How to do communion?

by matrixx 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    I know that my catholic daughter and her family refuse to do so in flu

    And they aren't alone!
    Many in the church refrain at that time..they will however eat the wafer.


  • BurnTheShips
    I hope everyone realizes that I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing; just wondering where the ritual originated, and if it was a 'law of God' or merely a 'tradition of man'. Although, if the tradition of man is not in contradiction with the law of God, then I can't see any harm, and in fact the physical aid for a spiritual matter would strengthen many.

    There are things that have been passed down to us. Some are in writing in Scripture, this is sacred tradition--in writing. Some things were passed orally. There is human tradition, and there is sacred tradition. These are both different things.

    I just know that many people think that unless you have communion, then you have no hope in salvation; no relationship with Christ... that I think would be a tradition of man that is not in agreement with law of love of God.

    We have rules that we follow. We have norms that we adhere to. The rules are there for us--not for God. We can't box him in with our rules, there is no boxing him. No box can contain his love. His greatest desire is to bring all his prodigal children home to rest with him. Some of us labor all through the day to receive our "pay." Some of us show up at the last hour.....and get the same "pay."

    Christ comes into any heart that receives him, even if the "head knowledge" isn't there.

    Many in the church refrain at that time..they will however eat the wafer.

    When the swine flu scare was peaking, we were told it was better not to touch to share the sign of peace. So we would just wave at each other and do it that way.


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