Did you feel lonely after being disfellowshipped?

by paul from cleveland 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • paul from cleveland
  • Brocephus

    No because I immediatley began doing lots of drugs, alcohol, and promiscious women.... I got a lonely a few years later after I gave all the partying up.

  • WTWizard

    I effectively disfellowshipped them behind their backs, by not going to boasting sessions or supporting their campaigns. And I don't miss it a bit--it was worse while I was an active witless, since I had in addition to my current troubles the waste of all my time and being hounded to do better in field circus.

  • skywho

    when i was "DFed" I wasn't lonely. I had wonderful "worldly" friends that became my family. And they NEVER "chewed me up and spit me out"! With their love and support I could never feel lonely... but i missed my family far too much.

  • palmtree67

    No, I finally felt safe.

  • awildflower

    It's just a state of mind. When you realize that all you need in life is already right with YOU, and everything else that comes your way is just icing on the cake, then you'll be fine.

  • sd-7

    No. Felt lonely while still amongst them--always felt their minds were in a different place than mine, operating on a different wavelength. The notion that "worldly people have nothing in common with us" just never stuck with me. I was never big on having friends inside or outside the religion, so I'm probably a little biased.

  • Twitch

    No because I immediatley began doing lots of drugs, alcohol, and promiscious women

    LOL, been there

    No I didn't feel lonely after leaving (not DF'd) as I had already made frenz on the "outside" and the world was waiting,...

    Don't look back.

  • blondie

    I was lonely when I was an active jw, an elder's wife, a reg pio................so much for being spiritual bringing friends....friends with people you can't trust.

  • out4good3

    they didn't DF me.....I DF'd them. So, I didn't feel lonely in the least.

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