How Do You Feel When You See Pics of the Gov Body?

by Broken Promises 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard
  • spawn

    I just think of target practice

  • Heartbreaker

    When I was in, I would think that it would be nice to know these men, and a little jealous/resentful that all that we in the congregations did made it to where they didn't have to suffer working for a living, and making ends meet...all those things they counsel us on getting through, they didn't have to experience...with no thanks to us.

    Now out, take away the nice to be able to meet them part, and magnify the resentment by about 100% and add in anger that they have my family and old friends, and I don't. They've never even met them, and never will.

  • frankiespeakin

    I feel like wow these old geezer belong in an old folks home not making policy about blood transfusions and how to interact with an imaginary friend.

    When I see their pictures I think of senility, hardening of the arteries, bed pans, and the Spanish Inquisition. I think of demented CEOs running a corporation into the ground at the expense of human lives and tragedy, based on the delusion that God is using them exclusively.

  • jehovahsheep

    caretakers of the empire and a lesser one in the kingdom of god than the faithful catholic member.

  • blondie

    It doesn't matter if you replace all of these men, the same policies would prevail. It is an organization folks with a life and personality of its own apart from any figureheads, and that's what they are. Perhaps back in the days when the president (Russell, Rutherford, Knorr) called the shots and the others just followed on the board of directors. But no longer, as the old die or move out they are replaced by new men, jws, who are willing to support the status quo.

  • flipper


  • RR
    How Do You Feel When You See Pics of the Gov Body?

    Hmmmm ... when will they get a puertorican on that body?

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    I would have to agree with on the way out.

    Mostly pity and a little disgust.

    Blondie is right too. These guys are more like replaceable cogs in the wheel when compared to the former high profile GB members of yesteryear.

    As the cult reaches a more mature stage of development so too does its leadership. Not quite as outrageous as the old days, but still quite deplorabable.

    What would I do if I bumped in to a couple of them in a dark alley?

    Now that is a very good question.

    I'd like to think I would take the high road and let them pass by unharmed, but the testesterone and primitive instincts might take over. I don't condone violence unless attacked or protecting a loved one, but I could see myself giving them a bit of a beating without any remorse due to their bloodguiltiness. I don't think I would break any bones or anything, just a good ole fashion school yard pounding would suffice.

    The Oracle

  • Gregor

    What a miserable bunch of old hypocrits.

    Like your thread title

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