"Upon Your Belly You Will Go and Dust You Will Eat"...

by AGuest 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you have peace!

    A little while ago I was directed to share with you the true appearance and composite of spirit beings, including our Lord. They are all seraphs, which are fiery, flying serpents (some flesh-eating)... or dragons. Including the Most Holy One of Israel Himself, JAH of Armies. Some are poisonous dragons/seraphs... or vipers... including the foremost Viper, our Adversary, the one called Satan and Devil. It is his appearance that I am now directed to share with you.

    Now, some may ask why... why even speak of him... and my understanding that I am to do so because of the ERROR in false teaching that the being cursed in the garden of Eden was an animal, indeed what is known to us as a snake. It was not. He is not. The TRUTH of this matter, what occurred, was revelaed to me in a vision where the truth about this being - who... and what he is - was shown to me.

    [Please note: the vision occurred Thursday, Feb. 25, sometime just before 2:16am. I know the time because I ALWAYS look at my clock, either when the vision starts or when it ends. This time I looked when it ended because it was SO startling... disturbing... almost frightening... that I forgot to look when it started. I apologize, however, for taking so long to share it with you; however, you will understand the delay as you read on. This is the only "disturbing" vision I've ever received and I almost couldn't bear it and at one point asked it to stop.]

    The vision started with me at a function in a large dark public great room. I initially thought it was a bar because there were a lot of people (all adults) and most were carrying drinks of some sort. There was music and so some were dancing. I realized later that it was a wedding reception at a winery that was built into the side of a mountain. I was at the reception with a young man I loved very dearly.

    As the young man and I "mingled" I could feel another man present staring at me. It became intrusive, uncomfortable, and so I finally acknowledged him. The man spoke to me, but without moving his lips. I could hear him clearly, though, and he was kind of "wooing" me. I tried to ignore him, of course - he was an "older" very distinguished looking man and I couldn't see what he saw in me. He appeared to me to be WAY out of my league... and "dangerous." He kept smiling at me and telling me to come "be" with him, that if I did I would become "like" him... and we could be together, forever. That if I chose him, I wouldn't have to die... but would live forever.

    But I didn't go with him, at first. I communicated back to him that I didn't WANT to be "like" him, that if I chose him he would soon tire of me... and kill/destroy me (I told him that I also knew there was another way I could live forever, without him). He kept trying to assure me, however, that that was NOT the case... that he "loved" me and wanted no other. Somehow, though, I knew he was lying. And he knew I knew, but became more intense in trying, and so I increased my resistance.

    Finally, at one point, I said to him, "How long have you been living?" He replied, "Seventeen hundred years." I knew again that he was lying (he had been living for MUCH longer than that, but didn't want me to know) and figured out that this is why I found him irritating: he was a liar. So, I said to him, "So, you want me to believe that you have lived 17 centuries and in all of that time NO other woman has caught your eye, won your heart? NO other woman?"

    "No other," he said.

    I knew he was lying and I said so:

    "You're a liar, and in fact you have had MANY women... all of whom you grew tired... and all of whom you eventually destroyed. What of the woman you had last? You misled her and then destroyed her, didn't you?"

    Of course, he didn't answer and so I knew. I said, "And now you want to do the same to me. But I won't let you." And I turned to leave him.

    But then he said something that caused me to stop resisting: he said that if I didn't go with him, he would kill the young man I was with! (It was not until later that I realized that the young man was my son!) At that point, however, I could see no point in resisting, as I knew somehow that he could and would do it; he would bring great harm to the young man I dearly loved. So, I sent the young man away... with great pain of heart (he did not suspect a thing, praise JAH!)... and crossed the floor to the man.

    When I reached his side the man took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Now, I must admit that I had expected to feel some sort of thrill when the man took my hand (like a young girl feels when an older, distinguished man pays her some attention), since I had given in to him. I mean, the least he could do was make it... well, palatable, right? But he didn't, and I didn't. Rather, I just felt more irritation primarily because he was a liar and second, because had forced me to send my young man away. For some reason, though, I dismissed my disgust, thinking that perhaps I would feel that "thrill" when we began to dance (because I knew the man could dance very well and I was very inexperienced).

    But no thrill came, even as we danced. Rather, I just felt more and more irritated, and more and more disgusted. Finally, I said to the man, "Just get on with it. Do whatever it is you came to do." And with that, he led me off the dance floor and through a door which led to what appeared like laundry or utility room off the reception area. The utility room part was limited and led out about 6-8 feet. Beyond that, the area went far, far back... way back, in fact... into a huge cavern that extended way into the mountain. Since this was a winery (a very old winery, apparently), I didn't think too much of it. My thought was that the cave was used for storing wine bottles and barrels, etc., although I couldn't see any. So, I wasn't TOO concerned... but I was concerned.

    The light here was kind of dim and "washed out", like something you would find in an alley behind a restaurant or laundry in the city. The man was starting to breathe harder and I thought, "Oh, yeah, here it comes, he's gonna..." and then the door opened and my daughter stepped out carrying a basket. She was looking for me, but I could tell that she was terrified once she realized where she was. SHE apparently knew that this wasn't exactly a wine storage facility and that NO ONE should be here. She was visibly trembling, terribly, but she had seen me leave with the man and wanted to make sure I was okay. I yelled at her to leave, that she shouldn't be there, to go away... and although she tried to go back, she couldn't because the door was locked. She began to cry and pull on the door, even banging on it, as if her life depended on her getting back through (it did!). But no one would open to her. So, I left the man in the shadows and went and banged on the door, too, yelling with her until someone opened it and let her back through. I then returned to the man.

    And here is where the vision became disturbing... but revealing:

    By now, the man's demeanor had changed. He was no longer even trying to be "charming" but was visibly agitated and becoming angrier by the second. He wanted me to WANT to be with him... but I didn't... and so he couldn't handle that. But his "anger" only irritated me more because I was like, "Uh-huh, I KNEW you were a liar, and nothing more than a dirty old dog. There's nothing charming about you at all!"

    And then two very stranger things happened: involuntarily, my eyes went to something above my head (I couldn't see what) and my head began to turn, exposing the right side of my neck from my ear to my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the man rear back his head... way back... and expose two long teeth... fangs.

    I began to cry out to my Lord, "Is THIS what you want me to know; that you guys are VAMPIRES??!! What the IS this!!??" I then began to beg him (my Lord) to stop the vision, that if this was what "they" were all about, okay, no problem, but I didn't want any more. I didn't want to see anymore or know anymore. If that's what they were, okay, but I wanted the vision to stop here. Now. Please. I mean, how was I going to explain to the Body that now they were vampires?! No, I didn't want any part of that!

    And then my eyes turned back to the man... but he wasn't a vampire. He was... a VIPER! A reptilian-like "man"... with these fang-like teeth exposed, and his head and neck coiled, about to strike me with GREAT force!

    And then, another strange thing occurred. Well, a series of strange things, actually. Immediately, from out of NOWHERE... a bronze/copper "collar" appeared... and was SLAMMED around my neck, covering every inch of flesh from my ear to well over my shoulder!

    And it was put on me JUST in time to stop the strike of the VIPER from hitting my flesh. Dear ones, that "thing" hit that collar with SUCH force, it almost "hurt." I mean he came at me and hit me with SUCH force, I actually tried to recoil. But I couldn't move... because of him or because of the collar, I can't say... and he struck me. Hard. But he hit the collar.

    And then I heard a LOUD voice from above call out, "BELIAL!!" and the Being was immediately snatched away from me... backward... and far back into the cave. I could see back into the cave, though, and here is what I saw:

    The "man"... who had turned into a reptilian-like being when standing before me and about to strike me... was transformed as he flew backwards through the air... so that when it landed...on a ledge along the side of the cave... it did so in a crouching, crawling position, like that of a grasshopper! And it was pretty hideous!!

    I then heard another voice say:

    "Upon your belly you will go and dust you will eat."

    I realized, then, that this was the one called Satan and Devil... whose SPIRIT name is "Belial" - pronounced "Bee-lee-yah-el"... which means "without JAH as God."

    I was then immediately transported to a scene similar to the one recorded in the Book of Job where all of the spirit beings had come in before the Most Holy One of Israel. There were myriads of spirit beings... seraphs... all of whom were "glowing" white. Bright white, like, well, yeah, lightning. The entire room was bright white like this, in fact. They were all standing in formation before a great throne... and I was standing to the right of the throne... beyond and to the right of another throne placed just next and to the right of the first one. Again, I was standing: the two were sitting.

    As I watched the scene, those in the back started to part and lo, here came this same being... crawling in. Creeping in, actually. In FORM, he was JUST like the others... but he was contracted and crawling. And as he passed the others, all would look at him, but none with pity. In fact, their faces showed no emotion at all, one way or another. The look on his face, though, was one of... well, a kind of complacency, but obviously faked. His eyes, though, were FULL of hatred.

    I then heard a voice from the throne say to this one, "Where have YOU come from?" And the Being responded, "From in the [earth] and going about in it."

    I kept wondering why this one didn't stand up, like all the others, especially since he was before the throne (I mean, everyone else was standing, including myself, except the One on the throne and the One sitting next to him, to my left). He didn't look deformed or unable to stand. The One next to me, immediately to my left, whom I recognized by his voice to be my Lord, said to me:

    "Because this is his curse. He may not stand as an able-bodied man may stand, but must crawl about, like a beast. To STAND before the Throne is an HONOR (Revelation 7:9!)... and this one has greatly DISHONORED himself. He may never stand again, before anyone. Instead, he must creep as a disgusting thing and crawl as a cursed one. While his place before was in the heights, it is now lower than earthling man."

    I looked at him again, that crawling one... and asked,

    "But I thought he was a brilliant one, a shining one. I thought he was beautiful, that his beauty was his downfall. How is it that he is so ugly now?"

    And my Lord replied, "That was his 'covering,' child, but his glory has been removed. He must now walk naked."

    Dear ones, it was NOT a snake that spoke to earthling man in the Garden at Eden. It was a seraph, a brilliantly-robed, fiery, flying serpent. The curse was not that he would be like a snake... slithering and with no arms and legs. The curse was that he would have to crawl, rather than stand upright... because he would never be able to STAND again... before any of us... and certainly not before the Throne of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.

    He is not cursed "of all the beasts," for he is not a beast. He is a man, albeit not an earthling man. He is a spirit man... a seraph. He is just no longer "able-bodied"... which means standing upright (vs. one who is lame). He is cursed "above all the beasts and domestic animals" meaning that he is now only slightly higher THAN beasts and domestic animals, having fallen from a much higher position, that of one of the cherubs created to protect the Propitiatory (Christ) and those who belong to Christ.

    He did not "stand fast" in that assignment, however, so that rather than PROTECT us... as his "twin" Michael has and does... he has become our enemy.

    I have seen him... as he is... and now I, SA, have shared that vision with you just as I received it from my Lord, the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the One who is the Son and Christ, and thus seated at the right hand of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.

    I bid you peace.

    Your servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


  • pixiesticks

    Reading this post AGuest I'm very concerned about your mental health. I'm no doctor, but if you're experiencing these kinds of vivid hallucinations, I would definately recommend getting yourself to one pronto!
    What you're describing sounds like you're suffering from some kind of psychosis, which can cause extremely vivid 'visions' and cause you to hear voices."Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, usually including false ideas about what is taking place or who one is (delusions) and seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations).
    There are many possible causes:

    • Alcohol and certain drugs
    • Brain tumors
    • Dementia (including Alzheimer's)
    • Epilepsy
    • Manic depression (bipolar disorder)
    • Psychotic depression
    • Schizophrenia
    • Stroke

      - Medhelp.org
  • AGuest

    Nevermind. Peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who wonders about all the pseudo-psychiatrists on this Board. Ah, well... they come and they go...

  • dinah

    You just watched "Twilight" and "New Moon"?

  • Mary

    I believe you AGuest. Why---I had the very same vision after downing a couple of percocets and red wine!! The only difference is that my flesh-eating, flying serpants were giving out free nutsack shines to the inhabitants of the earth.

  • dinah

    Mary, you and I could hang out. Just ask Bumble Bee!!

  • Elsewhere

    So, does this mean you believe that snakes can talk and walk upright?

  • superpunk


  • cameo-d

    Did your fantasy guy look like this?

    We are made from the dust. Those who "eat dust" are the blood suckers. Although some are actually cannibals too.

  • ldrnomo

    I think I know what your talking about AGuest. Every morning at 3:45 I am awakened by God when he calls me on the phone. Usually he just calls to complain but sometimes he wants my opinion on one of his creations. One morning he got mad at me when I told him that he wasn't that original because everything he creates uses the same mechanics. Not that impressive in my opinion like snakes crawling on stomachs and lizards crawling on stomachs with little short legs. I also told him one morning I wasn't impressed with where he put the opening for sex on females, to close to the opening for feces. Could be easy to make a mistake for some humans. If you want I can talk to him tomorrow when he calls and tell him to ease up on you for a while.


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