Please accept my apology for being an elder and participating in Judicial Committees

by TastingFreedom 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey TastingFreedom,

    Great apology.

    I feel the same way. It's a very ugly process.

    Glad to hear you are out and moving on with your life! Good for you!

    and thanks for your thoughtful words

    The Oracle

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Thanks for the apology. I have seen JC's up close and personal and it is an ugly process. It is so obviously nothing that comes from God. Men should not treat others with such disrespect. I especially feel for those who are young and are severely treated for youthful indiscretions. Who of us did not make mistakes growing up? So many have been harmed by having their world turned upside down.

    I am always happy to see someone wake up to the moral culpability of judging other people. It is time to get on with the rest of your life. We would all like to see this policy stopped and for the society to say they were WRONG. You were a pawn in their system, they are the evil system that continues to tear families and lives apart.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Although I've never been subjected to a JC, I know a number of people personally who have and have suffered emotionally and psychologically because of it.

    Part of our recovery is accepting the part we played in maintaining the illusion for everyone else. Every single ex-JW carries that burden.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Mickey Mouse,

    You are so right. That apology was very good and appreciated, although I never was in a JC. My mom was and so were many extended family members. By being a JW and going door to door spreading lies, even if we didn't know they were lies, we are just as guilty as the JC elders. If we converted anyone, we made them subject to control and mind f***ing. We made them subject to possible future JC's by them becoming members and under elders' control.

    I apologize for ever planting a seed in anyone's mind about the "truth" while I was pioneering and any time I ever went out in service. I'm very sorry for that. I hope that no one was damaged as a result of those stupid mind seeds I may have planted.

  • Scott77

    To all of those who have not yet done, please continue to apologize and share your experiences no matter how horrible and terrifying it was. Its indeed a part of healing process and a learning experience to all us. Please, follow privacy policy of JWN to omit indentifying names.


  • jookbeard
  • moshe

    I called up the only person-a sister- who was df'd from a judicial committee I served on. I apologized to her personally- I also ratted out the brother-inlaw who ratted her out, by letter to Bethel. Now that was information she really appreciated.

    An ex-JW who provides a mea culpa to those he has wronged, has become a real human being. Welcome aboard.

  • babygirl30

    "I want to apologize sincerely for condemning you if we as a body of elders determined that you were unrepentant or rebellious. I realize now that we were not really helping you to be spiritual or to repair the relationship with Jehovah, but rather, we were destroying your world." That statement alone brought tears to my eyes!!! I think elders a lot of the time excuse their HUMAN side for more of a 'business' role, and that is when people get hurt. It's disheartening. But I think it's sweet to apologize for what you feel you had a part in...I respect you for that. For me - I want to apologize to all the GOOD people I've met throughout my life and treated coldly or refused to associate with because I was a JW and thought they were 'bad association'. And to those that were DF'd and in my past, I would shun them and gossip about what I thought they could have done to get in 'trouble'...that I feel terrible for. Especially now that I am DF'd!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm searching all over FB for the sister and friend that I ratted out for having a boyfriend on the side when she was married. Was MY name on her marriage license? NO! And she had been abused by her hubby for years. Huge mea culpa. Hope I can find her.

  • jam

    I was fortunate or unfortunate depends on how you look at it, to be involve in only one

    judicial committee in the five years as a elder , that resulted in a disfellowship and that was one

    too many. The brother was a very good friend. The nite of the reading of the disfellowship, by

    me, I collapse on stage doing the annoucment. This type of mentality goes against human nature.

    I have since appologized and he told me it was the best thing that happen to him..I hate that

    organization, for over a 100 years it have created only misery and sorrow for so many..

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