2010 DC" Remain in Gods Love"...Most Unloving Yet??

by JWFreak 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWFreak

    The Talk Outlines for the Summers Conventions are only being printed over the next 2 weeks or so.

    The Finished outlines were ready in the middle of December 2009, however sources that I trust tell me that at least 5 of the talks were returned for last minute rewriting which is highly unusual. This has held up the printing until now, a delay of over a month. This is a Fact!!

    The inside rumours are.... It seems that the GB are wanting to really "lay down the law" after what they feel is a slipping of standards within the cult.

    They are so scared of losing control, and that is their No 1 priority to force even more controling pressure to conform.

    I know that the above is strictly a rumour based on here-say at the moment, so don't all jump all over me at once however these sources plus the theme make me think that we can expect very strict unloving new thinking

    The theme at first reading seems fairly innocuous , but the more I look at it, the more there is to read into it.

    I will see the outlines and releases at the beginning of April, and I will post as soon as I know, but in the mean time just for a bit of fun I am interested in how you think the GB will tighten up procedures


  • Gayle

    So the real theme is, Remain in the Organization (or else!) --??

    How can they (GB) make it tougher. Require more meetings? More service? Tithing? Disfellowship if they don't turn in time after so many months. Buy so much literature? They've beaten down their flock already too much.

  • besty

    2010 DC" Remain in Gods Love - Or Else"

    fixed that for you :-)

  • besty

    yahhh - you beat me to it Gayle :-)))

  • bohm

    Im sure the GB will prove they are not an old rusty religion run by old farts by forbidding someting the young generation use, aka. facebook.

    "OMFG, the demunz is in teh facebook!!!" :-)

  • WTWizard

    Here are some possible ways for the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to tighten up even more:

    1--Zero tolerance in commenting beyond the paragraphs. They are already getting pretty close to this, but they could require everyone to simply comment in the words of the paragraph.

    2--Christmas. There is a lot they could do here. First, many witless parents will drive around to see the lights--they could put a stop to that (calling it "celebrating"). They could also stop those makeup Christmas celebrations where they simply move the day and strip the pretty paper from the gifts. They could also ban certain foods, either all the time or around the holiday, either altogether or if they are presented as holiday items. They could have zero tolerance on "winter songs"--those songs they play around Christmas that are actually about winter. They could even require field circus all day on Christmas Day.

    3--Field circus. They could start requiring each publisher to turn in a slip indicating when they are available for field circus--and, if they are not at work, they are available. Then, they could start requiring them all to be out every second while they are "available".

    4--Donations. Along the same lines, they could require every publisher to detail all necessary expenses and income. The hounders would then determine what they are expected to give, and make sure they are giving that much (or they are stealing).

    5--Tighter control, or outright ban on, the Internet. You could see them banning it outright. Or, they could require the witlesses install a virus-like piece of software that prevents them from going to any religious site other than their own, or that snitches on the witless for visiting any web site for any reason. Visiting apostate sites or other religious or political sites (especially the Twelve Visions Party, but also including any of those Impeach Osama Obama sites) gets you disfellowshipped. Ordering products gets you the lecture that your money is for the Kingdumb Hell or the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Visiting too many sites gets you hounded that you are not doing enough field circus.

    6--"There are 135 songs you can listen to." Tighter controls of music, movies, TV, and/or video games could be imminent. Of course, remakes of the Kingdumb Maladies are not allowed.

    7--Hounding calls for anyone that misses a boasting session without a known reason (a doctor's excuse, in the hospital, dead). You cannot visit another congregation without first registering with your own hounders, because too many have done this and slithered right out of the cancer.

    8--Outright bans on college.

    9--Assigned seating at big, great, and grand boasting sessions. That way, they can see if you are there. If not, expect a major hounding.

    10--If they try to set up a hounding call, and you cannot make it for any reason, you will be forced into a hearing. Judicial action will result. If they barge when it is bad for you, you either have to satisfy them or they will make a judicial hearing out of it.

    11--A total ban on any gatherings. This includes sleeping at someone else's place (which is going to really pxxx off a lot of teenagers). You no longer have the right to have congregation picnics of any kind, at any time.

    12--You have to report to the hounders your work schedule. They can then come in and hound you if you are not doing enough, are breaking one of the many rules, or they just feel like ruining your job. Failure to let them do this will result in either getting yanked back to the Kingdumb Hell, disfellowshipped, or having them make you look like crap to your boss.

    13--Hosting programs for those who become inactive. Already, I have heard of these programs for witless children that become orphans--they are placed in strict witless households so they can become strict witlesses. They could start doing this for inactive witlesses, especially single ones with no family in the cancer or prospects for family or spouses ("brothers" are more at risk than "sisters" for the simple reason that they can do more with a "brother"). Everything they do is what their host tells them to, which in turn is what the hounders tell them to tell you to.

    I am not sure which, if any, will actually be placed in effect. They could do something even worse. Hopefully, we will know by April--unlike the active witlesses, who will just have to wait until July or August.

  • minimus

    As a cult, they simply do not want to lose control. Having any association with non JWs is a no-no. Any JW that is not exemplary---stay away from that too!

  • Sapphy

    Yep, I think minimus is right. Any non-essential association with a worldly person will be cracked down on. Also missing meetings for no good reason. I'm already hearing bad-mouthing towards people who seem to have to miss meetings frequently. Sarcastic coments that people who missed the book study groups but made the service meeting & sunday meeting are now the people who only go on sundays...

    I'm also seeing an emphasis on ministry on both days of the weekend.

  • chickpea

    they will forbid teh sex on facebook

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    They could forbid oral sex, or they could forbid holding hands during the KH

    prayers, or they could demand what rooms to stay in during the summer

    conventions, or they could control how short or long the sisters dresses have

    to be, or they could say that the sisters can't wear pants in the freezing cold

    while out selling the magazines, they could demand that beards are not allowed

    even though Jesus and Russel had one, they could demand that everyone move

    and sit closer toward the front of the stage at the KH, they coul demand that

    they have the right to come to your house for a shepard call, they could demand

    that even if you only have 15 minutes of preaching time that you count it, they

    could demand what assembly you have to attend in the summer, they could

    demand that while at the summer convention that you can not leave the location for lunch,

    they could demand that R rated movies are off limits, they could demand that being overly

    sad at the death of a loved one is an indication that you do not trust the resurrection,

    they could demand that if you are sick that should not stop you from coming to the

    meetings, they could demand that young people should strife to go to Bethel as they

    push out of Bethel the older ones. My brain is starting to bleed.

    Sour Grapes

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