Childhood Baptism

by torn in two son 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brocephus

    I've posted many times about my baptism at 12. I did it to help my elder father to look good back then although I answered all the questions right and said it was my decision at the time which it was. But I was the kid and it was my parents job to keep me from joing a cult, oh wait they were in it to.... Dang it.

    Any how the worse thing was the that puberty was just begining for me. Once I hit 14 it was a never ending cycle of judicial committees, guilt, anger, and those famous "back room discussions". My Dad pretty much treated me like an adult once I got baptized. There were so many times I needed his love and honest advice that I didn't get it. There was a block between me and Mom as I was now spiritually superior to her. She couldn't pray in front of me or conduct a field service meeting if I was there. That was weird conducting the field service meetings at 13 for a bunch of grown ups because only women came out.

    Just be a good friend to your buddy rise above the JW shit, he's going to need your support even if he doesn't know it.

  • crapola

    I think it's a mistake at that age. I know of two young men who were baptised at about that same age due to the pressure from their mother and aunt and it was no time at all before they were df's. Baptism should be for those old enough to know what they are doing. Think about how old Jesus was when he was baptised.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hello Torn,

    I gave the guy a big hug and squeaked out a "Congratulations"

    I know it sucked, but in my heart I think you handled it very well. You were there to share a happy moment for your friend. Doing anything less wouldn't have stopped him at that late hour and he would just remember that you were a "downer" on his happy day.

    I'm proud of you Torn. The path you're taking requires courage, and there are no black-and-white answers to comfort you as you go.

    Use your head. Listen to your heart.

    Follow the path of love and kindness wherever it leads.


  • Heaven

    Jesus Christ wasn't baptized until he was an adult. The WTS is NOT using Christ's example. At least my Mom agreed with Christ on this. Luckily, none of us kids got baptized. So glad we didn't.

    Baptism is something that should be done with a mature, adult mind-set.

  • sooner7nc

    I know the two that crapola mentioned. I used to laugh at them when they rode their bikes in front of my house with their goofy little helmets on. I didn't realize then that they were nice kids. By the way craps, is Winter still married to one of them?

  • crapola

    No, not for a long time now. She's in S. Texas with her dad.

  • Snoozy

    Why even get baptised..does it make you a member of the chic club?

    What will they do to you if you don't?

    Isn't that pretty young even for a JW to get baptised?

    This being said I was baptised as a baby in the Catholic religion..for some wierd reason I am prouder of that then I am my JW baptism at the age of 23..I figure that one is null and void now.

    Does religion honestly think baptisism will save your soul?


  • torn in two son
    torn in two son

    Oh, I've asked him about Mr. Christ getting baptized at 30 long before I knew of the impending doom of his own baptism. His answer was what was to be expected from a zealous JDub (something that has almost nothing to do with the conversation at hand):

    "Times were different then, baptism was rarer and so getting baptized later was acceptable."

    So when more people join, it means you have to get baptized sooner? How do those two factors have anything to do with one another? Well whatever, I suppose it's his choice. Snoozer, you asked what the benefits are from being baptized. Well...if you're real excited about JW-ism, (which you'd have to be to get baptized) then you can become a ministerial servant, an elder, a P.O., a C.O., a D.O., and maybe even rise to the top and reach GB status! Of course though, JW's will only allow any of this "climbing the spirtual ladder" if you have a penis. If not, well then there isn't much else you can do then when you weren't baptized. I honestly don't get baptism, if you're a JDub and zealous, but not quite comfortable with baptism, what's going to keep you from being destroyed? There really is no point unless you want to climb higher in the Organization, assuming you're male.


  • dozy

    13 is too young. Far too young to make a lifetime commitment with consequences if you change your mind when older. I've just known too many baptised at 12/13/14 , DFd and shunned by all (including parents) or reproved and disgraced in front of all the congregation at 16/17/18.

  • OnTheWayOut
    ESPECIALLY because I'm nothing but a lowly unbaptized publisher

    You did what you could do. You will be a friend when he needs one.
    Have you given any thought to how you might go from unbaptized publisher to "unbaptized and not publishing" ?

    I mean, they typically make some kind of announcement.

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