I miss Mouthy.

by paul from cleveland 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • paul from cleveland
  • nugget

    I miss Mouthy too, she was moving so may be taking a break while things get sorted but I hope she is back posting soon.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Grace ...


  • fokyc

    Mouthy aka Grace moved last Monday (15th March 2010) details here:


    She probably hasn't managed to get her equipment and web access organized yet as it's a residential home.

  • recovering

    hurry back mouthy

  • mouthy

    I am back....I made another boo boo by moving
    I hate it here ....so if you do any praying ya better start...LOL

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    Mouthy! Great to see you!

  • its_me!

    Hello Mouthy!

    I am new here, and I just want to say hello, and I look forward to getting to know you! I hope that everything works out, and though I am confused right now, and don't really know how to pray, or who to pray to, I am going to try for you!

  • mouthy

    Well itsme Welcome to the board...

    I am the Granny on board... You will love them all here
    So your new out??? All you have to do is say
    "Creator of the Heaven & earth,,,,cant say I really KNOW
    you after what i have been through,but if your there ,Please
    come into my life,send me the Comforter to teach me about
    You. I ask this in the name you say is above all others Jesus Christ Amen"
    And then sweetie add a PS """"And help this old brod mouthy
    seems she complaing a bout something "
    Great to have you join the 'family"

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Hi (((Grace))) Glad to see you posting ! I'm sorry the move is more or (less ) than you expected give it some time maybe it is just the stress of being somewhere new ....... I have an idea ....just get back into posting here and you'll feel right back at home and doing something familiar !

    Know you are loved

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