Pot Calling the Kettle Black

by babygirl30 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl30

    Reading another post on here about 'association' and how home JWs brag about their accomplishments and how spiritually GREAT they are, yet their lives are bull-ish and the 'fruit' they produce is fake as hell:

    A couple in my cong where the husband was gunning for 'elder' over the years and the wife regular pioneered. HE doesn't work claiming he is disabled (yet he can play basketball with the brothers every week) and has NO pride - he will ask for money outright for whatever necessity they have. His pioneer wife is the REAL 'piece-o-work'...this woman will sit for hours (before/after mtgs, in service, at gatherings) bragging nonstop about all her studies or all her AMAZING experiences in service. She is one of those pioneers that seems to always have a Watchtower worthy experience where someone so desperate falls out of a tree, wants to find God, and BAM- there she is to assist them. UGH. These 2 always try to diagnose what OTHER families problems are, and how they can fix their family issues.

    CRAZIEST part is that this couple has a son and daughter - NEITHER of whom are still 'in' the org! The daughter is DF'd and the son just faded away - he is now married and has a family. Neither offspring has any desire to come back 'in'. So what right does this couple have to brag SO MUCH about their spiritual lives when they couldn't even get their own kids/house to stay IN????? These are the types of JW that just irriate me...

  • nelly136

    HE doesn't work claiming he is disabled (yet he can play basketball with the brothers every week)

    there are fraud lines for that sort of thing.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Yup. Turn him in. He's a criminal.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    yet their lives are bull-ish and the 'fruit' they produce is fake as hell:

    I couldve stopped reading right there...Excellent break down. Jw's survive on a front.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Your story takes me back. I remember the body of elders (and others) judging the spirituality of members and families, based on service and meeting attendance and all that jazz.

    I remember visiting my wife's JW friend while I was well into my fade. We met at a restaurant. When my food arrived, she says to me, "I see you've stopped thanking Jehovah for your food before eating it." I replied, "I see you are still making snap judgements of others."

  • Hortenzie

    Their life has nothing to do with their spirituality. There is a precedent for it: Both, Russell and Rutherford, had less than exemplary family life and Jehovah chose them as his representatives here on earth. So if God doesn't judge them and His Holy Spirit chose them and (your) elder to lead his flock who are you to be saying things like that?

    (I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice)

  • babygirl30

    Their life has nothing to do with their spirituality

    THAT is exactly what my mother used to burn in my head. That no matter HOW anyone acted in the cong, it wasn't their literal example we were to emmulate but their SPIRITUAL example!! Again....why? Their spiritual example was obviously a facade because if they truly were 'spiritually strong' they wouldn't BE acting the ass outside the Khall nor would they people a reason to doubt them and what they teach from the platform. So I can spit, cuss, fight, smoke, beat people up, and steal - but if my spiritual persona is CLEAR to all - then I'm good/ok?

  • Hortenzie

    You got it, girl! Your Mom taught you well. And don't worry about Jesus':"By their fruits you'll recognize them", he evidently meant the "spiritual" fruit.

  • undercover
    I remember visiting my wife's JW friend while I was well into my fade. We met at a restaurant. When my food arrived, she says to me, "I see you've stopped thanking Jehovah for your food before eating it." I replied, "I see you are still making snap judgements of others."

    Haha - reminds me of a JW family member who was visiting. They were going to the KH and I was not. They were all dressed up and ready to go...I was in shorts and t-shirt with the Sunday paper ready to relax when they said, "Too bad you're not coming to the hall with us. I'd hate to see you lose out on Paradise Earth." to which I replied, "When did you get seated on the right hand side of God seperating the sheep from the goats?"

  • miseryloveselders

    One thing I've noticed in our "circuit"......ones that are used for interviews, soliloquys, or dramas, etc., its almost a given that a certain percentage of them will be on reproof or disfelloshipped within a year. Its like the Madden Curse. Every Circuit Assembly I say to myself, who will be in trouble within the next 6 months. Sure enough, I end up running into someone, somewhere in public and go to say hello, and they semi-whisper, "I'm disfellowshipped." Then they walk away real fast with their head low. The hypocritical part about it all is, those that are used for Assembly programs are supposed to be exemplary as individuals, or their families are to be so. Meanwhile the people in their congregations know better.

    As a teenager, I loved sitting back and watching ones I knew get interviewed. They would go on and on about their struggles at school dealing with being different during holidays, the tempation of dating worldly boys or girls, or God forbid.....organized sports. Meanwhile the rest of the teens in the audience knew better. We knew the person getting interviewed was cussing, drinking, messing with the opposite sex ( a couple were messing with the same sex), hanging with "bad association" at every oppurtunity.

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