"When armageddon happens, I want to be able to SEE the people dying"

by jambon1 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    Said to myself & others by a JW elder.

    I always recall this as a sort of moment. I was genuinely asounded that a 'christian' could say this.

    When this elder was pressed on the matter, he replied that it was because of all the years of laughing & sneering & mocking that he had put up with, quoting the scripture that goes along the lines of 'where is this promised presence of his'.

    I realise now that this person is not loving. And yet, I would hear similar sentiments from others such as 'just wait until the end' or 'I wonder if they'll be saying that when jesus comes with his big sword'.

    Even as a JW pioneer, the thought of such a thing happening to people repulsed me. I guess that is why I am here and they are there.

    Anyone else hear such comments?

  • miseryloveselders

    This morning a similar thought crossed my mind. I'm on the bus, and this little kid turned around in his seat and looked at me. I'm not a people person, nor am I into kids. But when he looked at me, I couldnt help but to make faces at him, and do things to make him smile. When he started giggling it made me feel good. That's when the JW side of me kicked in, and I thought to myself someday he and everyone on this bus are soon to be destroyed. If not for this religion, the word "destroyed" probably wouldnt even be in my vocabulary. The apostate side of me kicked in, and I thought of how ridiculous my thought process has been all these years.

    Similary, there are times I go over my folks pad, and watch the basketball game with my father. When watching the game, my dad will make the comment, "they're getting their reward now, but soon we'll get ours." To the average person that doesnt sound like much, but to JWs, what he said really means, "Jehovah is going to destroy all of them, for not accepting our message. Then we'll be in the new system forever." Thoughts like this leave me uneasy anymore. I feel awkard when I hear comments like that, or other thoughts similar, like you mentioned Jambon.

  • Scully


    Tell him to look up the word Schadenfreude in the dictionary. His picture is next to the definition.

  • sacolton

    Obviously, they don't read their bible, but that's no surprise ...

    Amos 5:18 Woe to you who long for the day of the LORD! Why do you long for the day of the LORD? That day will be darkness, not light.

  • undercover

    I haven't heard it put quite so, truthfully, shall we say...

    But that's what they want.

    We've all been in service in the rich part of town picking out the houses that we wanted to occupy after Armageddon. No thought about the lives of the people in those houses. No thoughts about the kids or the elderly grandparents... We condemned the world for its materialism yet we're dreaming of the day when we can take over the rich dead people's property...

    We've been around JWs who make comments about 'worldly' people getting what's coming to them. I remember leaving doors after they're slammed in our face and we'd joke, "let's see how you feel when the birds are plucking your eyeballs..."

    Naw..no mental problems there...

  • superpunk

    Can they be blamed?

    Almost the entire book of Psalms reflects that exact sentiment. O Lord, lay waste my enemies before me. Smash their children's heads upon the rocks. A thousand will fall at your right hand, ten thousand at your side. etc, etc...

    When I was out in service, I think the older sister noticed me checking out some girls as we drove past. She said "Just remember, they're walking corpses."


    A JW that knows exactly what he wants..

    How refreshing..

    The rest pretend they don`t know what will happen..

    If they get what they want..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • VIII


    I am going to ask this to my Mom point blank next time I see her.

    I want to look into her eyes to see her reaction.

    Her reaction should be even more interesting.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    at one of the last meetings I went to I had a conversation with a woman who casually remarked about how ready she was for the end so I said that I didn't really feel good about billions being executed and she said that she didn't care they had their chance and it wouldn't bother her one bit and I said that I didn't see how Jehovah could do such a thing. found out later when I was called in by the elders that she had told them about our converstion andI'm such a terrible person for not wanting mass executions.

  • snowbird
    Can they be blamed?
    Almost the entire book of Psalms reflects that exact sentiment. O Lord, lay waste my enemies before me. Smash their children's heads upon the rocks. A thousand will fall at your right hand, ten thousand at your side. etc, etc...

    Yes, they can and should be blamed. Those passages in the Book of Psalms refer to taking vengeance upon the enemies of God's people back then. I've copied the psalm that so many have referenced in order to show the supposed tyrannical nature of the God of the Bible.

    I invite any who are interested to read it through and see whether it encourages the kind of wholesale slaughter in which the WT seems to take such delight.

    The others are Psalm 91, 138, and 143.

    Psalm 137:1 -3 Alongside Babylon's rivers we sat on the banks; we cried and cried,
    remembering the good old days in Zion.
    Alongside the quaking aspens
    we stacked our unplayed harps;
    That's where our captors demanded songs,
    sarcastic and mocking:
    "Sing us a happy Zion song!"

    4 -6 Oh, how could we ever sing God's song
    in this wasteland?
    If I ever forget you, Jerusalem,
    let my fingers wither and fall off like leaves.
    Let my tongue swell and turn black
    if I fail to remember you,
    If I fail, O dear Jerusalem,
    to honor you as my greatest.

    7 -9 God, remember those Edomites,
    and remember the ruin of Jerusalem,
    That day they yelled out,
    "Wreck it, smash it to bits!"
    And you, Babylonians—ravagers!
    A reward to whoever gets back at you
    for all you've done to us;
    Yes, a reward to the one who grabs your babies
    and smashes their heads on the rocks!


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