New light on blood?

by Mickey mouse 57 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • donuthole

    Here are the reasons why I don't think a change can be dismissed --

    Watchtower legal is very influential when it comes to making changes. The blood issue remains a huge legal liability not just in terms of lawsuits but also in allowing the religion to operate legally in different countries. Serious legal or political pressure can make changes.

    The blood doctrine has been continually watered down since its inception without serious "blow-back". For instance, hemophiliacs were originally not allowed accept Factor IX, a decision that was later reversed. It is likely that some died in the interim - yet apart from "apostate" sources there hasn't even been a blip on the congregational level. The same could be said for other treatments, therapies, and components.

    The Organization routinely changes doctrine and practice and most importantly Jehovah's Witnesses are conditioned to accept these changes without question. In recent times the Org doesn't even attempt to make serious justification for new teachings - more or less just putting it out there. Any who would have grievances with the Society would be summarily disfellowshipped. This has been a successful tool in silencing dissent.

    There are ways to make taking blood a matter of conscience without coming out with an article with big red flashing lights saying "ATTENTION: FLIP FLOP NEW LIGHT HERE - YOU CAN TAKE BLOOD!!!" Sometimes simply not enforcing the rule gives de facto permission. Oral sex is still condemned on the books but it is regularly practiced by Witnesses and might as well be a conscience matter as time goes on. The Society could simply state that matters involving blood and medical care are complicated and that they are no position to give advice on every new procedure, treatment, and use of a component. They could say that such decisions are best left to the Witness and his caregiver. They would uphold Acts 15 and say that it should continue to act as a guideline to be followed by Christians. They could tell publishers not to be concerned what others choose as it is a private matter and caution others to keep their medical decisions private. If publishers have questions they could direct them to speak with the elders. The elders would be instructed to take no action against those who take blood transfusions. (This is already in place to a certaine extent as one who takes a transfusion is disassociated by actions and not directly disfellowshipped.) Steps like these would effectively give medical liberty without rocking the boat too much.

  • undercover

    Lets say, just for the hell of it, that they do change it do a conscience matter. What then? I'll tell you...


    Oh, it might cause a 'few' people to sit up and go "WHA?" leading them to slowly fade or even DA. But the vast majority of the dubs are going to sit there, nod their heads in agreement and thank Jehovah for directing his organization through these wonderful men.

    By and large, the organization will continue on as before. After a couple of months of the same ole drudgery of meetings and service, that policy change may just have well happened decades ago. The rank and file will forget about it and go on about their everyday lives accepting the new policy without question.

    My JW mother has on her WT approved and sanctioned power of attorney paperwork that she will accept no blood products...period. When I asked her about fractions and the like, she refused to entertain the idea. That's a gray area and to be safe, she's not going to allow it. Even when it was pointed out to her that the organization, as directed by Jehovah himself (per her belief) has allowed such decisions to be made by individuals with a clear conscience, she refused to even consider it. This is how ignorant and blinded these people are.

    If this were to might be big news to us but it won't change our opinion about the Society either. We already hate the bastards. And it won't change loyal dub opinon. They're fooled by the bastards and love em. They'll kiss their ass and praise Jah and go on about their loser lives.

  • JWoods
    My JW mother has on her WT approved and sanctioned power of attorney paperwork that she will accept no blood products...period. When I asked her about fractions and the like, she refused to entertain the idea.

    Maybe that is what the point of all the gobbledegook over fractions was all about - weasel room in case of legal or dissention. While they knew all the time that the dumbed-down JW faithful were just going to keep on saying "no blood in any form no matter what".

    I think Undercover is right - most JWs would probably not even notice a little extra complexity on fractions after all the past stuff about it. They probably have a majority of elders on the "hospital committees" that could not explain "fraction rules" to you correctly.

    A complete change of the rule clearly stated might shake them (just maybe), but that is very unlikely IMHO.

  • dissed

    True, the GB has not leaked of possible changes to come in the past. It hasn't been there style. But I do find it interesting that a rumor has started and has some traction.

    The results of the rumor is some excitement among us, but JW's lurking as well.

    In the past, the Mormon faithful used to leak of pending future changes in doctrine.

    As an example, the curse being lifted off blacks. That doctrine was really hurting the churches recruiting efforts. So the missionaries would say, "we have heard the prophet will be giving us some good news on that subject in the near future." (so no big worries if blacks can't hold office) It was only many years later, they changed and let blacks have positions in the church. And of course, it was the prophet being led by God to do so. (not that the Supreme Courts decision had anything to do with it)

    Remember, it was the GB who probably started the Franz and Dunlap leaked rumors for their benefit.

    Just saying don't be surprized if they are the ones who are leaking this blood stuff. (In-my-haughty-opinion)

  • dissed

    Further...If there is a change, I see it as subtle on the surface. They have been touting the benefits of 'no blood' for decades. It would have to be some super spin on the GB's part to do a black and white correction.

  • JWoods
    Remember, it was the GB who probably started the Franz and Dunlap leaked rumors for their benefit.

    Well, it was Marion Dunlap who leaked it to me and in turn Ed Dunlap who leaked it to him, (and of course it never became doctrinal policy.) (that was the notion that all witnesses should scripturally partake of the emblems, and that 1975 deserved a clear retraction)

    I think you and the others above are right - it would be almost inconceivable for the GB to take a real black and white stand that blood is either OK or just a personal conscience issue. They have too much invested in it already. If anything, some more obfuscation on fractions might happen.

    Anyway, with all due respect, we have been subjected to "blood policy" and "blood issue" rumors before (from similar sources) and nothing came of them.

    I see no harm in using a little bit of skeptical good sense and just waiting for real information before spreading this to the winds - if only for the sake of our credibility.

  • pr0ner

    A new year and the same old rumor on changes in blood policy...I hope they do change it but I won't be surprised if they don't.

  • leavingwt

    Only a change that would actually prevent needless deaths would matter.

    All the rest is smoke and mirrors and legal mumbo-jumbo.

  • JWoods

    Agreed, LeavingWT.

    It does unfortunately occur to me that they changed a few things under the surface over child molestation (after being found out and sued) - but the question is: did they REALLY set new policy to prevent this and to report it properly to the authorities?


  • leavingwt

    Real change would sound something like this:

    Dear Brothers,

    Effectively immediately, your medical treatment is entirely between you and your physician. The choices you make have no bearing on your privileges within the congregation. At no time will any brother or sister receive discipline for any matter related to medical treatment.

    Your Owner,


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