A People for His Name

by AGuest 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... may you have peace!

    I don't normally post in this manner, but I am directed to do so this time. I am not sure why - I do know that it is for the benefit of those with ears to hear. So, I share the following with such ones:

    Early this morning my Lord came to me and the following discussion took place:

    My Lord: "If one belongs to me, child, why would he be called by any other name?"

    Me: "He wouldn't, my Lord."

    My Lord: "Yet, there are those who call themselves 'christian'... and 'Jehovah's Witnesses.'"

    Me: "Yes, my Lord."

    My Lord: "And they teach that the term 'christian' was coined 'by "divine" providence"', do they not?

    Me: "Yes, my Lord."

    My Lord: "If that is true, that such term was "by DIVINE providence," is there any other name they need to identify themselves by?"

    Me: " No, my Lord.

    My Lord: "Then either their claim... or their name... is false, is it not?"

    Me: "Yes, my Lord. But they claim that they needed to do so to distinguish themselves who also call themselves 'christians.'"

    My Lord: "Ah, yes, "other" christians. Those who also identify themselves by other names. Those who follow men."

    He then related to me a long list of names such as "Lutherans," "Baptists," "Calvinists," and others who identify themselves by their particular belief system ("Latter Day Saints," "Jesuits," "Franciscans," etc.). The list was quite long.

    My Lord: "All of these, by the use of these names and labels... follow the teachings of men, do they not?

    Me: "Yes, my Lord, as you have shown me."

    My Lord: "And if the teachings of men... then the men themselves, yes?

    Me: "It would seem so, my Lord."

    My Lord: "Indeed, they build their FAITH on the writings and teachings of such men, do they not?

    Me: Yes, my Lord."

    My Lord: And they use such to identify them... with regard to who they BELONG to... and distinguish themselves from those they do not belong to, do they not?"

    Me: "Yes, my Lord."

    My Lord: "And you, on who do you build YOUR faith?"

    Me: "Upon you, my Lord. Surely, you know this. You know that for me there is no other to follow."

    My Lord: "How, then, do YOU to identify yourself?"

    Me: "As a 'christian,' my Lord, as you well know. I don't have or need any other identification."

    My Lord: "A 'christian' of whom?"

    Me: "I don't understand, my Lord. I am a christian due to your choosing."

    My Lord: "The word, 'christian' only means 'chosen person,' child. But whose chosen are YOU? Whom do YOU follow?"

    Me: "I follow you, my Lord, and no one else. You know this."

    My Lord: "Yes, I know this. But how is anyone else to know this? Are there not 'false' christians and christs in the world? How is your identification different from theirs? WHOSE 'chosen' ARE you?"

    Me: "Surely you know that I am yours, Lord, that I belong to you."

    My Lord: "Then what name, when you are asked, should you identify yourself by?"

    It hit me, then, that "christian" isn't quite accurate... or sufficient. Those who belong to the True God... by means of belonging to His Son, Christ... are the chosen... of JAHESHUA... or more accurately, the chosen of JAH. Thus, the Hebrew term, "mischa Jah". Individually, then, we are a "mischaJAH," or, collectively, the "MischaJAHim." Pronounced "mee-shah-yah-eem." In English, we are 'christians of Jah'... or of His Son, JahEshua. Since both names include "Jah," the shortened term is fine: it includes the Father AND the Son.

    Are we to go around declaring that identifier? No. My Lord was very specific - indeed, he emphasized that it is only for those occasions when we are ASKED. Because the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, know who we are. We never have to identify ourselves to them. On occasion, however, we may need to do so for earthling man. And we should do so openly, willingly, and kindly.

    So, if anyone wants to know what we call ourselves, what "religion" we belong to, and what "church" are we members of (and I get quite a few inquiries, so I know there are those who do), the ACCURATE answer is:

    We are christians of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, by means of His Son and CHRIST (chosen one), JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, our Lord... and MEMBERS... of the BODY of His Christ, who is the head. We are enrolled in the congregation that belongs to that One... the congregation of the Firstborn. We are not a religion. We are not an organization. We have no church. We ARE the church. The Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... dwells in US... we, His temple. Thus, there is no WHERE to go to... there is only a WHOM to go to. And where two or more of us are gathered together in that One's name...which name is "JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH" and means "JAH Saves; Salvation of JAH... Chosen of JAH"... he is there, also. Always.

    I bid those with ears to hear to hear when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:

    "Come! Take lifes 'water'... the holy spirit of God... which spirit is the means by which are ARE chosen... by His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... free! Because it is the most important "call" you will ever hear in this world.

    Peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • LV101

    A Guest & Stephen --- I so enjoy/appreciate your posts & explanations.


  • garyneal

    Good Evening Shelby!..

    This has to be,one of your most interesting posts..

    Yes..The non-Christian that I am,gets your thread..

    Many that call themselves Christians, Identify themselves with a "Group"..

    The Group is more important,than simply being a Christian..

    Its as if..

    You can`t be a Christian without being in a selected group..

    A Real Christian should belong to Jesus..Not a Group..

    We are christians of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies,
    by means of His Son and CHRIST (chosen one), JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, our Lord.

    I sit here wondering,how many people who call themselves Christians..

    Will understand your simple message..

    Have a Good Evening my Friend..

    Take Care..

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • cattails

    Freaky! I thought "Christian" was supposed to be capitalized.


  • coffee_black

    Thank you Shelby for sharing this. This is why I don't belong to any religious organization.. I belong only to Christ.

    It's great to start the day with one of your posts.


  • journey-on

    This insight is most appreciated. Definitely food for thought.

    I wonder, however, if belonging to a Christian group/religion isn't actually necessary initially to establish one's "sanctuarial refuge" (initiate stage of spiritual development)? What do you think, Shelby? If you hadn't had your initiation within a spiritual community, would you be who you are today? Would you have been able to form the foundation of your own "temple"?

  • AGuest

    I thought "Christian" was supposed to be capitalized. ¿Nó?

    I guess if one capitalizes the word human, dear Cat (peace to you!)... or woman, or man... one could also capitalize "christian." Or perhaps even "chosen." I don't see the need to, though: I am human. I am a human. I am a woman. I am christian... and I am a christian... of Jah. I think all of these apply, whether capitalized or not.

    I wonder, if belonging to a Christian group/religion isn't actually necessary initially to establish one's "sanctuarial refuge" (initiate stage of spiritual development)? What do you think, Shelby?

    What I think is of no matter, truly, dear Journey-On (and the greatest of love and peace to you!). What I've learned from my Lord, however, is that it is NOT necessary. However, because in most cases (1) one does not know the Law, and/or (2) one lacks faith, and/or (3) one is yet a babe, one might find oneself "under men in charge." Stewards, if you will. But such stewards are actually only hired men... who are SUPPOSED to tell the sheep the TRUTH... about the Truth... that HE is the ONLY Way, Truth, Life... and therefore the ONLY "place" to go... and so raise HIM up... and not themselves... or their beliefs... or their teachings... or their understandings... or their interpretations. As our MEDIATOR (i.e., the ONLY One between us and God)... only HE has the rightful place in the "seat" of Moses. All of these others, however, "seat themselves in the seat of Moses."

    So, it's not what *I* think... or they think... that matters. It is what the Word of God SAYS. And HE says come to HIM. These "Christian groups/religions" were obligated, therefore, to send you to HIM... and no one and nothing else.

    If you hadn't had your initiation within a spiritual community, would you be who you are today?

    Who I am today has absolutely nothing to do with initiation within a "spiritual community," as you define such, dear Journey. I am who I am... and what I am... for no other reason than my Lord leading me. This is because MY initiation wasn't in a spiritual community, such as you imply here, dear Journey-On. Indeed, none of INITIAL spiritual connection is. Our INITIAL spiritual connection started when we were small children. VERY small. Babies, some. Some even in the womb. It was earthling man, however, those "false" christs and "false" prophets... who led us away... and astray. When we were children, we could hear into the spirit realm, all of us. Every one of us. As we "matured," however, others told us that such phenomena was fantasy, our imagination... child's play... and that we should cease. We listened to them... and as a result stopped listening to God's Word. After that, we followed such "false christs" and "false prophets" because THEY told us that THEY had "sayings of life."

    There is only One, though, dear Journey-One, who has such sayings... and he is calling out to us, even now.

    Would you have been able to form the foundation of your own "temple"?

    I would not have been able to form it, regardless. The foundation of MY temple... indeed, of ANY "stone" in the temple of God... started with the cornerstone, Christ; HE is the one who formed it. Again, when I was an infant. So MANY times I heard him, then. So many times. And I would tell people. And they would laugh and dismiss what I shared as childish ramblings. Had I listened ONLY to him... I would have never turned to ANY of the others. HE would have taught me the Law, both the Old and the New. HE would have made my paths straight. But... I caved in to those who said such hearing was "foolishness," that I thought I was "so smart," and "who do you think [you are]?" and all such manner of chidings. And I began to believe them. And, as a result, I began to follow others... those who "those who know" said I should follow... and was led astray.

    It is BECAUSE of such "spiritual communities," dear Journey-On, that the sheep GET lost. For it is they who lead the sheep astray. That is why my Lord called them "offspring of VIPERS." They are the "children" of our Adversary... and it is their JOB... to "mislead, IF POSSIBLE... EVEN the chosen ones." Our Adversary KEEPS "transforming HIMSELF"... into an angel "of light." And so, while it may SEEM that such ones have SOME "light," their light is actually darkness.

    Because the sheep have ONE Shepherd, ONE Leader, ONE Teacher. One Lord and Master. One King... and High Priest. ONE Mediator... between them and God. No other has been appointed.

    We also have an Adversary, however... and such "spiritual communities" belong to that one. As our Lord is recorded to have said, the WHOLE world is lying in the power of the Wicked One. Can these "communities" be ANY part of the world... and not belong to the Adversary? Does not a LITTLE leaven ferment the WHOLE loaf? It does.

    And so, IF we find ourselves in such "communities" WE are told to SEPARATE ourselves and QUIT touching such "unclean" things. For it is THEN that the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... will take you in as sons and daughters... by means of His Holy Spirit, the Holy One of Israel, and His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. His Word.

    I bid you peace and ears to hear and get the sense of this truth.

    I am YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • Inkie

    My Dearest Chelle,

    I am reminded too that the word “Messiah,” like so many other biblical names, whether of people or places, contains within itself the name of our God: “Iah”: MessIAH. This word/title encompasses within itself God’s name.

    Take, for example the following peoples’ names:













    The big reference Bible that Jehovah’s Witness published, in its footnotes, plainly tells anyone reading those footnotes these facts. It’s sad so few read the footnotes.

    Thus, the Hebrew title/word “Messiah” specifically and literally means: “the Anointed of JAH”; in contrast to any “other” anointed ones like ‘the anointed of Saturn’ or the ‘anointed of Thor’ or the ‘anointed of Pluto’, etc., etc., etc. These “anointed” ones of “other” gods (whoever they might be) while being, in fact, Christians (“anointed ones”), using the Greek word now, as the term denotes, are not the “Anointed of Jah” or, said another way, again using the Greek word instead of the Hebrew word, are not Christians of Jah. The Greek term “Christian” while accurate, is not entirely accurate. It means ONLY “Anointed One”; but of whom? Christian of Whom? If we choose to use the Greek word—Christians—then we need to specify of Whom we are Christians.

    We must be Christians of Jah. And being so is of Jah’s and Christ’s choosing—not ours. There is no other way.

    May Jah bless.

  • PSacramento

    What is in a name?

    That which we call a Rose by any other name, would smell as sweet....

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