Have you ever used the C-word in front of an Elder?

by Think About It 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Have you ever refered to the JW's as a CULT in front of an Elder? What was their reaction?

    Think About It

  • asilentone

    no, I would not think about it.

  • Gregor

    I thought you meant C--T! Whew!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think I have used a "c-word" about an elder and a C.O., but not to their faces.

    I read the two Steve Hassan books (COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL and RELEASING THE BONDS) in front of my wife and some of her JW friends. When asked why I would read something like that, I said "Why do you ask?" It shut them down.

  • RR

    I did once, I called up an elder and left a message on his machine, told hom that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was a cult and hung up. He called me up and dsaid he didn't appreciate me leaving those messages on his machine. yet he never did anything about it. Years later I was told he was DF'd.


  • EmptyInside

    Sort of, in front of my brother who is an elder. I said, you would think we're in a cult or something with all the secretive information. This was even before I thought it was a cult. It's a long story. But, I get sick of the information control. That certain information is only for a select few to know, before they let the rest of us in on the big secret, that wasn't really a secret or a big deal after all.

  • donuthole

    No. I did say "Christ" one too many times for their liking.

  • flipper

    No- but I have stated the witnesses are a cult to my JW nephew ( 30 yrs.old ) whose dad is my older elder ex-Bethel elder. But I have a good communication pattern with my nephew as he has not attended meetings for over a year now. We keep our conversations confidential from his elder dad. Lots of trust there in the relationship.

    I'm afraid if a person used the word " cult " referring to JW's as such in front of an elder it won't be too well received . But in the end- who really cares what the control freak elders think anymore anyway ? LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • JRK

    No, but I have used the A word, I told the elders that I believe that the JW's are an apostate religion.


  • watson

    No, but I do slip "culture" into my conversations with them now. Hoping it might resonate.

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