Who created time?

by acolytes 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • acolytes

    If you read the Genesis account it says God created this and God created that. However nowhere does it say God created time.


  • cameo-d

    Jim Croce. He put it in a bottle and then someone----maybe Adam, opened it.

  • spawn

    Well it couldn't be this God thing of yours as he has no time for anyone!!

    You should take a look at Darwin, he's quite popular in the world!!

  • acolytes


    Whilst Iam not writting as a beliver in God. Your comment raises a great question in Gods defence. If time doesnt exist then of course God can have no time for anyone.

    I belive that much in the world we think exists only exists in the false thinking of people. Iam convinced the Jehovers Witness concept of God is false. But by existing in the mines of people it has very destructive consequences on peoples lifes. Maybe our concept of time is also false and time doesnt exist?



    Time like language is a man made concept. I do appreciate that animals also communicate in their own language but I am referring to language that can be expressed in writing. Money is also a man made measure that has no reality or value except that which we place on it.

    Infinity is timeless but we are finite. So we measure the length of events against how long we live. Also how long other creatures live. We clock that by the movement of the earth around the sun and other planets movements. We also calculate how long things have been in existence with methods such as carbon dating.

    Time is as real as the things I mentioned above but without humans it would cease to be. In other words, it is not a reality but a human concept. Time created by humans would cease to be if the human race were to perish.

  • cameo-d


    There is no way to know if the following statement is true, but as a hypothesis, it is interesting to consider. If it were true, it would also mean that early man did not live to be almost a thousand years according to time as we know it.


    Earth is slowing down and the days are getting longer. 4.5 billion years ago when Earth was formed, the day was about 7 hours per day/night cycle. After 3.5 billion years the planet's rotation had slowed to 20 hours per day and at a 100,000,000 years ago its rotation period had slowed to 23.6 hours, not that much different than the present rate. In 5-10 billion years what we now call a year will be a day shorter. 5000 years ago the Southern Cross could be seen from England. Movement and change is slow, it is natural, but it is nevertheless it is happening. And with it comes a certain amount of climate change.


  • darthfader

    For me, the biblical account of creation is pure fantasy. Some of the events are out of order and in conflict with basic scintific principals. The concept of time is a human measure of the flow/change of entropy. Entropy in the universe in increasing (this is part of the Second Law of Thermodymanics - the same one that prevents the existence of perpetual motion machines). This means that increases in entropy correspond to irreversible changes in the system (you cant go back).

    Quote Wikipedia atricle on Entropy:

    An everyday example of entropy can be seen in mixing salt and pepper in a bag. Separate clusters of salt and pepper will tend to progress to a mixture if the bag is shaken. Furthermore, this process is thermodynamically irreversible. The separation of the mixture into separate salt and pepper clusters via the random process of shaking is statistically improbable and practically impossible because the mixture has higher entropy.


    Darth Fader

  • Terry

    I have to rely on my own own lexicon (self-made) for such things.

    I view time this way.

    TIME is the distance between events. It can be measured only against constants.

    Constants are relative to context.

    There is MACRO time (sunup to sundown) and MICRO time (an electron jump from higher energy state to lower one producing Light).

    Events. Other Events.

    Without Events there is no distance "between."

    I compare time with the invention of ZERO.

    It took mankind a long, long time to come up with the concept of ZERO.

    Zero isn't just "nothing", it is a place holder of imputed value.

    Time is sort of like that. It meta-exists for our purposes in keeping track of actually existing things/events.

    I wonder if I actually said anything?

  • Slayerbard


  • journey-on

    The Genesis account is not simple at all. It is actually a revelation if you look at it this way: In the scriptures below, a basic description is given of the point where God created Space and Matter and set them in Motion thereby creating Time.

    "In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth."

    "And God said, "Let there be light" and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night". And there was evening and there was morning---the first day."

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