Do you hide that you come here?

by paul from cleveland 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I did at first . Usually I would only look at this site when everyone was gone from the house to work or school . When I first started reading things on here we had another teenage witness living with us and I didn't want him seeing what i was up to either . Funny now how paranoid I was about it then.

    Now i openly post on here and share what I am reading with my husband or kids if they are around . Just this a few weeks ago I sent a link to a topic to one of my sons ,and he decided to start an account too. I am pretty sure my husband has lurked a bit himself .

    Fear is such a huge factor in being a Jehovah's Witness ...... it feels so good to let that go and just live life .

  • shamus100


    Isn't it nice posting from work? If it wasn't for that, I'd never be here!! My job can be very stressful, and other times, very boring. Nothing else to keep you awake!

  • littlebird

    I hide it from my husband, saves alot of arguing.

  • BluesBrother

    I do, because a d/f would be at the least, inconvenient...My wife knows that I have "contacts" on the other side, but has decided to ask no questions.

  • VIII

    Mountain Dew and No Doz. I never nap.

    Gotta love an open comp system.

  • spawn

    who would I hide it from, its only a website and Im old enough to look at anything!


    I dont have to hide..

    Im invisible..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    I'm with Black Sheep.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Not anymore!

    Well, at least not from my immediate family.

    JWs? No way.


  • asilentone

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