How Would You Define a 'False Christian'?

by leavingwt 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Titus

    False Christian is a man who claims that he is a Christian, but in fact he is a Buddhist.



    The false Christian is every Christian who rejects Jesus as "the bread of life" (John 6:35), and Jesus' blood as "true drink" (John 6:55).

  • sacolton


    Break it down for us. What is required to be considered a real Christian?

    1. Attending church on Sunday?

    2. Being baptized?

    3. Taking communion?

    4. Just being a super nice person?

    Let's start from there.

  • AGuest

    The greatest of love and peace to you, dear Sacolton!

    Break it down for us. What is required to be considered a real Christian?


    1. Attending church on Sunday?

    God does not dwell in handmade temples, dear one. Therefore, there is no "church" to "go to" on Sunday. The Body of Christ IS the "church." We ARE the "temple" of God... because God dwells... in US. AND... He doesn't limit that dwelling to Sunday. For most so-called "christians," Sunday is a day of "worship" because it is the "sabbath" and 7th day of the week. For others... and for Jews... the "sabbath" starts at sundown on Saturday. NEITHER is correct, however. Christ... is LORD of the Sabbath. Thus, EVERYDAY is a "sabbath" to God.

    How so? Because the SABBATH... is the day of rest. For God, it began on HIS 7th day... the day HE rested from bringing the physical world into existence. (Genesis 2:2, 3) For ISRAEL... and thus, for TRUE christians (because we are Israel by means of SPIRIT and/or Abraham's seed)... it is day of rest, as well. From what? From OUR "works." We are to "rest" from our OWN works... EVERYDAY... if Christ is our Lord. Because, again, he IS Lord of the Sabbath.

    2. Being baptized?

    Depends on which baptism you're speaking of. If you mean John's baptism, baptism by water, not necessarily. True, if there is a body of water and the Spirit tells one to get baptized in repentance of one's sins, then one should OBEY the Spirit and be so baptized. But it is not water baptism that saves: it is baptism by FIRE... meaning, WITH HOLY SPIRIT. Because water only cleanses the flesh... and then, only temporarily so. FIRE, however, cleanses... eternally. True, BLOOD cleanses... from sin ("unless blood is poured out, NO forgiveness of sin takes place"). However, fire cleanses both the flesh AND the spirit. It is also the only thing that can destroy both.

    So, it may be that one has not been baptized with water; however, one MUST be baptized with holy spirit. There is no alternative.

    3. Taking communion?

    Taking communion does not make one a "real" christian. People in the world "take communion." Heck, some JWs "partake" which is the same thing. Taking communion (i.e., eating and drinking the emblems in symbolism of eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Christ) does not necessarily put you IN union with Christ. Judas both ate and drank (yes, dear ones, he WAS present at the first "evening meal"). However, eating and drinking IS a DEMONSTRATION... of your FAITH... IN that flesh and blood... if indeed that is why you're eating and drinking. So, it is a way to SHOW God and Christ that you HEAR... and will OBEY... even the SMALLEST of commandments.

    Contrastly, you CANNOT be in union with Christ... and thus, a christian... if you do NOT eat and drink. I mean, how can you "eat" from the Tree of Life and LIVE... and not eat from the Tree of Life?

    4. Just being a super nice person?

    Being "nice" is not a requirement. You can have love... for God, Christ, your brother, your neighbor, a stranger, your enemy... and still not be "nice." I certainly am not nice. You should see me on the freeway!! But an example would be the "Good" Samaritan. He saw his enemy, a Jew, lying in the road, someone whose own brothers literally walked over. He took the man, got him care, and paid for additional care. Now, that doesn't mean he was never impatient, never short with anyone, never caustic. What it came down to was not how he was, say, when his local pharmacist messed up the order for the forth time. No, it came down to what he did when he saw a man in dire need of help, even though that man was his enemy.

    With all of this SAID, then, the ONLY one of these the "make" one a "real" christian is baptism... i.e., anointing... i.e., a choosing... by holy spirit. Which is not something one can do for oneself. True, the lion's share of those who profess to be christian may have been CALLED... but that does not necessarily equate to having been CHOSEN.

    What puts one in line to be chosen? FAITH. Pure and simple. Nothing less. Nothing more. I "stand" here before each and every one of you and PROFESS to that choosing. I don't water it down. I don't change it to suit YOUR paradigms. I hear... and obey... him. Only. Solely. Purely. I am not afraid of what earthling man thinks of me... or can do to me. Why? Because I've seen and heard him. You would have the very same conviction were you in my shoes.

    What stands in your way? Your flesh. Purely. Solely. Simply. You want to believe that he is like us... a human... someone who looks and thinks like us. He is not and does not. But you are not willing to HEAR him... or SEE him... AS HE REALLY IS. Why? Because... you lack faith. It was the same for the Jews: they expected someone tall, strapping, handsome... to deliver them from their enemies. What was the small, weak, sickly person that actually appeared to them going to be able to do??? In their "eyes"... nothing. And their leaders saw him only as a threat... to their control over the people. And so, the two groups... rejected him. Not only rejected him... but had him put to death.

    You want be a "christian," dear Sacolton? Then start with LISTENING... and obeying. Which can only be done if you have FAITH... that God and Christ ARE (that they exist)... that they are ALIVE... and that they SPEAK. Now. Today. To you. Literally.

    Because only THEY can tell you what YOU need to do... so as to be chosen by them.

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you. May He grant YOU ears to hear, if you truly wish them... so that YOU can hear the Spirit and the Bride when they say to YOU:

    "COME! Take life's 'water'... the holy spirit of God... which spirit is poured out from the innermost parts of His SON... the One to whom ALL authority has been granted... in heaven AND on earth... FREE!"

    Again, I bid you the greatest of love and peace...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • spawn

    A "False Christian "owns a copy of the NWT Bible and not a King James.

  • donny

    I knew a guy named Craig Smith who played in a band and used the name Craig Christian as his professional name. In my mind, that makes him a false Christian.

  • pirata

    False Christians: Christians that call other Christians "False Christians".

    "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." - Matthew 7:1, NIV

  • AGuest
    False Christians: Christians that call other Christians "False Christians".

    Calling one false who is false is not judging, dear Pirata... may you have peace! One who steals is a thief. To call him a thief is not judging him. To JUDGE him because he IS a thief... is judging him. If a person consistenly drinks to the point of non-control, he/she is a drunk. To call him/her a drunk is not judging him/her. To JUDGE him/her because he/she IS a drunk... is judging.

    "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24

    But, so that you don't take MY word for it, let's look at the word "Christs" here. In the Greek text, the word was "pseudochristos"... taken from "pseudes" which means "lying, deceitful, false"... and "Christos" (or kristos) which means "anointed." False... anointed.

    IF, therefore, one has not been anointed... yet one claimes to be a "christian"... which word means "anointed person"... one is a false christian.

    Now, what is to be the outcome of such a person? That is not for anyone to say but God, through Christ. For the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, shows mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it... by means of and through the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    The man hanging on the pole next to my Lord was in fact a criminal (i.e., he had indeed committed some crime). My Lord did not say, however, "You are NOT a criminal." Nor did he say, "Who are THEY to judge YOU?" Rather, he FORGAVE the man his crime(s), whatever it was. And that is the BEAUTY of my Lord: although HE could have judged... HE did not. He forgave... although the man WAS a sinner.

    And that is why I love him... and listen to him. Because... sinner that I was and am... he still found it in his very large and merciful heart to choose me... and anoint me... with his Father's holy spirit. For no other reason than that I answered... when he called. I heard him... and rather than blowing him off... rather than dismissing his call... rather than giving credit to myself (that it was MY "conscience" that was calling)... I put FAITH in what I heard... LISTENED... and began to follow him as his voice led me. And it has led me closer to him... and closer to God... and further into ALL truth.

    Inlcuding the truth as to what constitutes a christian and, alternatively, a false one. I can't answer for others here, but I do not judge those who claim to be christian but aren't (yet - who is to say who will answer the call?). That they are or aren't is irrelevant to me. They cannot add one cubit to my lifespan nor I one cubit to theirs. The question was ASKED, however, "How Would You Definite a 'False Christian'? and so I was directed to respond. I heard my Lord say, "Tell them the truth, child, just as I told it to you," and so I did. I listened and I obeyed. I shared exactly what he told me to... regarding this subject. And I'd do it again, if he told me to.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... may you have peace!

    Regarding this subject, defining a false christian, the word of my Lord is that many confuse the term "disciple"... with "christian." "Disciples" are "students," "learners," "pupils" of the one whose teachings they follow. For instance, those who followed the teachings of John [the Baptist] were his disciples. Even the Pharisees had disciples:

    "And the disciples of John and of the Pharisees used to fast: and they come and say unto him, Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but thy disciples fast not?

    There are MANY who follow the published teachings of our Lord, many who were his disciples. Such ones were NOT, however, necessarily CHRISTIANS. Judas Iscariot was a disciple of our Lord. Yet, he was NOT a christian - he NEVER received the promised holy spirit. It is when a disciple receives holy spirit that such one becomes a "christian"... or "chosen" one.

    Thus, as is attributed to Paul:

    You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them are not Christians at all.) Romans 8:9

    You can be a disciple of Christ and be anointed; however, simply being a disciple does not make you anointed... or chosen. Because while YOU can choose to be his disciple... and thus follow him/his teachings (as those are set out in the Bible)... you CANNOT choose to be anointed (which the Bible has absolutely nothing to do with):

    "You did not choose me, but I chose you... " John 15:16

    "I chose you out of the world..." John 15:19

    "... even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world..." Ephesians 1:4

    "But we should always give thanks to God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God has chosen you...from the beginning... for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and FAITH... in the Truth." 2 Thessalonians 2:13

    In addition, simply "going with" Israel, including saying "yes" to the Law Covenant... did not in an of itself make one an Israelite. One had to ALSO be circumcised (i.e., have the flesh cut away). The same is true today - one must be "circumcised" - that is, have the flesh CUT AWAY... so that it is with the SPIRIT that one worships God.

    "A time is coming," says the LORD, "when I will call to account all those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit--" Jeremiah 9:25

    "So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: No foreigners, including those who live among the people of Israel, will enter my sanctuary if they have not been circumcised and do not love the LORD. Ezekiel 44:9

    "For we who worship God in the Spirit are the only ones who are truly circumcised. We put no confidence in human effort. Instead, we boast about what Christ Jesus has done for us." Philippians 3:3

    Unlike ancient Israel, however, this is not a procedure that can be performed with human hands; we cannot circumcise ourselves:

    "In him you were also circumcised , in the putting off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ..." Colossians 2:11

    I, SA, have shared this truth with you, just as I received it from our Lord, the Holy Spirit and Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies.

    I bid you all peace.

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • LV101

    A Guest and Stephen --- I appreciate your posts and explanations.


  • bluesapphire

    To be honest with you, I wouldn't want to be the judge.

    Besides, the word "Christian" is such a cliche'.

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