Pedophiles in your congregation??

by ziddina 56 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ziddina

    FOUND IT!!! This PDF file should help clear things up....

  • truthseekeriam

    Thanks for all the information Ziddina.

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- Your quote from the blog states in the middle of the article not highlighted in yellow by you , " It should also be pointed out that it is actually rare for a child abuser to come forward and confess his or her sins to a pastor. What happens, in the experience of most pastors, is that a child or teenager who is being abused , or another parent or family member , comes in search of assistance. "

    And therein lies a big crux of the problem ! In the witnesses - when parents or relatives report child abuse - suddenly the elders turn it into a confidential SIN , instead of a CRIMINAL felonious act of abuse which the media and news WILL report ! More care is taken to protect the privacy of the child molester than bringing him or her to criminal justice to the authorities . And the TRUMP card causing this is most religious cults don't want NEGATIVE ATTENTION spread in the media - so they hide it. Which causes MORE pain of heart to the victims and their families- because they feel like they are being victimized a SECOND time by religious pastors or elders they are supposed to trust to be there for them ( allegedly ) when suffering this ! It's a disgustingly vicious cycle which favors cult leaders and elders and pastors - yet victimizes families and abuse victims.

    One solution I think that ALL cults and religions should make mandatory is BACKGROUND checks on ANYBODY in power positions of any kind in religions. That being said- pedophiles will still skirt around it . But informing the public about how much this is going on unchecked is extremely important in my opinion

  • ziddina

    Yes, Flipper... That's in the information from the Lutheran site... I did notice that too, but decided not to hi-lite it because the Lutheran official response to such a situation seemed valid... But you're right! That response is EXTREMELY pertinent to the pedophile issue, and the way the Lutherans handle it in contrast - as you so eloquently pointed out - to the way the WTBTS "sweeps it under the rug"...

    By the way, that PDF of "Clergy-Penitent" privilege is dated 2008... If anyone knows of more recent legislation eliminating that privilege for all 50 states, please post it...


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Couldn't resist..compelled to post may find this interesting.....Prosecute The Pope by "INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT".....they are now saying sex crimes against children are "Violent Acts" against children as well as withholding facts....

  • ziddina

    Thanks, MindBlown! Can you imagine what will happen as the legal protections for 'clergy' - including JW elders/Circuit/District overseers/Bethelites/Governing Body members - dissolve???

    We may see more lawsuits filed against WTBTS yet! And the lawsuits might become even more effective at stripping away that 'veil of secrecy' surrounding the WTBTS' mis-handling of pedophiles ... Public exposure is a GOOD thing...

    Let us hope... Zid

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    You're very welcome...

    I'm rather fixed on this whole thing being I was a victim by a brother, who I'm sure has gone on to molest more JW and other Children.....someone brought out a good point. So what, I child abuser gets DF, but unleashing them to victimize other children on the planet.....

    I'm angry...because not only was I victimized by the brother but the GB by WRONG POLICIES of other matters they teach....

    This is actually funny.....a man was charged with a "hate crime" for pouring oil at back door of Kingdom Hall......but I guess the GB is in no way responsible for "Violent Acts Of Crimes" against children.....

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