Russian Tract campaign: "Could It Happen Again? A Question for the Citizens of Russia"

by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Self serving shower of bastards.

  • metatron

    Once again, it's this "Shabbas Goy" garbage from the hypocritical Governing Body. Jehovah's Witnesses can't vote or get politically involved to fight injustice - only Satan inspired people who will die at Armageddon can protest for the interests of the Watchtower, Inc.

    They pulled this same lying cr*p with their expensive ad in the New York Times to protest their tax liability in France. They referred to the interests of "other Christians" in France. Really? And who would they be? You mean people other than Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians? Is that what you tried to say?

    Of course, the French didn't buy into this Watchtower nonsense. And I don't think the Russians will either.

    Let's see the Watchtower proclaim to everyone that they are not 'extremists'.


  • teel

    On page 3 of the tract there are 3 "facts" to show JWs are not extremists.

    1. CLAIM: Jehovah’s Witnesses endanger the State by sowing religious discord, claiming that theirs is the only true religion.

    CONSIDER: Do you know of any religion that does not claim to be the true one? After all, why would people adhere to a religion if they did not believe its tenets to be true? Really, then, all religions are equally liable to thesame charge. Perhaps it is more meaningful to ask, ‘How are the adherents of a particular religion taught to treat those with different beliefs?’

    So true... so what is JWs teaching about people with different beliefs? Let's see: they're bird food, they lie, fornicate at every occasion, their love is false, etc. They also use every possible occasion to slander other faiths, generally calling them "false Christians". No, that would not cause any discord at all...

    2 CLAIM: Jehovah’s Witnesses are a destructive sect because they break up families.

    CONSIDER: In any family, religion can be a sensitive issue, particularly when one member adopts a different faith. Does that mean, though, that the religions involved are to blame for the discord? Or do the individuals bear responsibility for how they handle their new differences?

    Right, throw the blame on the individuals you spineless *****. It isn't that the WTS is teaching followers to hate and shun disfellowshipped persons. It's the individual's responsibility.

    CLAIM: Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse medical treatment.

    Can you say red herring? I doubt the russian court said JWs refuse medical treatment. They are refusing BLOOD! Which choice is killing people every year, no matter how you spin it in the so called "Fact" section.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Apparently they froze their azzes off doing the work. Here's one report.


    Hello, our dear xxxxx

    Yes, we hold a very interesting campaign 26-28 of Feb. T-83 tract is partially based on Russian president recent sayings. He strongly condemned Stalin and cold war time oppressing and persecutions and brothers quoted some of his words and tied them with JW's current situation.

    We've never had anything like that before, no experience therefore. We used to distribute Kingdom News tracts but this time we almost did not talk to people, no Bible discourses, no door-to-door calls, no second calls fix etc. Just distributing as much as possible. Brothers planned everything in TOP SECRET (as we joke "BURN BEFORE READING"), even higher. At first they gave an instruction to present a special talk during our SM and give one tract to everyone attending the meeting, but then cancelled this arrangement and said "just a brief announcement about a special campaign". So, nobody could see or read the tract before Friday morning. Two days before Friday our SO gathered elders for a special meeting and said "best to start and finish this work on Friday, late on Saturday". But our ministry overseer only planned the 1st meeting at 10.00 a.m. Too late. So we had to reschedule. We divided the territory in the temporary...lots (not sure the term is correct), paying special attention to subway station entrances, malls, bus stations and so on. Some groups wanted to start about 5.30 a.m. But it was very difficult to organize meetings so early. So in our group it was decided to do the following: after our Thursday meeting for ministry I asked those who can and want to start the work early on Friday to stay for a while. To my surprise 12 brothers and sisters stayed. I told them we can start next morning at 6.30 and since it was too cold we decided to split the time in 30 minute shifts, 2 publishers in each. But then we realized one thing. We were advised not to have too many tracts on us during the work. Police might confiscate all at once. So we decided to take 50 copies for the beginning. And we appointed one "bag-brother" to keep the reserve without distributing. He simply stayed nearby and when I finished my 50 I came to him, took the bag and he went to my place. Now I became a "bag-brother" and so on. Friday and Saturday were working days that week and so the people were a lot. Some seemed to be amazed seeing us on their way to work. In 40 minutes I handed about 80 tracts. Other brothers reported even more. Quickly I realized that 2 brothers in a shift were not enough, so when next shift appeared we decided to keep working. When sisters asked me how long they have to stay I simply told them they have 3 choices: until you're tired, until your tract are over, until you get frozen. The latter choice became mine. In 50 minutes I became like a piece of ice. But also we appointed an extra meeting at 9 a.m. I conducted it and then left for work. Next day we decided to repeat our experience but this time we became 20. And we started at 6.00 a.m. Saturday was not so productive since many people already got the tracts day before. In any case I could distribute about 50. So, good lesson for the future: the first day is the best, second day is 50%, third day only 10%.

    Every congregation got 14,000 pieces. Of course, some left, but not too much. I can say we distributed about 12,000 copies. Approximately, of course. People's reaction was different. Russians are not used to such expressions of a free will. This is something unusual for them. And something they would never do themselves. We very rarely speak openly, too scared and afraid of officials. Nobody needs problems, they say. Even among brothers and sisters such spirit still prevails. We're teaching them to speak of their rights before the police officers when they try to stop their preaching. But for most of us this is still a difficult task. Something inside...

    In any case those who took the tracts read them. I did not see many tracts thrown out. The reaction in mass media was also very typical. Human rights protection media used our press-releases and said "JW again could trick the authorities, prepared everything it secret", enemies (especially Dvorkin) said, "JW had a PR action, promoted themselves." So they noticed. And this is a point. Difficult to predict what happens next, but if Jehovah decided to make our voice stronger - this is a really successful campaign.
    Even some who dislikes us exclaimed: "Do only these sectarians can fight for the rights on our country?!"

    Police did not meddle. In Moscow at least. We saw many police officers passing by, some even took the tracts. But they did not try to make us stop the work. Now a very serious campaign against corruption and crimes in police is taking place. (One officer who shot 2 people and wounded several in Moscow was recently sentenced to the life-time imprisonment, this happened in our area. So police is now somewhat like us, everyone blames and hates them).

    Time will show what results have been achieved, but we felt stronger confidence in Jehovah. As for me I could see the zeal of my brothers and sisters, even of those I thought to be weak before. It was a good opportunity to check oneself, and I think Jehovah was satisfied. May He use this campaign to His name's glory!

    This is it. I'm very happy for you. Please send our love to brothers in your congregation.

    More news are waiting!

  • metatron

    If any of you lurker Watchtower apologists are reading this, feel free to debate me.

    I see a tract campaign that was futile and a failure. Read between the lines of this 'happy-talk Jehovah update'.

    It sounds like they didn't distribute all of them.

    It sounds like the whole campaign is typical of a worn out notion of democracy in 19th century Western nations in regard to distributing leaflets on the street. The 3rd paragraph in particular suggests doubt that such a campaign fits Russian culture generally.

    Some of the tracts were visibly thrown out.

    Human rights types mentioned faulted the campaign - and Jehovah's Witnesses generally.

    The police may have not interfered because they saw it as meaningless.

    The missive expresses doubt as to what was actually accomplished.

    Take your best shot, Watchtower trolls.


  • OrphanCrow

    And now here it is...7 years later.


    We shouldn't be surprised

    *to add - does anyone have a copy of this tract?

    This tract campaign was likely mounted in response to the Tanarog decision of 2009 that declared the JWs there 'extremist'.

    ** found it:

  • Listener

    TJs letter - "JW again could trick the authorities, prepared everything it secret", enemies (especially Dvorkin) said, "JW had a PR action, promoted themselves." So they noticed. And this is a point. Difficult to predict what happens next, but if Jehovah decided to make our voice stronger - this is a really successful campaign."

    I can't help but think that the Watchtower is mad for publicity and persecution of its followers. Doing things in secret and inciting a mass campaign putting the Government in a bad light only causes trouble. This was not about the good news or evangelising.

    This JW, probably like many of them, had no idea what the outcome would be but did he even think of the serious problems they could cause for themselves and their families? No because they will blindly follow the instructions from the GB.

    This is just more real evidence of why we need to get our families out. The Russian Brothers are already drinking their koolaide, I feel sick for them and their future.

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