Elders wife says being upset with pedophiles in the hall being the same as having to eat sauerkraut and wieners.

by life is to short 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I need to know what to think of this. This couple in our hall an elder and his wife gave us a anniversary gift. It is a wall hanging that says "As for me and my household Sister Life is to short and hubby will worship Jehovah forever."

    I felt I should send her a thank you card even though I hate the gift. It is the thought that counts right.

    Well I sent her a card and told her that I was sorry I was not able to attend meetings anymore because of the two child molesters in the hall and the strict policy of not telling parents that child rapist are holding and dancing with babies in the KH with the elders not doing a dang thing to stop it. How I was threatened with being DF'ed by the attorney elder if I did not shut up, and how mad the CO was at me because the other elders wives were snooping in their husbands emails, and had read email I had sent them asking why pedophiles were running free out in service and such at the meetings. So apparently some of the wives have talked and so it is getting around that there are two child molesters in the hall and since I am the only one who see a problem with it I am in the wrong.

    So this elders wife totally ignored what I wrote about the men who had raped children and instead she sends this letter talking about this wonderful Bible study she has with this woman who is in her 70's and has a son who is mentally ill, his daughter who is totally screwed up and has two children who are 3 and 4 years old who the granddaughter is not able to take care of and now this lady in her 70's is going to try to raise these two great grandkids. Like she did so good with her son and granddaughter. Now she has two new children to ruin.

    Then she sent me this story that was in the Reader's Digest about this kid who was working in a lodge in Sierra Nevada in 1959 and his boss feed him and the crew only wieners and sauerkraut for a whole week and made them pay for it to boot. Well he was pissed and so he went to his bosses boss and complained. His bosses boss was a survivor of Auschwitz so he told this kid "You think you know everything, but you don't know the difference between in inconvenience and and problem. If you break you neck, if you have nothing to eat, if you house is on fire-then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems. You will live longer. And will not annoy people like me so much. Good night." This kid said Seldom in my life have I been hit between the eyes so hard with the truth. There in the late-night darkness of a Sierra Nevada inn this man simultaneously kicked my butt and opened a window in my mind.

    So my questions is WTF does this have to do with being threatened with being DFed for telling parents that their children are in danger or that wonderful study of hers, the two great grandkids are in danger. One of the child rapist in the hall spent ten year in prison, plus ten years on parole and was declared an incurable sexual psychopath. I have the court records to prove it but her elder husband will not read them he only wants to think happy thoughts about this child rapist. So what does this have to do with eating wieners and sauerkraut and how is this an inconvenience?

    Then this elders wife ended her letter with a promise of to tell me about her "funny experience at the cemetery." I cannot wait.

    So my question am I wrong to be ticked at this stupid letter. What do you say to something so stupid?

    How in the world do these people justify hiding child rapist? How?


  • NINfan05

    sounds like the usual try and "encourage" program to me.

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    Anything that is bad, they will try to hide. Always have done it, always will. They don't want any bad press or negative things brought up in their little "paradise."



    According to the Genius Jehovah`s Witness Lady..

    Having to deal with a Pedophile,is no different than eating a Wiener..

    Your dealing with a person who may have experience on this subject..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • dig692

    Wow, I'm speechless.

    So having a pedofile in the congregation is apparently nothing more than an incovenience? Dear brothers and sisters with kids, we have a pedofile in the congregation. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please be aware that children are in danger of being molested and scarred for life, both physically and emotionally. But again, this is just an inconvenience, not a real problem that needs to be addressed. We have every confidence that you will understand and find a way to cope with this small inconvenience.

    What a crock!

  • Quentin

    "Life is lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems."

    There's the answer, having a pedophile in the kh is not a problem it's an inconvenience...until said pedophile rapes, and or, murders someone, then it becomes a problem...like having a yard full of dog poop,inconvenet to step around, makes life "lumpy"...stepping in it becoms the problem...don't worry about it until it happens...ignorence is bliss...jws are the most blissfull people on the planet...strange a holocost survivor would have that mindset...your jw is a dunce for bringing up a 1959 unrelated Readers Digest story that more than likly had a very differnt moral view than what she is attempting to convey...

    Pity the fool who has no moral compass, in fact amoral in their thinking....now let me tell you about my cemetary experince...no words can expres her ignorance...

  • nugget

    This is typical behaviour. As a parent I want to know if my children are in danger. I don't care if someone has the title Brother, if they are a sexual predator I want to know. By minimising the risk the elders are being unjust to both the offender and the children. The offender is allowed to mix freely with children and go to people's homes on the ministry with a veneer of respectability. If he is incurable then temptation is being placed before him constantly, all he will lack is opportunity.

    If parents knew and he wasn't permitted on Field service, then children would be told to keep their distance, in addition he wouldn't be able to prowl around the neighbourhood identifying where all the children live.

    Their thinking is screwed up, this is a disaster waiting to happen, if it itsn't happening already.

  • MissingLink

    Soooo.... The moral of the story is: Having your child raped by a congregation member is just an "inconvenience"?

  • RosePetal

    Hi Lifeisshort this is Mr.Bumble using wifies post page because i'm having difficulties logging on to mine. Your not going mad you are abosolutely correct. Forgiveness and overcoming problems is not at issue here. Elders have a responsibility to treat the flock with tenderness and it is their job to protect mothers and their children. This is just onother case proving that they are more interested in their own reputation than the duty of care they should have for vulnerable members of the congregation. They should not be looking for loopholes in the law because young lives will be damaged as we have seen so many times before . The organisations policy on informing the congregations is flawed and contradictory those living on planet watchtower will still swallow it as just an inconvenience. Treat those obsurd comments with the contempt they deserve. Child molesters do reoffend. I agree with most other comments so far.


  • RosePetal

    Hi this is RosePetal POLISH THOSE SHOES




    The simple fact is the org. has never cared about individuals only about their reputation if it suits their purpose they wouldn't hesitate to sell you down the river if you question contradict them or speak out they will call it disloyalty and they should know because how many mothers and children have they been disloyal to. They will disfellowship individuals for making human mistakes but they will hide wife beaters and child molesters, and use the congregation money Rank and File contributions to cover up their lies, and do their upsmost to seperate a man from his wifeand family if they have a sniff of so called apostacy. !HYPOCRITES!

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