How Did YOU Finally Leave The Organization?

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    There seems to have been a "plan" in the way most of us have departed.

  • Quirky1

    I knew I was plan..just left..never returned..only had one elder contact me shortly before the first memorial I missed. I agreed to have lunch with him only if spiritual shit was left out..he agreed..nothing since...

  • annem

    I left for the second time 7 or 8 years ago and have never looked back. But, I will say, the second time was much easier than the first. I was DF'd the first time and after being reinstated when I was 19 (I had then decided I could not possibly live without my family), I decided I would NEVER go through another judicial meeting. The best way to fade out was just not to return any of the elder's calls...I eventually moved out of the congregation area and I think that helped too. I did stop cold turkey and they tried to track me for probably three months. I honestly believe that because I'm technically not DF' the only reason my parents still talk to me.

  • RebeccaChi

    I was born into the religion and left when I was about 21. We had a special needs talk that focused on the "single sisters" in the congregation, which happened to be mainly just me and my roommate (who is still in the cult 13 years later). We were constantly being bothered by the loser men in the congregation. Most were at least twice our age and of course, big losers. One was in his 50's and had 4 kids, and somehow thought a marriage to a 21 year old could work. (Of course he never showed interest in anyone over 30.) Anyways the elder went on to say that instead of complaining about the lack of brothers, start appreciating the single "brothers" we have in the congregation and give them a chance. These single perverts all starting turning around in their seats and grinning at us, as in "are you listening girls". I got up out of my seat and blurted out loud "I'm tired of this shit!", and walked right out the door. I left all of my literature right on the floor and never went back. It was the best decision I ever made!

  • carpediem

    Decided I needed a couple of weeks break last June. Enjoyed the vacation and decided I would like a long one, so never went back.

  • Heaven

    There seems to have been a "plan" in the way most of us have departed.

    Yes, minimus, I did have a plan. Basically, by the age of 13, I was working. First off was babysitting. When I turned 16 I made sure I got my driver's license, and a part-time job. I needed money to go to College and I wanted skills to put on a resume. When you live on a farm, go to school, and have a part-time job, there isn't much time for anything else. So part of the plan was to get money, skills, and fill my time so I was too busy for the JW stuff. I put my life plan together as a teenager. Once I graduated from high school, I moved to the city to go to College and then get a full-time job. My career has been a busy one too. Lots of overtime, weekend and shift work, and oncall/standby. I just filled my life up so there was no time for the WTS/JWs. The down side to this is that I have ignored some of my human needs. I am now looking at my life and starting to re-prioritize it. Thanks to the WTS/JWs, I didn't want to look at my Spirituality. Thanks to Stephen Covey, I'm on the road to creating it.

  • Quillsky
    These single perverts all starting turning around in their seats and grinning at us, as in "are you listening girls". I got up out of my seat and blurted out loud "I'm tired of this shit!", and walked right out the door. I left all of my literature right on the floor and never went back.

    I love this, well done Sister RebeccaChi!

    (Umm, you and WTWizard obviously had diametrically opposed reasons for leaving.)

  • Twitch


    That made me laugh actually, as FUBAR as it is. Good on ya.

  • RebeccaChi

    Haha! Thanks guys!

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