Ex JW to be on 700 club this week...

by awildflower 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • awildflower

    Just happen to catch this on tv. His interview will be on Thursday for those interested.


  • grewupjw1969

    Good article!!!

  • Chalam

    Agreed, awesome!

    Thanks for posting AWF :)

    Here's the vid

    CBN TV - Daniel Morales: Beyond the Watchtower - Video



  • Jankyn

    Out of the frying pan ... into another frying pan ...

  • undercover
    Out of the frying pan ... into another frying pan ...

  • linp24

    Yes Jankyn......and this second frying pan of which you speak contains a triune god who inflicts eternal torment upon his creation.

  • isaacaustin

    How do you know this is on Thrusday? I want my friend to see it.

  • Brocephus

    That was awesome, thanks for posting that Wildflower. Great story, sounds like someone of the other posters are hanging on to the old "Religion is a snare and a racket" LOL....

    Nothing is all good or bad in this world.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    that was good!!!! i didn't think it would be on the 700 club? But think of how many people watched that

  • RubaDub

    The 700 Club ???

    You gotta be kidding.

    Pat Robertson is one of the biggest kooks I can think of. If you are watching that show with a room full of people and plenty of beer, maybe you can get some good laughs.

    But come on now. Just off the top of my head, I recall him claiming that the 9-11 attack on New York City was because of the homosexuals there. And about a month ago, the earthquake that hit Haiti was because the country had a pact signed with the Devil. And I'm not sure if it was him or the other nut job, Jerry Falwell, that said that the purple Teletubby was gay.

    Jeez ... come on now. These people are circus freaks. How can you watch with a straight face anything on their shows ?

    Rub a Dub

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