"You were a much nicer person when you were in the truth!"

by highdose 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    "You were a much nicer person when you were in the truth! since you havn't been to the meetings your starting to change. Your so into standing up for yourself like you think its a good thing!!?! Someone takes a shot at you and you fire back!?!!"

    So a JW freind told me recently. I replied why should i just take it when someone is nasty? There was no reply...

  • Finally-Free

    I was a very nice person before I was a JW. They taught me to "abhor what is wicked" which is basically everything they don't control. Now I left the JWs and I don't like anybody.


  • leec

    wow ... since when does "nicer" mean "a pussy"?

  • flipper

    HIGHDOSE- I've actually become a more complete, nicer person AFTER exiting the JW cult. But I used to get told I was too much of an independent thinker while still attending meetings. Witnesses are taught to fall into line with the GB , not stand up for themselves . Probably why your friend acted surprised ! But keep your freedom friend, your independent thinking will save you a life of misery you would have had as a witness

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass
    I replied why should i just take it when someone is nasty?

    Becuase that's what Jesus did.

  • BabaYaga
    I replied why should i just take it when someone is nasty?

    And Blue Grass said:

    Because that's what Jesus did.

    Like when he was throwing the money changers' tables in the temple?

  • SirNose586

    "You were a much nicer person when you were in The Truth TM !"

    "I'm nice to my real friends--the people who like me due to my character--not just because I attend your meetings. I get a little defensive when people who claim to care about me are only interested in seeing me attend those meetings."

  • Quillsky

    I've dinkum overheard a relative say ....... "if [Quillsky] had a brilliant and perfect life outside the truth then I'd maybe consider a life outside of the truth." What????

  • nugget

    No one has to conform to some one elses ideal. If nice means submissive and quiet and a total doormat whilst inside feeling hurt and resentful and in pain, that is not nice it's disfunctional.

    Being truly nice is being able to say what you feel and stand up for yourself whlist accepting that other people have the right to dignity and respect.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I heard that when I left the 'truth'.

    I heard that when from people on this board when I quit calling myself a Christian too.

    It is a defense tactic. If anyone dares to challenge someones foundational support, they get scared real fast and go on 'attack the messenger' mode.


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