What kind of World would it be with NO religion ?

by wobble 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    Listen to John Lennon's Imagine song, pretty much sums it up for me. Now I have to go and listen to it.


    Organized religion has so often been about power money and conquest. In the absence of religion those in power would find another excuse to fight, plunder and control the masses.

    We already see Christianity losing its power and being replaced by a political union called 'the new world order.' It has two gods, power and money.

    The muslim movement is still strong and seen as a threat to the new ideal world order. The JWs are a non-event. They have the same aims but 'wait on Jehovah.' It will be a long and fruitless wait.

    Ultimately we will have one godless world power and we will all have to conform in order to trade and live.

    Just my opinion - Hail Cesar!

  • BluesBrother

    I think that, over time, there would be less of a reason to to be "good" and neighborly and we would see a reduction in the human values that mainstream religions promote.

    Yes, religion has been abused by those who are extremist, and shamefully the big religions have aided and abetted the politicians in their power struggles. But every day there are untold millions of people helped to live better lives by their religion. It was outspoken priests who did a lot to eradicate slavery and apartheid and other wrongs, even though others of their number supported them .

    BTW My wife would say that the removal of religion, or the "End of Babylon the Great " is the last thing before Armageddon, so perhaps I would be a little concerned !

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    BTW My wife would say that the removal of religion, or the "End of Babylon the Great " is the last thing before Armageddon, so perhaps I would be a little concerned !

    BluesBrother- You know they have never gotten anything correct, do you think they are right on this one? Does that prediction have anything to do with the measurements of the pyramid in Giza?

  • WTWizard

    Science would reign supreme. Killings would be limited to removing tyrants from power--not trying to conquer the whole world with your religion. And, there would be no more people getting stoned to death or burned at the stake for disbelief of the official doctrine.

    And no more stupid rules against homosexuality (among consenting pairs), adultery (it would be between the spouses, not the law), fornication, or having sex in ways that are not traditional. In some countries, even to this day, you can get stoned to death for adultery or fornication, or even having sex that is not the way they claim is "correct". Women are oppressed, with required face veils and restrictions on travel and work. None of which would be possible without religion.

    Also, no more "Original Sin". Nor the promise of deliverance in the "near future" causing people to waste their whole lives trying to earn it, when God Himself is the one distressing mankind so He can "deliver" us from it.

  • hybridous

    I would imagine that without religion to prod...humans would be killing and enslaving each other over which interpretation of Quantum Theory they hold to.

    Just because religion is gone doesn't mean humans would embrace rationality. I see religion as merely a tool. At the heart of the matter is human nature. We must evolve further.

  • streets76

    "And no religion, too." -- J. Lennon

    "Yes, indeed, you gotta serve somebody." -- B. Dylan

    "Jesus is just alright, oh yeah!" -- D. Brothers

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    It would be worse as long as you have death.

  • glenster

    Dumb things by Lennon

    The Beatles were my favorite group, and I bought more of John's solo albums
    than the others', so this isn't a hate piece. It's more a mixed reaction, every-
    thing considered, to the adulation--that the idea of him as a rare embodiment of
    love and how we all ought to get along seems dumb. Some of the things taken
    that way only go to show it's easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk.
    Some of the unheralded every-people that walk the walk deserve the recognition

    He married a woman because he got her pregnant then went off to fiddle with a
    bunch of others while making a whole lot of money. (Don't try something like
    that at home.) If you're not sure if that's dumb, ask around. The only ones
    who like that plan are opposing lawyers. The train to dumbsville is off to a
    flying start.

    At one point tried out for chairman of national "Let's Make Fun of the Handi-
    capped Week." (Apologies to Tom Lehrer.)

    He started feeling bad--"I'm a Loser," "Help!," "Nowhere Man," etc.--but in-
    stead of improving his diet and exercise regimen he went from Prellies to black
    market stuff, to LSD and even heroin and cocaine, supposedly sucking on heroin
    Thai sticks even in the last years. He spent his adult life giving money to
    organized crime. "If you want money for people with minds that hate, all I can
    tell you is brother you'll have to wait" is true--you had to get in line behind


    He couldn't remember who wrote "In My Life." He thought he wrote it all him-
    self and Paul wrote a little guitar line for between the verses. Whatever, it
    was important to him to have us think he wrote a song that basically means "If
    I love you, I love you forever."

    Then he dumped his wife and kid, bi**hed about paying her alimony though she
    raised the kid, he didn't, made out like she won the pools and didn't deserve it
    so she didn't get an amount commensurate with his income, and only saw the kid
    about once a year. I don't just see Dr.Phil opening up a can of whoop ass on
    him, I see him throwing it at him.

    Then, supposedly at his most raw and honest, put out the first single for his
    first album of music after the breakup of the group: "Mother," about how sensi-
    tive he was that parents neglect their kids (?!).

    Then John "I just believe in...reality" Lennon went on the Cavett Show and
    lied that he was seeing Julian once a week. "Gimme Some Truth": I think it was
    just another myth except the entertainment wasn't as good.

    Even at the end, when he was supposed to be settling into loving family out-
    looks, he was saying Julian wasn't as much a real son to him as Sean because Ju-
    lian was the result of a Saturday night special and a bottle of beer. Spoken
    like a true retro dead beat Dad. A little bambino's not supposed to hear that,
    and Mr."live as one" isn't supposed to want to say it. If I knew Julian, I'd
    tell him to look on the bright side: at least he was conceived on beer, it could
    have been cocaine or heroin--he got out before the serious brain damage started,
    which looks like it required getting out early....


    The other three were replaced by a woman who hit a bongo and screamed and said
    it was intricate rhythm stuff and like Schoenberg. John said things that indi-
    cated he couldn't understand why some people hated her unless there was some-
    thing wrong with them.

    Gentleman George Martin was replaced by a guy who "pulled a gun at every woman
    he met since stereo." (Bill Maher)

    Dumb Imagine things

    There are good and bad ways to try to create peace in the world. The best
    method is that people shouldn't be 'centric about the different belief and non-
    belief choices, about races, nationalities, etc., so as to be unfriendly or
    worse about each other. The worst method is like Hitler's plan for harmony--to
    want there to be just one of a category--the world would be good if we could
    just get rid of everyone different than me--which is 'centric.

    Imagine was meant as "virtually the Communist Manifesto" but accepted because
    it was "sugar-coated."

    Communist Manifesto

    John specifically meant Chairman Mao's version, a revolution which didn't
    advocate separation of church and state or that believers and non-believers
    shouldn't be 'centric but persecuted people of faith to create "harmony" the
    'centric way.

    John: "I really thought that--that love would save us all, but now I'm wearing
    a Chairman Mao badge, so that's where it's at. I'm just beginning to think he's
    doing a good job."

    Yoko: "He is." ("Lennon Remembers")

    A propaganda poster of Mao which looks like a cover for the Watchtower is at
    the next link.

    When you give give such a combination of concerns an ironic twist in the song
    lyrics, you have a clever songwriter. When the twist is that the listeners mis-
    interpret the song--that a 'centric song is about the world being better if the
    world wasn't 'centric--you get dumb listeners. That's not as good.

    The PR spin pitted him verses Nixon. But Nixon would have had to have hired
    leaders from other countries to come up with as big a death toll as Chairman Mao
    with his Great Leap into the Grave. You have to admit, though, the dead are
    peaceful, and he sure made for a lot of them.


    John made flame war that Linda would be thrown out in two years then he got
    thrown out, which was dumb because he was supposed to be doing it loudly with
    another woman in a room near Yoko. If it was an open marriage, how do you get
    thrown out for that, and if it wasn't an open marriage, what the hell was he
    doing, doing it loudly in the next room? So I don't know what happened, but I
    know something dumb happened in there somewhere--I know that.

    John patched things up with Chuck Berry about "You Can't Catch Me"/"Come To-
    gether," then John and Yoko stole "King Kong" ("Uncle Meat," 1969) from Frank
    Zappa. (Imagine there's no lawyers.)

    Then, not content to have been the bright nut of the Beatles, it's like he was
    going for major crackpot. He was hanging his junk out on the patio, and said he
    saw an Ed Wood-type flying saucer with a little red bulb on top.

    Near the end, John and Yoko recorded a few songs with Cheap Trick till Yoko
    talked John out of it saying they were using him.

    John was interested in being Christian for a while--a conservative, Evangeli-
    cal, faith-healing variety of Christianity. He wrote to Oral Roberts, took Yoko
    and Sean to a church, wrote a couple of songs about it, etc.

    I can think of some others, but those are the most ironic or funny to me re-
    garding the recently renovated Imagine version of John.

  • streets76

    Ad hominem anyone?

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