"If anyone LOVES me, he will keep my word..."

by AGuest 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Hello!! GOOD to "see" you here and, of course, may you have peace!

    For JW,s and EX JW,s partaking of the emblems can be a very difficult thing. Because the organization has created a fear in many that they are unworthy and that it is the wt organization that determines whether or not a person should partake.

    Sadly, yes! It was a "clue" to me, toward the "end" that they REALLY weren't who they say they are... to ANY extent! Why? Because of our Lord's words:

    47 I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.

    What is it that we are to believe? Our Lord goes on:

    48 I am the bread of life. 49 Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. 50 But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

    52 Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?"

    53 Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoevereats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him. 57 Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever."

    Our Lord said ANYONE who ate the bread that is his flesh... WILL live forever. And WHOEVER eats his flesh and drinks his blood HAS eternal life and he WILL raise that one up. And WHOEVER eats his flesh and drinks his blood REMAINS in union with him and he with them. We have come to know that we EXERCISE our FAITH in this truth... by eating and drinking!!

    Yet, the WTBTS has taught and still teaches that SOME... should NOT eat and drink. What a BLASPHEMY!! They are indeed "shutting up the kingdon of the heavens before men"!

    We eat, my dear brother, BECAUSE of our faith - faith that by DOING so... we WILL live forever. That even if our FLESH (which is of no use at all) should die... our SPIRITS will live eternally. And not as vaporous phantoms but as spirit beings with BODIES... SPIRIT bodies... which have NO sin or death IN them. Because it is by means of this eating that spirit beings live, as recorded at Psalm 78:25:

    21 When the LORD heard them, he was very angry;
    his fire broke out against Jacob,
    and his wrath rose against Israel,

    22 for they did not believe in God
    or trust in his deliverance.

    23 Yet he gave a command to the skies above
    and opened the doors of the heavens;

    24 he rained down manna for the people to eat,
    he gave them the grain of heaven.

    25 Men ate the bread of angels; he sent them all the food they could eat. "

    Our Lord, however, is recorded to say that HE is that bread:

    28Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" 29 Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." 30 So they asked him, "What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? 31 Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written: 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'" 32 [Jesus] said to them, "I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."

    34 "Sir," they said, "from now on give us this bread." 35 Then [Jesus] declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."

    It is my SOLE wish, my dear brother, that ALL those with ears to hear WILL hear... and get the SENSE of this truth! Because NOTHING would glorify the Father MORE... nor glorify the Son more... than for those who were previously misled and prevented from entering to COME TO THE DOOR and gain access! Can you imagine it: millions now living NOT dying... to the glory of God and Christ... and the SHAME and exposing of our Adversary as the Liar that he is!

    And that is why I "continue" in the "work" of our Lord, dear Matrixx. I was/am a sinner... and yet, he has shown ME mercy by revealing this truth to ME: that all I need do is go to HIM... and eat and drink of HIS flesh and blood... so that he and the Father can come and dwell IN me... and by doing so, mix THEIR blood... holy spirit... with MY blood... so that I can HEAR them speak (for it is the blood that speaks)... hear their voice(s)... which voice(s) have guided me... and are guiding me... into ALL truth! How can one turn their back on something like that?? I can't!

    And the ONLY way I can show MY love (for them as individuals) and appreciation (for what they've given ME)... for what do I have that is of any value to them?... is to share it with ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN... anyone with ears to hear. In that way, perhaps more will hear the "call" and ANSWER... to the glory of God and Christ.

    You are one such person, dear Matrixx... as is your household... for, what, over a decade now, yes? And you and your household have taken up the same "work" as I during this time... for the same reason(s). Together with me and MY household. MY prayer for YOU, then, is that our Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and His Son and Christ, our Lord, the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, continue to grant you and your household their love and peace... to time indefinite. For we have already partaken of His mercy, have we not? We have.

    May JAH bless you, to time indefinite!

    YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    To those who send me greetings of love, those who weren't quite sure, and those who do not yet understand God's love...

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies... and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the One who is the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... you and your entire household... if you so wish it.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,


    (And I am glad that YOU get it, dear Outlaw, because it is a VERY important truth - )

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    AGuest. If you were born anywhere else on earth that is not Christian, I believe you would be toting whatever religious birthright you were taught to believe.

    You have not convinced me at all. As long as you keep quoting a book that has been proven to be a history of a Jewish nation, a book that has some value within its pages, but, you know that it is not inspired of a God.

    However, if you have had a personal experience with Jesus as you say, well, that cannot be disputed.

    You have been a comfort for many who believe as you do.

    Your own Bible tells you that only Jesus is the way the truth and the life, there is no other, not even you.

    I cannot love someone I never knew. I cannot be commanded to love someone under pain of eternal suffering and or death.

    In any event you believe what you believe. I am not afraid that I will suffer pain of death for not believing.

    There is no need to reply. I wish you no harm.



    Mall Cop, I feel bad to read such a sad reply. If you are a Christian and believe in the bible, yet cannot love Jesus Christ because you don't know him.....that's just sad. I believe he knows you and has counted every hair in your head.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace! I know you wrote that I need not reply, but I would like to, if you don't mind. Thank you!

    If you were born anywhere else on earth that is not Christian, I believe you would be toting whatever religious birthright you were taught to believe.

    I believe you may be correct. Thankfully, my heavenly Father saw fit to "plant" me in a country were freedom of religion... which includes the freedom to NOT be part of a religion... is a right. True, I am the fulfillment of most every "undesirable" known to the western world (i.e., I am a short (vs. tall), chubby (vs. slim), brown-eyed (vs. blue), Black (vs. white), female (vs. male), descendant of sharecropping former slaves (vs. property owning free folk), living in California (vs., well, pretty much anywhere else in the U.S.)... and not rich (vs. not poor, either - which one really wants to be one of the two, these days). Given all of this, one might think I really should just go ahead shoot myself and end my misery.

    BUT... I also know that I have been BLESSED... to live in a part of the world where I can CHOOSE the God I serve... regardless of the god my parents served. Or the god my brother serves. Or the god my government serves. Or the lgod the eaders of my country serve. Or the god my neighbors serve. Or the god my husband serves. Or the god my children serve. Or the god my teachers serve. Or the god my enemies serve. Yes, He chose ME... but I am grateful that I have the FREEDOM... to accept that choosing.

    So, I have absolutely NO doubt that I was planted here, dear Blueblades... in fulfillment of a plan that originated long before this land was ever discovered... whether by the nomadic relatives of Abraham... or the hired guns of Isabella and Fernando. I was planted here... so that I COULD serve the True God... and share what He gives me... through His Son... freely... without restriction or reservation... for now. While there is still time. I do not think ANY of my life has been an accident... not at all.

    You have not convinced me at all.

    Was I trying to? I'm sorry but I was not aware of it as I am not trying to "convince" anyone. No one at all. The Spirit can speak to you just as he does to me. It is not upon me, however, that you do not hear. I do... and I share it. Just as you would... if you heard. But do not take issue with me: it is my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, with whom you are not convinced. Even so, the deficiency is yours, not his or mine.

    As long as you keep quoting a book that has been proven to be a history of a Jewish nation, a book that has some value within its pages, but, you know that it is not inspired of a God.

    So, you are saying the because I quote Bible verses you are not convinced... because I know that book not to be inspired by God? Have I shared anything that is not the truth? I have not. That it is... or is not... written in the Bible should be irrelevant... unless you NEED to see it written in the Bible. If you don't... then the TRUTH of it isn't compromised, is it? When I don't quote the Bible, there is outcry because, well, I didn't quote the Bible. When I do quote the Bible, there is outcry because, well, I quoted the Bible.

    If YOU don't need to see truth written, dear Blueblades... then don't concern yourself with the Bible quotes: they are not for you. Rather, look to history, archeology, science, if you need to. Because virtually everything I HAVE shared has also been corroborated by such things.

    However, if you have had a personal experience with Jesus as you say, well, that cannot be disputed.

    Sure, it could be... if it were false. ALL falsity can be disputed and successfully so. That one does not know HOW to dispute a certain falsity does not mean it cannot be disputed. Trust me, if I had shared anything false... SOMEONE here would have jumped on it right away. Indeed, I have shared some things when on my own... and there is little delay in correcting me. Some also try to dispute things given me by my Lord, which I share here, but they are unsuccessful... NOT because I am something (I openly confess that I am nothing)... but because ALL of the sayings of the One who GIVES me these things are righteous. There is nothing twisted or crooked among them.

    I don't need the Bible to show you my personal experience with my Lord. I could be wrong but I believe we had this discussion once before and if so, I again invite you to give me a call (I can PM you my number) and I will show you personally... without the Bible. I have made this offer to MANY others; those who took me up on it came to believe themselves. Those who did not, well, let's say they just don't "go there" with me anymore.

    You have been a comfort for many who believe as you do.

    Your very statement shows me that you truly do not get it, dear BB - I am only an INSTRUMENT of the Comforter... a good-for-nothing-servant. It is what I received from HIM... and share here... out of love FOR him... and for the Household of God, Israel... those who go with... and the world... that is of comfort. It is not me... nor mine.

    Your own Bible tells you that only Jesus is the way the truth and the life, there is no other, not even you.

    I don't have a Bible, dear BB. And it was not the Bible that told me: it was my Lord himself. That such truth is also recorded in the Bible is, well, fine with me, I guess.

    I cannot love someone I never knew.

    While I cannot agree (you can love someone you've never known - however, that love is limited)... I do understand. That one doesn't want to know someone, however, is one of the reasons one may never love such one.

    I cannot be commanded to love someone under pain of eternal suffering and or death.

    Dear Blueblades, I want to ask you something, now. I want to ask you to stop... take a breath... and listen to what I am about to "say" to you. LISTEN... because it is VERY important: you are NOT commanded to love God or Christ. They do not WANT you to love them because someone told you that you MUST. They do not WANT you to love them because you don't want to feel pain or die. They want you to love them... because you KNOW them... and know that 99% of what you've heard about them... been told about them... are LIES. Utter, complete, and total lies.

    Let me ask you... and I assume that I still have your attention... can you REALLY say that Christ told his disciples, his apostles, and those he gave and yet gives God's holy spirit to... that "unless you love me... you will die"? No, that is not what he said. He said, "You are supposed to die... BUT I can keep that from happening for you. I want to do it for EVERYONE; unfortunately, that's not the deal Death made with the Father. HE made a deal where all will have to die... because that is the deal Adam made. Because the Father does not want ANY to die, however, He gave me... and I gave my life. Now, in order to live... you're going have to listen to me because you have enemies - those who want you to die. You can't see them, but I can. You can hear me, however, and if you LISTEN... I will guide you."

    Really, that is the jist. Where does the "love" part come in? Here, in the TRUTH that if one DOESN'T love God and Christ... one WON'T listen to God OR Christ. When we LOVE someone... we are captivated by their words. Mesmerized. We hang on every one. And because we have ENEMIES... our very eternal lives DEPEND upon us hanging on Christ's every word. NOT the words written in the Bible, dear BB... but those he gives to us daily... that he writes... UPON OUR HEARTS.

    I understand that you can't love someone you don't know... but I ask you think about why it is that you DON'T know God. It is, of course, because you don't know Christ. So, I ask you to think about why you don't know Christ. It is, of course, because no one ever told you that you could before - at least, not actually and literally. I say to you that you can. Without a doubt. Truthfully. They are alive, and they speak, and you can hear them... if you WANT to.

    In any event you believe what you believe. I am not afraid that I will suffer pain of death for not believing.

    Here is the truth, dear BB: you may die. Most of earthling man will. I very well might, should my Lord not return within my lifetime. You may die, first in the flesh, and perhaps again, in flesh and spirit. But you will NOT suffer. The ONLY ones to suffer... be "tormented night and day"... are the wild beast, the false prophet... and our Adversary, the one called Devil and Satan. There is no suffering for anyone else. It is simply over.

    Contrary to what you may have been taught and led to believe, dear BB... the Most Holy One of Israel is not inhumane. He is not cruel. He is not unrighteous. The wage of sin is death... not torture. Pure and simple. Christ tortured no one... nor did he allow anyone to suffer where he could fix it. And he only did what he learned from his Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.

    Earthling man has long used their "fearful" gods to control their fellow man. The Jews did so... and many others have since and still do today.

    You want to "see" God, dear BB? Then, see Christ. See what HE did. What HE said. What HE taught. Not by reading the Bible, but by asking when did HE bring pain and suffering on another human being? When did he shut the door of HIS tender compassions on another human being? When did HE judge... and condemn... another human being? He didn't. And neither will the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.

    It is the "last enemy"... Death... who made the demand. Adam made a deal... ALL of his progeny in exchange for being able to "know" good (life) AND bad (death). Adam got his what he asked for: he knew life (good)... and eventually also came to know bad (death). Since then, Death has demanded what HE asked for: our lives. Praise JAH... because of Christ, he [Death] will not get ALL that he bargained (with Adam) for. SOME... have been redeemed.

    I wish you no harm.

    And I wish you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • matrixx

    Thank you Chalam

    May peace be with you


  • PSacramento

    Very nice post Shelby,

    Thank you for your views as always.

    I have never been a "fan" of organized religion, ANY organized religion.

    It seems to me that many people, however, NEED an organization of soem sort, need this "dictated structure" to be able to relate to God, or what they view as relating to God.

    I am not sure if it is the tradtions that comfort them or the establised rules and routines that make salavation seem "doable" or maybe it's just that many people are sheep or just want to be told HOW to do something.

    Of course the fellowship is also a huge factor that can never be discounted, many people truly love the bond and fellowship that organized religion affords them.

  • donuthole

    To love Jesus is to love his message and teaching. With Jesus you can't seperate the man from the message. He embodies the WORD OF GOD. He taught us many things, maybe the top 3 being

    Love God
    Love Neighbor
    Love Each Other (fellow Christians)

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    AGuest, I read your response to my post reply of your topic. Thanks for taking the time to help me understand some things even though I said that you didn't have to respond. I will wait and let time take it course. Good health to you.


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