by leo999 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Because some scammer found that he could weave it into a Doomsday prophesy with current dates and sell it to suckers for MONEY and SELF AGGRANDIZEMENT

  • AnnOMaly

    AnnOMaly, are you really from Yugoslavia? I am too.

    That's 3 of us. JWdaughter comes from the same non-existent country too.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    607 in JW Chronology........was based on the measurement of Charles Taze Russell's penis when erect from seeing the Pyramid of Giza. It was said to be exactly 6.07 inches from tip to base.

    J.F.Rutherford later rejected the Pyramidology chronology when Russell's penis actually only proved to be 5.87 inches.

    Think About It

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    garyneal: "Cue Billy the Ex-Bethelite to shed light on who these people are."

    The non-JW scholars that agree with 607 were listed by "scholar" toward the bottom of this page ...
    ... the following pages of that thread give an in-depth consideration of the 'scholarly' credentials of those 'non-JW' Russellites.

  • dgp

    Well, though I agree with Locked Chaos and Black Sheep (Hi), I didn't receive an answer about why we need the chronology at all. And I would expect someone to know how to justify that, being, as I am, in a forum populated by former Jehovah's witnesses, active Jehovah's witnesses, lurkers, the curious and everyone else. If there were a way to justify that, someone would tell. Not that I am complaining, or whining, or thinking any less of JW's, whatever their stage "going in" or "going out" might be. I just take this to mean that NO ONE CAN REALLY EXPLAIN WHY WE NEED TO HAVE THAT CHRONOLOGY. NO ONE KNOWS WHY WE HAVE TO MAKE SUCH CALCULATIONS, WHY WEEKS BECOME YEARS, WHY THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM IS THE STARTING POINT OF THAT CHRONOLOGY, ET CETERA. This belief you have to accept on its own, because it has no foundations, no support. It's one of the invisible crutches the Watchtower supports itself on.

    And, since we're talking about something that's so related to the Book of Daniel, let me say that, for me, this is the Watchtower's "mene, tekel, ufarsin". This is one of their feet of clay.

    I look forward to anyone telling me why we need this chronology.

  • Mary

    Who wants to take dibs on how long it'll take pseudo-scholar to show up on this thread and start his insane rants (yet again)?

  • thetrueone

    I miss that nut case

  • dgp

    Well, if he comes up, let's see what he has to say. In a concise and direct form, as all truths can be said: "We do this because of this and that". As in "we believe Jesus resurrected".

  • garyneal


    I stand corrected. Indeed, Scholar did list his 'celebrated WT scholars' who were all into 'biblical pyramidology.' That thread happened before I became a member of this board which explains how I must have missed it.

    I too am looking forward to Niel (scholar) coming on this thread.

  • diamondiiz

    Gentile Times Revisited is an excellent book! There is no way 607BC is the date for destruction of Jerusalem or the temple. All the evidence that Jonsson provides in the book is enough for anyone with a brain to see that WTS is lying through their dentures. These old farts seen Jonsson's research and looked the other way which makes them either a bunch of liars which I think is the case OR they are so delusional and stupid that they believe their own story that 607BC has to be true.

    WTS never showed proof for 607 but always tries to dismiss facts or/and put doubt in minds of their followers when it comes to historical evidence. They downplay the mountain of evidence supporting 586/7 date. Their logic is twisted that it's not even funny but very sad for anyone who believes their deception. The historical findings prove beyond a doubt that it wasn't 607 especially when one reads the evidence brought out by lunar eclipses which Babylonians described with details attributed to their king's reign. These various eclipses can be pin pointed to certin years by todays astronomers which agrees with historians when it comes to Babylonian chronology but were these dates moved by 20 years as WTS would like, these eclipses would not have been possible. Also WTS tried to say that Babylonian priests may have omitted events that may have been imberassing to them which may account for 20 years where they misquote authors (would have to look up for names) who were reffering to Assyrians and not Babylonian priests and scribes.

    607 is only important for us, EXJW and JWS or should be important for any thinking witness since their entire fictional religion is build upon this fictional date. One can use this date to reason with dubs (using present troof) that if 607 is wrong then 1914 is wrong and this makes it difficult for FDS to have been appointed in 1919 since Christ never returned invisibly thus making their leaders decievers and liars. And if GB are a fraud, shouldn't dubs look deeper as to what else they are taught that is wrong?

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