Melbourne Australia weather right now....what's your weather like today and where are you?

by Witness 007 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Took my dogs for a walk on a beatiful mild sunny day 24 degrees. Winter is coming soon so I cleaned our wall heater! I have never seen snow here but our cars and lawns can frost over with cold night temps so hows your weather?

  • finallysomepride

    Cloudy day here in Brisbane about 28 degrees C.

    Winter! what winter? cools down a little bit but i'm in shorts and tshirt all year round, great climate, that's why I moved here.

  • on the rocks
    on the rocks

    Very sunny and very hot....India:))

  • goldensky

    I live in Madrid. When I took my kids out this morning to drive them to school, "springtime was in the air". Many flowers had bloomed as if magically (I'm sure they've been out for a few days, but I saw them today for the first time) and I ran to some beautiful daffodils with my kids in tow to admire their beautiful "faces". Some red rosebuds had appeared overnight as well, and the town is all colourful with flowers basking in the warm sunshine. I wondered about all of you, whether you were also experiencing the thrill of so much natural beauty in your respective localities...

  • Heaven

    Here in Markham, Ontario, Canada, it's cloudy right now and a bit chilly. It's supposed to go to somewhere around 12 degrees and the sun is supposed to come out. I guess we'll see.

    edited to add: that's 12 degrees Celsius.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Why are us Aussies up so late, haha?

    31 degrees in northern NSW today, supposed to be the same for the rest of the week.

    At the beginning of the month we had autumn-like weather but lately we’ve had a hot spell.

  • finallysomepride

    it's only 11:14 here why r u up so late NSW?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Thanks for day-light saving it’s after 12 here in NSW.

    I’m watching “Blue Heelers” – can’t get much more Aussie than that!!!

  • finallysomepride


    wish we had daylight saving here in Queensland, have it back home in NZ miss it. Gets to light early in morning for me.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I just got back from driving school bus. Here in Illinois it is morning and 39 F and sunny . We had snow all day Saturday ,but the sun has melted it all away ,hope that will be the last snow of the season . All week it is suppose to be in the fifties by afternoon .Spring is here finally !

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