What Makes You Happy???

by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Today it makes me happy to finally see the buds peeping out from last years growth! Spring has really arrived even if the fiddleheads are not out yet, some plants have said enough of winter and are making an attempt at another year just like we do. The cardinals, squirrels, chicadees and others have begun their spring shenanigans, mating songs and general 'ain't it good to be alive' spring songs.

    Nevermind that it is Tues (meeting night), nevermind any crap going on at home or elsewhere, today I choose to be happy (even if kills me! haha, just kidding). On a serious note, sometimes 'acting as if' can change your whole perspective. Like those experiments where they make people smile even when they don't feel like it, eventually they feel happy from the simple act of smiling (you will have to look for yourself about the physiological reasons, dopamine,etc... reasons)

  • dandingus

    Things that make me happy:

    Being accepted for who I am, not who others would have me be

    The intimacy of a friend who knows you better than you know yourself

    Second chances


    Sunshine on my face

    Knowing that someone loves me

    Great counterpoint to our previous topic.

  • Quirky1

    What MAKES me happy OR what WOULD make me happy?

  • awildflower

    Purps that's hilarious!

  • donny

    Being out of the JW's!!!!

  • minimus

    It finally stopped raining. The sun is out. It's in the 50's. Tomorrow, it'll hit over 60~~~~YAY!!!

  • daniel-p

    Purplessofa, how about borrowing a female goat and luring him back with the prospect of goat-love?

  • minimus

    Dandi, you're ok!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Cuddling with my children in bed on a Saturday morning.

    Connecting with the authentic personality of my J-dub relatives and having a laugh until you cry moment.

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Tanqueray and tonic.......

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