorify God. It has highlighted the superlative
    way in which Jehovah has dealt with
    this challenge to his sovereignty. To illustrate
    that truth, let us briefly consider some of Jehovah’s
    qualities and see how Satan’s wicked
    rule has moved Jehovah to show these
    qualities in additional ways.

    COMMENTSDoes God = sovereignty or does God = love

    Q11. How had Jehovah's love been manifested?

    11 Love. The Scriptures tell us that
    “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) The creation
    of humans was, in the first
    place, an expression of God’s love.
    Furthermore, the fear-inspiring and
    wonderful way in which we are
    made bears witness to God’s love.
    Jehovah also lovingly provided humans
    with a beautiful home containing
    everything necessary for their happiness.
    (Gen. 1:29-31; 2:8,9; Ps. 139:14-16) But once wickedness
    was introduced into the human family, Jehovah
    expressed his love in new ways. How? The apostle
    John quotes Jesus as saying: “God loved the world so much
    that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order
    that everyone exercising faith in him might
    not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”
    (John 3:16) Could God have shown his love
    for mankind in a more remarkable way than
    by sending his only-begotten Son to earth in
    order to ransom sinners? (John 15:13) This
    great demonstration of love also served as a
    pattern for humans, giving them the opportunity
    to reflect God’s self-sacrificing love in
    everyday life, even as Jesus did.—John 17:
    25, 26.

    COMMENTSgave his son...but remember, Jesus volunteered he was not forced
    doesn't the WTS also say that Jesus played a large part in providing this home
    self-sacrificing...jws only sacrifice what is convenient and only so they get everlasting life

    Q12. In what way is Jehovah's power demonstrated?

    12 Power. Only “God, the Almighty,” has
    the power to create life. (Rev. 11:17; Ps. 36:9)
    At birth, a human starts out like a blank
    sheet of paper, as it were. At death, he has
    filled that blank sheet with the decisions, actions,
    and experiences of a lifetime that
    shaped his individuality and personality.
    That information can be filed away in Jehovah’s
    memory. In due time, Jehovah can restore
    the individual to life again, complete
    with his unique life pattern. (John 5:28, 29)
    Thus, although not God’s original purpose
    for humans, death has given Jehovah the
    opportunity to show that his power reaches
    even beyond the grave. Indeed, Jehovah is
    “God, the Almighty.”

    COMMENTSIs a baby a tabula rasa..a blank slate, sheet?

    To Carl Jung, people come into the world with a universal unconscious, a set of shared symbols and beliefs that exist

    both within and outside the person, no matter what culture he or she belongs to.

    So this life restored, a clone or the original?

    Q13. How was Jesus' sacrifice a demonstration of Jehovah's perfect justice?

    13 Justice. Jehovah does not lie; neither
    does he act unjustly. (Deut. 32:4; Titus 1:2)
    He always holds to the highest standards of
    truth and of justice, even when doing so appears
    to be to his own disadvantage. (Rom. 8:32)
    How painful it must have been for Jehovah
    to see his beloved Son die on a torture
    stake as if Jesus were an unfaithful blasphemer!
    Yet, out of love for imperfect humans,
    Jehovah was willing to permit this
    painful event to take place in order to uphold
    his own perfect standard of justice.
    (Read Romans 5:18-21.) A world full of injustice
    gave Jehovah the opportunity of demonstrating
    himself to be the pinnacle of justice.

    COMMENTSGod may not lie but jws will when it is to their disadvantage.

    QUOTES*** it-2 p. 245 Lie ***
    While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible, this does not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it.

    *** w07 2/1 p. 6 Why Be Truthful? ***
    Every lie is an untruth, but not every untruth is a lie.

    COMMENTSThere was more pain involved for Jesus than God

    Q14,15. What are some of the ways that Jehovah's superlative wisdom and patience have been manifested?

    14 Wisdom. Immediately after Adam and
    Eve sinned, Jehovah revealed the way that
    he would undo all the bad effects caused by
    their rebellion. (Gen. 3:15) Such immediate
    action, as well as his progressively revealing
    details of this purpose to his servants,
    brought Jehovah’s wisdom into sharp
    focus. (Rom. 11:33) Nothing can impede
    God’s ability to handle matters successfully.
    In a world marked by immorality, war,
    unreasonableness, disobedience, mercilessness,
    partiality, and hypocrisy, Jehovah has
    had ample opportunity to demonstrate to
    his creatures what real wisdom is. The disciple
    James said: “The wisdom from above is
    first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable,
    ready to obey, full of mercy and good
    fruits, not making partial distinctions, not
    hypocritical.”—Jas. 3:17.

    COMMENTSHow much did God reveal in Genesis 3:15? It was a mystery, that no one understood for 4,000 years.
    BUZZ PHRASE: progressively revealing details of this "purpose" (not plan as in Russell's day)
    to his servants: only the WTS

    Was it progressive when the WTS taught that the "time of the end" started in 1799; that Jesus' invisible presence

    began in 1874, that Jesus became king in 1878, that the calling of the anointed ended in 1881, and that Armageddon

    would come in 1914? Not hardly since all those dates had to be "adjusted."

    Are there no good, caring people amongst non-jws in the world?

    15 Patience and Long-Suffering. Jehovah’s
    qualities of patience and long-suffering
    would scarcely have come so prominently to
    the fore had it not become necessary forhim
    to deal with human imperfections, sins, and
    shortcomings. Jehovah’s willingness to do
    so for thousands of years demonstrates that
    he possesses these marvelous qualities to a
    perfect degree, and for that we should be
    most grateful. The apostle Peter rightly stated
    that we should “consider the patience of
    our Lord as salvation.”—2 Pet. 3:9, 15.

    COMMENTSGod can be patient and long-suffering since a thousand years is as one day to him; but what about humans who barely

    live 1/10 of a thousand years, 100 years x 365 days = 36,500 days?

    Is it patience when 7 billion people today, men, women, and innocent children, will not have the same opportunity as all

    humans who died before (except during the flood and Sodom and Gomorrah)?

    Q16. Why is Jehovah's willingness to forgive a cause for great joy?

    16 Willingness to Forgive. We are all sinners,
    and we all stumble many times. (Jas. 3:2;
    1 John 1:8, 9) How grateful we should be
    that Jehovah is willing to forgive “in a large
    way”! (Isa. 55:7) Consider also this fact: Having
    been born as imperfect sinners, we are in
    a position to experience the profound joy we
    feel when God forgives us our errors. (Ps. 51:
    5, 9, 17) Personally experiencing that heartwarming
    characteristic of Jehovah strengthens
    our love for him and encourages us to
    follow his example in our dealings with others.—
    Read Colossians 3:13.

    COMMENTSCan God forgive us without going through the WTS and a congregational judicial committee of 3 imperfect male

    elders? Yet elders decide if works befitting repentance have taken place and somehow know what God is thinking.


    *** w96 4/15 p. 29 Questions From Readers ***
    If he later repents and produces works befitting repentance, divine forgiveness is possible. (Acts 26:20) In such a

    situation, the Scriptures give the elders reason to believe that Jehovah has indeed forgiven the wrongdoer. Then, once

    the person is reinstated, the elders can help him spiritually to become firm in the faith.

    Hence, any forgiving or not forgiving on the part of the elders would be in the sense of Jesus’ words at Matthew 18:18:

    “Truly I say to you men, Whatever things you may bind on earth will be things bound in heaven, and whatever things you

    may loose on earth will be things loosed in heaven.” Their actions would simply reflect Jehovah’s view of matters as

    presented in the Bible.


    Q17,18. In what ways has Satan's way of ruling failed?

    17 Satan’s entire world system—a product
    of his way of governing—has repeatedly and
    consistently failed over the centuries. In
    1991, the newspaper The European noted:
    “Is the world sick? Yes, indeed, but . . . not by
    [an] act of God—the world’s illness was inflicted
    by its peoples.” How true! Influenced
    by Satan, our first parents chose human rule
    over rule by Jehovah. They thereby set in
    motion a way of governing that was bound
    to fail. The pain and misery experienced by
    people worldwide are signs that human rule
    is afflicted by a dreadful illness.

    COMMENTSSo then are all non-jws sick?
    world = all non-jws
    Remember was human rule by God any more successful? Israelites were tossing their children into the fire not just the Canaanites.

    18 Satan’s way of governing appeals to selfishness.
    However, selfishness can never conquer
    love, which is the basis of Jehovah’s
    way of governing. Satan’s way of governing
    has failed to deliver stability, happiness,
    or security. Jehovah’s way of ruling stands
    vindicated! Do we have modern-day evidence
    of that? Yes, as we will see in the next article.

    COMMENTSHas selfishness conquered the love jws say they have?

    What Did We Learn About
    Rulership From Reading . . .

    Romans 13:1, 2?
    Proverbs 21:30?
    Jeremiah 10:23?
    Colossians 3:13?


    Next week, Jehovah's Way of Ruling Vindicated! What about our experiences? While we were told that they were

    anomalies, rarities, haven't we found that many times over the unloving acts of jws and the WTS have been repeated

    over and over, over many years. Is the answer to wait on God?

    Love, Blondie

  • blondie


  • cantleave

    Glad I'm not "studying" that drivel tomorrow.

  • yesidid

    Thanks Blondie.

    I guess many Witnesses will think that hogwash actually answers the question of why God has allowed suffering............for six thousand years.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    But hold on a minute. I thought Jesus has been ruling as enthroned King since 1914 and the Kingdom (only a governmental rulership according to the WTS) was established then. So if Satan is the ruler of the world, does that mean Jesus is sharing world rulership with Satan since 1914? What have Jesus and the 144k resurrected in 1919 been doing all these decades if not ruling over earth? Who have they been ruling over in heaven - the angels? What the hell have they been doing for the last 90 or so years? Maybe attending "kingdom rulers" training school in heaven, or holding gargantuan debates in heaven about "new light" to be magically beamed into the minds of Rutherford, Knorr, the governing body?

    Oh yes that's right - all they did was oust Satan and the demons from heaven and hurl them to earth to create way more death, misery and havoc than ever before. Gee, thanks Jesus, thanks 144k....what wonderful, merciful "rulers" you are since the kingdom was established in 1914. Thanks for kicking out all the trash to earth while sitting on clouds twidding your thumbs for 96 years doing nothing. We really appreciate it down here but no, don't lift a finger, we'll cope.

    And yes, Jehovah forgives in a large way, but according to Watchtower dogma, he is going to slaughter everyone at Armageddon forever who is basically not a JW. That's billions of persons, including harmless women, children and babies. How forgiving indeed. What cause for joy.

  • My Struggle

    Thanks Blondie – another brilliant analysis!!

    10 Against the backdrop of Satan’s disastrous rule, Jehovah’s perfect qualities are even more obvious than they otherwise might have been. In this way, he has been magnified in the eyes of those who love him. Yes, paradoxical as it may sound, Satan’s way of governing has in reality served to glorify God. It has highlighted the superlative way in which Jehovah has dealt with this challenge to his sovereignty. To illustrate that truth, let us briefly consider some of Jehovah’s qualities and see how Satan’s wicked rule has moved Jehovah to show these qualities in additional ways.

    RE: "Issue of Universal Sovereignty"

    Does the word sovereignty or universal sovereignty appear in the Bible – even in the NWT? NO

    Why is this "Issue" discussed NOWHERE by Jesus, the Apostles or anywhere in the Bible but the WTS teaches that every person on Earth will be destroyed by Jehovah if they do not respond to the "Issue of Universal Sovereignty"?

  • bobld


    My 2 cents. Q1-Heard that, so what Q2- Time: do I care Q3- humans rejected Jehovah's oversight-so what.Q4- Not-It's pretty D.... good Q7/8 What misery, maybe in WTS land with all the marrage break up,df,shunning,oh yeah it is misery in wts land,in wt kh,at wt dc.Q11-Love,not in wbts land.Q12-Power,Big time in wbts land.GB,DO,CO,ELDERS.Q13-Justice,not in wbts land remember when anyone talked back to Hilter off with the head..


  • WTWizard

    I would like to see what would happen if just one major country were to adopt these guidelines:

    (1) No individual or government shall initiate the use of force, threats of force, or fraud against another person or their property.

    (2) Force is morally and legally justified only against those in violation of the above.


    If this were put right at the top of any country's constitution, and every other law had to pass through this, I am willing to bet that such a country would prove the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery wrong. It can only fail if some Almighty Lowlife Scumbag initiates the use of force to ruin such a country--putting even Jehovah in violation to this law. So long as these principles are upheld, I believe mankind is perfectly capable of developing a perfect government, along with a private sector that will create our own paradise directly against Jehovah's nefarious will to stifle and stagnate us.

  • Heaven

    SOONER or later the wicked will have to be brought to justice.

    The Bible was written some 2000 years ago so the above statement should be re-written as follows .... "Later the wicked will have to be brought to justice." ... because 'SOONER' just hasn't panned out.

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