JW's and home schooling?

by semelcred 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    American public schools are not bad. The problem is the range is so wide. Schools are financed for the most part by local property taxes. More affluent towns have extraordinary schools. I had a private school picked for my future children. Education is so impt to me that I would not have children until I could afford the private school. Tuition is higher than college tuition. NYC has specialized high schools. These schools are more diverse, much better academically and socially, and free. The competition is brutal, however. The kids know their parents are Manhattanites. No one wants to move to NJ.

    Inner city schools don't have enough funding and the teachers are basically out to lunch. Children fall further behind their peers with each grade they pass. My junior class was given a surprise 5th grade arithmetic test. I finished it in 3 minutes and returned. My classmates had tears. I knew these kids from the Witnesses and around town. They were bright. 75% of my class failed. They had to take a special course to graduate. The catch was that knowing the teachers, those kids would still not be able to pass a fifth grade arithmetic test. I begged for my test back to proof it.

    In English class in the college track, if you knew the name of one character in a novel, you received an A. The teacher agreed I could do leadership tasks rather than sit in class and cry from boredom. Not much has changed. I learned many things until the racial demagraphics were too skewed for the times. They said at the time that parents make the difference.

  • Paris

    Home Schooling versus Public School

    (1) Public School teachers in th US and Canada need a 4 -5 year university degree with a "teachable major" as a result, your child is exposed to teachers with specialized areas of expertise in science, math, technology, history, literature, social science.

    (2) Mothers/parents who think they are "doing a great job", may have no education let alone university and they cannot evaluate the quality of what they are doing, since unlike credentialed, licensed, teachers, who have to pass exams on their competence, home schoolers are not held to academic standards or methods. And there is noone to observe what they are doing.

    (3) Mothers/parents are limited to their own opinions, life views, and understanding of subject matter. Creating an effective lesson plan is not the same as setting up play activities and telling stories.

    (4) Schools have rooms full of computer equipment, science labs, big libraries, playing fields, continual social interaction, musical instruments and choirs, and the advantage of more than one teacher, this is a huge advantage. There are also field trips, groups discussions, group projects, where children learn to work effectively in teams. And don't forget Drama classes and school plays.

    (5) Schools encourage children to plan ahead, to investigate options, to see many points of view.

    (6) Home schooler who are also JW's have a narrow world view, where the governing body is to be obeyed and life does not require planning since the WT teaches your "real life" will only happen in the "New System".No home schooling JW is preparing their child for university.

    Be a home schooler; If you have a Master's degree, and enroll your children in many group activities, and give them music lessons, dance lessons, art lessons, skiing lessons, swimming lessons, send them to science camp, take them on field trips, set up math and science projects, and have them in the local Theater Group and involved in acting in plays. And if you yourself are knowledgable about HTML computer languages and protocals and understand how to use Adobe Creative Suite, and Animation software, and have a WACOM tablet and a pigment printer as well as art supplies and a fully stocked library with all the literary classics and history books and the latest science books, and you have lots of musical instruments and know how to teach them to play an instrument and read music, then by all means Home School.

  • Paris

    If you are living an a neighborhood with lousy schools its probably because your parents have no education or skills and you were home schooled. There are great schools everywhere. Find one and move into the district.

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