Satanic cults include 'priests, monsignors and cardinals

by Weeping 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Weeping

    My 'friends' are mostly still witnesses. I don't discuss it with them because a.)i'm no longer fully a JW believer and b.)even if I were they would say Jehovah is in control.

    So while I see this coming danger, especially since I once worshipped satan briefly, there are few I can discuss it with. But I think it's beyond a 'Red Flag' when even the priests admit the vatican is infiltrated now. It's actually horrifying. We're in for calamity filled years if the world doesn't wake up quickly.

  • Weeping

    9-11 was not the work of muslims. Let THAT sink in for a second.

  • thetrueone

    Stop using drugs Weeping if you are and go and see a psychiatrist.

    Your most likely suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

    If you have been recently reading Awake and Watchtower magazines they can also

    heighten this mental imbalance.

  • thetrueone

    Paranoid personality disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others.

    Those with the condition are hypersensitive, are easily slighted, and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions to validate their prejudicial ideas or biases. They tend to be guarded and suspicious and have quite constricted emotional lives. Their incapacity for meaningful emotional involvement and the general pattern of isolated withdrawal often lend a quality of schizoid isolation to their life experience


    Satan has taken control of Everything!..

    Including the Deli Counter,at your local Supermarket..

    Satan is Disguising himself as a Wiener..

    This is a Rare Picture of..

    "SATAN the WIENER"..

    Checking his mail at home!..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Heaven

    Weeping... I think most adults know that there are certain factions in this world that have their own agendas and that these agendas are not for the betterment of mankind. These people have always existed.

    Ok, so here's the thing... there's really nothing anyone can do to prevent these groups from existing unless you have evidence that they are breaking the law. We can only be strong in our convictions of love and forgiveness and being the type of people we wish to see in the world.

    Again, my suggestion to you is to start seeking more positive and creative ways to live your life. If you wish to campaign against Satanism, you may find it coming into your life more than you wish. Focusing on it will do this. Is this truly what you wish to accomplish?

    To start you may wish to consider the following:

    How do I fulfill my 4 areas of human need (Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual)? What gives me joy of spirit? What would I like to do for fun? What are my life plans?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    So, just how are all these "Satanists" dangerous to the rest of us? What cults in particular made your list? What are you doing personally to combat the god given and Congress given freedom of worshiping a bad guy that no one can see and probably doesn't even exist?

  • nelly136

    so apart from the satan thing what other things interest you?

  • mrsjones5

    so apart from the satan thing what other things interest you?

    Good question. I'm also curious as to whether Weeping has other interests or is just a one trick pony.

    Oh and "Angels and Demons" was a good fast light fictional read and a halfway decent movie neither of which I took's just entertainment.

  • nelly136

    take it thats a no then?

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