More than 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses arrested in Russia for taking part in a public protest

by behemot 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paralipomenon

    If memory serves me correctly, witnesses weren't supposed to take part in protests or strikes.

    Guess when the corp's bottom line is affect the new light starts flashing like a strobe.

  • sacolton

    It's like Jesus telling his disciples to stand-in for the lashings for him. "I'd do it myself, but it would show great zeal if you do it for me. I gotta be somewhere at 3:00 p.m., so if you could just take my place for the lashings that would be greeeeeeeeeeeaat. M'kay? Thanks."

  • dissed

    I find this disgusting how the GB is using the JW's in Russia for their benefit (see Rutherford)

    "Let's see, how can we milk this for more publicity on the homefront? Let's antogonize the authorities even more"

  • DaCheech
    It's like Jesus telling his disciples to stand-in for the lashings for him. "I'd do it myself, but it would show great zeal if you do it for me. I gotta be somewhere at 3:00 p.m., so if you could just take my place for the lashings that would be greeeeeeeeeeeaat. M'kay? Thanks."

    Awesome and funny!

  • metatron

    I would point out that a number of Witness leaders in Nazi Europe were discreet traitors. So far, Russia has the right idea - take away their cash and property and suppress them without jail.


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Exactly Sacolton!

    I applaud the Russian government for standing up to these nut-jobs.

    Perhaps if more governments were less tolerant of these society draining, mind numbing cults, innocent people would be far less likely to drink the koolaid, even if they are force fed it on their doorsteps.

    The Oracle

  • TweetieBird

    What happened to "waiting on Jehovah" to straighten things out? Where is their faith? For years JW's were under ban in many different countries and they quietly went about their preaching work without drawing attention to themselves. This is not the organization that I grew up in.

  • Snoozy

    Sounds like the WTBTS is becoming a mini government.

    How come when they society sees fit to sell all that property and make a huge profit..they will probably tell the small, plain, no windows congregations they are on their own as far as any new building or repairs or renovations goes. And how come the publishers have to take up a donation for traveling overseers?
    Can't the society give them a raise?....
    Did anyone else claim mileage when they were the driver in service?(charitable contributions) lol

    I wonder where all the money will go from the sales?

    I also noticed the article said that most of them(JW protesters) were released..I wonder why not all of them were released?


  • ziddina

    Why those nasty Russians, how dare they pick on people who - " As a religious group, Jehovah’s Witnesses are accused of being a “sect”, of being unfriendly towards other Churches, of rejecting military service..."

    WaitaSec, those charges are ACCURATE! Are accurate, or were accurate in the recent past, at least...

    I like SHAMUS 100's suggestion: "Just tax them to death...."

    Best idea I've heard yet!


  • ziddina

    And OutAtLast hit the nail on the head, too... "Why aren't the ones at the branch and the ones who write these hateful magazines and books protesting? Weak, spineless men write this government hating stuff and hide behind all the drones. Sickening...."

    Shades of alcoholic ol' "Judge" Rutherford... Whose foolish behavior helped lead the poor German JWs to slaughter in the concentration camps... Zid

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